19 - Little Sheep

"Little Sheep, Ahahaha. You guys are running funny!"

"Little Sheep come here, I'm tired!"

Miky had been playing with her own world. He was playing with the sheep, did you know a few minutes ago Gidion met him.

"Miky, listen to me. From now on Don't call yourself Miky, and if anyone asks you what your name is, answer if your name is Kiky. Got it?"

That was Gidion's message to Miky earlier, so Miky will obey him.

While Miky was sitting under an apple tree, a dashing young man with a fancy after came and sat himself beside Miky.

Miky who was still unaware of the presence of the foreign youth finally began to feel because the scent of luxurious and masculine perfume entered his nose.

"Eh? Who are you? Ah! You're the one visiting for Uncle Joe's wine?"Miky looked at the young man with his big eyes .


"Miky," the inner young man who is none other than Max.

"Look in his eyes, are you Miky?"ask Max.

"Your Name Is Kiky?"ask Max, who was still wearing his glasses.

"Eung? Yeah, Kiky, that's my name."Miky replied by covering up her awkwardness.

Is this what Gidion meant? This guy? "Who is this?"Miky's mind that is still observing strangers in luxurious clothes and fragrant body is very pungent.

"Max?"Miky's mind guessed doubtfully.

"I'm Max,"


"Max?!"beo Miky with a little surprised.

"What's wrong? Do you recognize my name?"ask Max who is now bringing his body closer to Miky.

Miky felt her heart beat strongly. "What Is Max? Did Max find Miky?!"Miky's inner fear.

Is the person in Miky's presence right now her twin sister? Thirteen years is long enough to make Miky no longer recognize Max.

"Ahaha," Max chuckled. She knows that if Miky blushes with shame for her actions, she also normalizes the distance between them again.

Know this, Max is not too sure if the person in front of him is Miky.

"There's no tattoo I made, no sign of my ownership there."Max's mind after that he confirmed Miky's neck level.

"You look like someone I miss so much."Max looked up at the sky.

He put his head to sleep on Miky's thigh, every now and then the sharp eyes covered in glasses stared at Miky's white face.

"Very similar," Max began to raise his hand and play Miky's still bright brown hair bangs.

"Right! He's Max!"inner Miky shouted.

She misses her twin sister a lot, but Max can't tell if she's Miky.

"Max, Miky miss Max!"inner Miky.

Either because of his sadness or longing for Max, Miky shed tears and fell right on Max's face.

"Are you crying?"ask Max who is now touching Miky's face.

From Down There Max could see a deep longing there.

"What's wrong?"Max continued again, now Max got up and sat facing Miky.

"Kiky," Max gently touched Miky's shoulder covered in a pastel green sweater.

"I'm fine, there was a little dust coming in here."Miky said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Do not wipe."Max caught Miky's hand for him to hold, and then he brought his face back to Miky's face.

"Let me blow it,"

Miky can feel the fresh wind blowing his eyes, "Max," Miky membatin and it feels like he wants to cry by hugging his sister.

But... Miky can't.

For the same stupid reason.

"If you wipe your eyes, your eyes can turn red."said Max after completion of his activities.

Miky nodded, he lowered his head again and stroked the baby sheep that he had caught before Max's arrival.

Miky doesn't know what to do.

Miky never expected to meet Max this time.

Miky never expected that Max would grow up so good, handsome, and also tall.

Miky never knew that Max didn't recognize her.

It was a bit of a disappointment when Miky found out that Max didn't recognize her, but Miky just recognized her sister.

"I came to buy wine in this village."said Max.

"Uncle Joe's wine is indeed very high quality, many come to buy it."Miky said without looking at Max.

"That's right."Max again put his head to sleep on Miky's thigh.

"Huh?"Miky was shocked when Max unwittingly put himself to bed there.

"I'm tired, I'm driving alone from town to village," said Max, who had closed his eyes.

Miky can clearly see what Max's face looks like. Miky's hand moves reflexively to open the glasses that cover Max's eyes.

"What's wrong?"


Miky's eyes are perfectly rounded, she is shocked when Max opens her eyes when Miky takes off Max's glasses.

"Do you like the color of my eyes?"ask Max who is still looking at Miky.

Miky is still speechless. The red eyes were still the same as before, even sharper. More intoxicating.

"Max," Miky's inner cry.

"I have an older brother, he has a much more beautiful eye color than this. Unfortunately I can no longer see her beautiful eyes."the story of Max.

"My brother disappeared, he went a long way to nowhere. You know thirteen years I've always been looking for her."Max spoke in his sad tone.

"Hey, are you dreamy?"May waved her hand in front of Miky's face.

"Miky is in front of you Max, it's Miky."Miky's mind wistfully.

"Ah? Sorry..."Miky said quietly.

"I'm sorry if I act like this to you, I just feel like you look like him, do you mind? If so, I will-"

"No!"spontaneously Miky cut a long sentence Max.

"I know that feeling, I also experience it."said Miky.

Max smiled. "Really? Is your story the same as mine?"asked Max.

Miky just nodded slightly, her hands reflexively caressing Max's dense and healthy hair.

"I haven't seen him in a long time, but when we met he didn't recognize me."Miky said with a look filled with sadness.

"Really? He wouldn't really love you like that."joked Max who closed his eyes because he enjoyed the soft touch in his hair.

Max did not see how sad expression Miky let out. "What's like that? But I love him so much."said Miky who looked at Max's face.

"But on the other hand I'm happy, he doesn't recognize me."

"Why can it be so?"asked Max.

"I was just afraid that when he found me, then his life would be threatened. You know I've been hiding from him all this time, to keep him alive."said Miky. The real story, but unfortunately a thousand dear, Max did not catch all Miky's long sentences just now.

"What if he found you? What if he's around you. Very close, " Max again opened his eyes.
