18 - Small Village

Max is currently enjoying the beauty of the Blue Sea, that displays from the large windows of his hotel room.

Kristiansand is the fifth largest city in Norway, a city that has shopping centers and exotic sea views.

Max was wondering if by sipping wine in his glass, he said about Miky, Miky who has grown up, "Brother Miky, I really want to meet you, are you fell the same too?" asked Max.

His mind recalled the brown-haired young man with such white skin that Max thought that he was Miky, " will you be as beautiful as him? I met a young man who has very white skin, I love the touch of hue on his skin, it feels the same as your skin, besides his shady and glazed eyes remind me of you, brother," murmured Max.

"You will definitely be as beautiful as that boy, or even more beautiful, with your silver hair and heterochromia eyeballs."

Max chose to sit back in the chair near the big window. By really enjoying, Max sipping the taste of red wine that is so funny, maybe later, when Max has found Miky, then Miky who will be an opium for Max.



"Daddy," Max saw the name of the caller who dialed Max's number, he did not want to talk to his father. He chose to immediately turn off his cell phone.

Max is back in his fantasies and daydreams, you know daydreaming is what I like the most, at least I can do whatever I want in my imagination right? I don't have to pay attention to them and all the noise that keeps haunting my eyes, I hate that noise, I feel like every word they say is to distance myself, to make me look like a loser who can't do anything. But you know what? I always make them all suffer and even cry in my imagination.

Sorry, Am I talking too far? I think so. Let's talk about Max.

"I'll find out soon about that young man," Max now opens his laptop, he makes a hologram call with someone.

This hologram call has now been connected, someone who has appeared before Max in the form of a hologram began to greet Max degan very politely. "Welcome to Norway, Mr. Max," she said respectfully.

"Hmn," Max really doesn't like small talk.

"I'm sorry I couldn't welcome you, because I was running some business these few days," said the woman.

"Its Okay Lannie," said Max.

"What brings you to this beautiful country Max? Do you want to find a new toy or do you want to find something here?" Lannie asked with a smile that seemed to mock Max.

"Your second option is correct," Max said without shaking.

"Ah, I'm really smart, is it still the same thing? Something worthwhile with such a beautiful look?" ask Lannie, who really knows what Max is looking for.

"I think he's in this country, I just feel like he must be in here, this time I'm going to look carefully," Max said.

"Hmn, that's very good," Lannie said.

"I need help from you, help me to track the population data in some cities," Max said with a serious look.

"You know there are many cities in Nor -"

"I'll pay you five times as much as usual, but I want that document in one week, can you afford it?"ask Max who is not afraid to offer a high price.

"Woah, are you getting richer, Sir?" Lannie laughs.

"Alright, I'll do everything you want, but what if before one week and I've been able to get all the documents?" That question sounds very sneaky.

"I'll pay you whatever you want," Max said without much thought.

Oh Gosh! Is Max crazy?! What if Lannie asked for the price of Max's entire fortune? It won't be funny when Max gets Miky but then he has nothing. Relax, Max is the rich among the richest. Money is just a dry leaf that falls off at any moment for him.

"Very interesting Sir, I love it!" said Lannie with enthusiasm.

"Well, I'll think about what I want in return, you just have to grant it later." said Lannie with great confidence.

"Wait for your goods within a hundred hours from now Mr. Max." The sly smile was again seen.


The hologram call was decided one-sided by Lannie, Max smiled slyly afterwards, "money can buy everything, and I'm so sure I'll get you back, brother Miky."

"And after that we will be with brother, I will not let you go from me, I want to have you for myself!" said Max with a very strong determination.



Now two days Max is in the fifth largest city in Norway, Max knows very well the weather and air here is very fitting for Miky conditions, Max is currently visiting a village that produces fleece and wine wine with world quality.

Max wants the best quality wine, then he'll get it right? While waiting for the data that Lannie is looking for l, Max drives alone to a small village that looks very comfortable and pleasant.

"Welcome Sir, I got word that someone wine lover will come to us today." said an old man, Joe.

"Yes, I came for your good quality wine." Max said by wearing his sunglasses, hiding his red eyes so sharp.

"Alright, let's follow me, we'll head to the wine cellar." Joe said kindly.

Max follows the old man, but his eyes and hearing are blown by the figure of the young man he met yesterday in front of the bakery.

"Little Sheep! slow down, you're running all the time!"

"Little Sheep! I'm gonna chasing you!" The Voice of the young man sounded very clear and soft in Max's hearing .

"Sir?"Joe noticed Max who stopped and looked at Miky who was playing with the flock.

"Who is he?" ask Max without looking at Joe.

Joe laughs lightly, Miky is a special attraction for this village. Lots of visitors or wine customers come here and fascinated by the sweet boy.

"He's one of the lads in our village, he's very cheerful and innocent," replied Joe, who gratefully didn't mention his name was Miky.

"What's his name?" ask Max again.

"Name? His name is-"

"Uncle Joe!" Joe's words were cut off because Gidion came to them with a breath of hunting.

"Some people want to buy your wine, I don't know the price they ask for but the amount is small." said Gidion who occasionally glanced at Max.

"Thankfully, uncle hasn't told Max Miky's name." inner Gidion relieved.

"Ah? Really?" The panicked Joe looked at Max.

"Mr. Max, you can go with him, he will take you to the wine cellar." said Joe and then he walked quickly to solve his wine problem.


Gidion knows Max is looking at Miky playing sheep in front of him. But it won't last long, Gidion soon breaks Max's daydreams.

"Mr. Max? Let's go to the wine cellar." said Gidion.

"What is the name of the young man?" Max's question is the same.

"Her name is Kiky, he's my brother." said Gidion.

Max immediately looked towards Gidion. "Are you kidding me? You guys don't look alike." said Max.

"He's my adopted brother." added Gidion.

Max is silent, he wants to go to the young man, why today Max feels that Kiky is the person he is looking for, Miky. Despite the color of the hair and eyes, they are very different.

"Come on, Sir," said Gidion. Finally Max follows Gidion.

"I want to meet this young man. After seeing the wine, take me to him." Max orders Gidion.

"Okay, Sir." Gidion said very softly.

"Damn it! How did he come here?! I can't let him find Miky. No!" Gidion's mind is restless .

On the way Max asked again, "who are you?"

"I Am, Lioner." Gidion replied disguising his name.