17 - They Meet

Max is tired, indeed he will always feel this fatigue on his way to find Miky. It's not easy, but Max is very ambitious if he and Miky can meet again.

Max enlists the help of some elite people in Norway, as well as some Intel agents to investigate Miky's whereabouts in the country. Since Miky disappeared when he was five years old, while thirteen was a very long time, the time could have changed his physique a lot.

"But the marked I given to you will never erased, it is permanent, and definitely eternal." murmured Max with his demonic smile. Sometimes Max feels grateful, he leaves his mark on Miky's body, so it will not be difficult to recognize his Miky.



Currently Max is calming his mind that is always chaotic, he sits pensive in a large cafe with a luxurious interior while enjoying a cup of black coffee without sugar that is still puffing smoke.

Max observed a fairly crowded city streets, but not as crowded in New York or Korea. Max has already traveled around the country, so don't be surprised if he knows a lot about other countries.

Max's eyes sharpened, and his chest seemed to beat out of place.

In front of him Max observed a young man with brown hair and white, pale white skin with a contrasting hue.

"That white young boy ..." murmured Max.

"The same color with hue as yours, Miky ... " inner Max.

Max could not stand still, Max moved from his bench, he approached a young white boy, who pulled his attention very far away.

"Maybe it's you, brother? Brother Miky?" asked Max who was still walking with stiff steps approaching the young boy who was looking at the kitten on the edge of the pastry shop.

But unfortunately, Max had not yet arrived at the place of the White young boy, another boy came and immediately carried the White young boy and took him away.

"Kiky! What did I say? Wait for me there. You're very wayward, aren't you?!" Max could hear the Tan-skinned boy scolding the white young boy.

"His Name Is Kiky?" inner Max.


Gidion codes Miky to keep quiet, or they'll get caught by Max.

"How is Max here?!" Gidion's inner his self, feels threatened.

"Come on, let's go to the next place. Ah! No, let's go back to the village." The tan-skinned young boy, who turned out to be Gidion quickly passed from there.

In his heart Gidion was grateful that he had dyed Miky's hair and put it on contact lenses. And he was also very grateful that Max, did not recognize them at all.


Yes, Gidion knows what Max looks like, he knows what Max is like right now, and luckily Max doesn't recognize them at all.

Max who was silent in his place felt a new feeling, " who is he?" ask Max who still sees the White young boy who has moved away and is no longer seen.

"Kiky, I'll remember that name." said Max and then he left.



Max's mind became more and more unsettled at this time. Wht the young boy that Max seen always guide Max if he is Miky?

"Shit!" Max hitting the wall.

Max can't be mistaken, right? Max knows, the feeling when he saw the young boy, the same feeling when he saw his brother ... Miky.

Max is absolutely sure, but he cannot believe this one hundred percent yet. He has to investigate all this. Soon!

"Brother Miky has a very beautiful silver hair, and heterochromia eyes. Maybe what I saw was brother?" Max is not very sure, but the figure of the young boy in white was very interesting.

"But could he disguise everything? Maybe you're hiding from me?" ask Max who is still thinking about the many possibilities that could happen.

"I'll get you soon, I know you're in this country, and I think I've found you." said Max who is now smiling very slyly.



In another place, Gidion and Miky are sitting together, they enjoying a large bucket of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

Gidion, who noticed how Miky ate the sweet and cold food, was so happy to be relieved, to be honest, Gidion was very scared earlier. He is afraid that Max will force Miky who he already claims to be his.

What's wrong with that? If Max can claim Miky to be his thirteen years ago, then Gidion should be able to too.

Let's say Gidion already has a new obsession for Miky, he starts to get interested and even really wants Miky just for him a. An obsession that is not much different from Max's obsession. Ah! Isn't it interesting when Miky is contested between two authoritarian people who have severe obsessive traits?

"Miky, you're making me so anxious and worried, what if some bad guy kidnapped you?!" Miky was a little surprised when he heard Gidion, who was always friendly to him, now spoke with a high and deep tone and a look on his face filled with anger. Even Miky to stop eating his ice cream and subdue.

"Sorry Ion, Miky saw this little cat, he was alone, so Miky took it and Miky wanted to accompany him, Ion, you know? Being alone wouldn't be fun." Miky's speech is very innocent for a young teenager who will enter adulthood in the near future.


Gidion closed his eyes, and then he hugged Miky's body that was shorter than him, a tight hug that was very comfortable for Miky.

A hug that reminds Miky of his twin brother, Max.

"Max, Miky miss Max so much." Miky's mind, he closed his eyes and imagined that the person holding his at the time was Max.

Miky is not a sneaky or hypocritical person who uses Gidion as an outlet for his longing for Max.

Miky just does it all spontaneously. Miky misses Max, and now there is only Gidion accompanying him. As strong and as big as Miky tries to forget Max, then everything will be in vain, because even every night when everyone falls asleep in his dreams, Miky will cry while biting his blanket, he cries for his deep longing for Max, and also his parents.

'Is Max's hug still as comfortable as it used to be? Will Max hug Miky someday?' Miky's mind is wistfully thinking about Max.

"Alright, now we should go back to the village, you've got that ice cream, right? So we better go home now. You know I'm a little afraid to bring you here, this crowded city is not too safe for you Miky. Thank God I'm very good at disguising your striking appearance," said Gidion, he put Miky's hand he held in the bag of his coat, then they both go back to their village, with Miky who carries the little white cat in his hand.

'I'm going to be a bad guy this time, Miky.' Gidion's mind was still observing Miky before him .

'If one day Max comes back and he takes you away from me, then I won't give up on getting you back.' It was Gidion's mind that began to show its obsessive and authoritarian nature.