Breakfast With Love

Michael and I didn't mention what happened at the party in the days that followed.

To avoid further conflict with the King, Michael brought me to an independent residence near the palace.

This was not part of the palace, nor was it an office space assigned to the King. Instead, it was Michael's private territory. It might not be as big as the palace, but no matter how big it was, it didn't belong to us. Here, I had absolute freedom.

I got up from the bed and found that the spot next to me was empty.

This made me feel a little down. I looked forward to seeing Michael as the first person I saw every day when I woke up. It allowed me to start the day in a good mood.

The current situation was that if I didn't see Michael for an entire day, I'd go crazy.

But I couldn't see Michael every morning. There was no other way.