A New Date

Michael did what he promised me. When he went out to work, he always brought me along and let me stay by his side.

However, after I followed him a few times, I decided to give him some space to work.

I didn't want to bring more trouble to Michael. On the one hand, if I were to be in the palace with him, it would be inevitable that I would run into the King. I was sure that the King disapproved of my relationship with Michael. My frequent appearance would only increase the unnecessary arguments between the father and son.

On the other hand, if Michael and I were to appear in the same place, Michael would inevitably be distracted by me. I was Michael's mate. I believed my existence was to help him, not to be his stumbling block.

But this would make me want to spend more time with Michael.

I'd tried to make myself seem less clingy, but it wasn't easy.