16 - Miky's Feeling

The morning was sunny but not hot enough to make Miky sweat. Miky is currently sitting under a green apple tree looking at the white-haired sheep eating their fresh grass.

His observant round eyes were always watching the flock, this morning Miky sulked and with maximum effort he managed to persuade Gidion to allow him to see the flock in the meadow near the hut where Gidion and Miky lived.

"Miky! Are you thirsty, son?" The Voice of Old Man-Hans, awakened Miky from his reverie.

"Uncle, Miky is not thirsty, Miky is fine. Hehehe." Miky said to the old man who owned the sheep he was observing.

"Well, let me know if you're tired or thirsty, or Gidion will scold me for not paying attention to you." Said Hans with his joking tone.

Miky just nodded and smiled at the old man who was hoeing and planting spinach not far from where Miky sat.

Miky drifted back into his own mind, if you ask if Miky is happy with his current life, then the answer is, yes. Yes, it's true that Miky is very happy, the freedom he has gained really makes his feel like being a fully human. Without restrictions and regulations.

But on the other side, Miky can't lie, he misses his family so much. Family is the best home. Miky is eager to return to his shortcomings. It's not that he doesn't like living with Gidion and Sarah, and the good people in this place.

"Hide from me and Max! Or I'll kill Max when you lose your hideout ..." Bram's words are still deeply imprinted in Miky's memory.

Miky is so scared when Bram or Max will finds his, Miky doesn't want Bram to hurt his twin brother Max. Then if it's like that, can I tell you if Miky sacrificed all this time for Max's life and safety?

In another case, Miky certainly did not forget his mother, Marie. He knows Marie is still lying in a coma, and that fact makes Miky cry in his heart every night and when he is alone and dissolved in his daydreams.

"Max, Mommy, Daddy, do you still miss Miky?" Miky murmured wistfully as he saw a flock of sheep who were very happy with their families.

"Miky missed you guys," Miky added again.

When Miky is dissolved in his daydream, Gidion suddenly comes and surprises Miky.


"Oh, my god! Ion, you surprised Miky!" upset Miky who was surprised.

"Hahahaha, oke sorry for it. By the way, you're dreamy and sad," said Gidion who had taken a seat right next to Miky.

"Here's a drink, a sweet guava juice for you," said Gidon by giving a pink guava juice in a glass with an iron straw to Miky.

Miky received the juice and drank it directly, he did not answer What Gidion had asked him.

"Hey ... let's answer, what's wrong?" Gidion asked again, in this time the handsome young man framed Miky's face. Looking clearly at Miky's eyeballs that look hazel Brown, hiding the true beauty of the heterochromia eye color that Miky has.

Miky shook his head, he couldn't reveal if he missed his family so much. Miky was afraid that Gidion would be mistaken and thought that if Miky was unhappy living with Gidion, hhe shouldn't. Even the freedom and also everything Miky got today, are all thanks to Gidion.

Miky is very familiar with Gidion, since they are small to those who are now starting to grow up, Miky certainly understand Gidion has changed a lot.

"Ion, Miky is just a little sad," said Miky, who now laid his head on Gidion's thigh. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the breeze and the rubbing of Gidion's hands in his light brown hair due to the hair dye.

"What makes you sad? Tell me Miky, I'll try to erase that sadness of yours." Gidion said so softly.

"What Ion can do if Miky tell this sadness?" Miky asked and he immediately opened his eyes and saw Gidion who looked very beautiful since he got older.

Miky becomes curious, Gidion is this handsome, then what about Max's appearance? Miky believes Max must be much better looking.

"Max ..." Miky said unconsciously while looking at Gidion.

"Max?" The look on Gidion's face instantly changed. He didn't think Miky was still thinking about his crazy brother.

"Ah? No, I mean Ion! Ion is very handsome," said Miky.

Gidion did not respond, he continued to stroke Miky's hair.

Miky who realized that it seemed that Gidion was a little upset with what Miky said just now, immediately took Gidion's hand playing with his hair.

"Ion get angry?" Miky asked quietly.

Gidion shook his head briefly,"No."

"But why did Ion's face become hard like this? Where is ion's dimple smile?" Miky poked Gidion's cheek.

Ah? Haven't I told you yet? Gidion has such a beautiful dimple on his right cheek. A very beautiful dimples when the owner smiles sincerely. Honestly, it was Miky's favorite part on Gidion's face.

"Miky ..." Finally Gidion showed his smile again. He won't be angry with Miky for long. Miky seems to have the magical power to make anyone fall on her charm.

"If like this, the dimples are visible, Ion is much better if Ion smiles."

"Because without a smile Ion reminds Miky to Max." Miky continued inside.

Gidion laughed wider and wider, he pinched Miky's cheek softly, then rubbed it smoothly.

"I'm going to the city again, in this time, do you want to come with me?" Gidion asked, who suddenly made Miky sparkle and get excited.

"Sure! Miky's coming with Ion!" Miky replied by directly hugging Gidion's body happily .

"I will bring you to eat at a good restaurant, and shop at a big mall. I just got paid from the Landlord in the southern village yesterday." said Gidion who was very happy when he saw Miky enthusiastic and excited again.

"Wow! Really?!" ask Miky for sure.

"Have I ever lied to you?" ask Gidion again.

"Hehehe, Ion never lied to Miky!"

"Thank you, Ion." Miky said with a big smile.

"This way you'll at least forget Max and your crazy family for a moment Miky," Gidion said.



"Brother Max?! Let's take a break, why did you go straight around to Norway? Norway is vast!" Arabell said when they arrived at the hotel, and Max was ready to explore this beautiful country.

"Shut up and don't follow my business!" said Max who immediately left Arabell.

"Huft ..." complained Arabell.

"Miss Ara ..." A subtle swipe landed on Arabella's shoulder.

"You have to rest, you're tired, right? Come on," said Lia. Yeah, Lia come with Arabell and Max.

How could Lia come along?

Hahaha. Of course she can, because Arabella allowed her.

"Thank you for coming with us, Lia." Arabell said wearily and dropped his head on Lia's shoulder.

"How can I refuse? You didn't give me a choice." Lia replied that made Arabella chuckle.

"Let's go in and rest." Arabell took Lia's hand and brought her in.