In love

"Hi Debbi, I want to tell you something" Damien's voice echoed from the other side of the phone "what do you want to tell me?" Debbi asked, curiosity taking over

"Just come over to my place please" Damien pleaded "alright I would be there" Debbi agreed

She hang up the call and quickly went to the bathroom, she was excited about seeing Damien, whatever he has to tell her, she bet it was his feelings for her. She could not choose a dress as she felt like they were not good enough for her

Finally, she wore a red fitting gown which perfectly outlined her hips, the vee neck was so deep that it showed her cleavages. She then put on heavy makeup like she was going for a beauty pageant.

Her smile was so broad that one could note her happiness. "Where are you going, young lady?" Her mother asked as she turned to look at her

"Mom, I am eighteen, I can go anywhere I want to" Debbi stated "that did not answer my question" Lilian continued

"Fine mom, I am going to meet Damien, he asked me to come over" she replied, her mother took her time to look at her from head to toe "seriously?" Her gaze was questioning

"Yes mom, so if you do not mind, I am off to see my best friend" Debbi was gradually leaving

"Best friend or crush? Which of them?" Lilian's question made Debbi freeze "what did I say something wrong?" Lilian asked

"Mom, how many times would I make it clear, that we are just friends" Debbi blurted out "alright I agree" Lilian gave up on the argument.

Debbi was grateful that her mother did not press the situation further, she was never going to admit it until he tells her first. She then took a cab to his house.

The drive from her house to his was just a twenty minutes drive, the cab pulled up in front of his huge mansion. She paid the driver his money and then went into the house.

Since she was a known visitor, there was no need for her to face security, she remembered the first day she came here, how the security officials interrogated her like she was a criminal.

She emerged through the front door and was shocked, the sitting room was decorated with 'I love you' settings, her heart was filled with happiness and joy as she slowly took in the decoration

"Like it?" Damien's voice filled the air "nice decoration Damien, I mean it is beautiful" Debbi complimented "I know" Damien replied dropping his glass of wine which he had been sipping on the table

"Sit Debbi" Damien offered her a seat "what about your parents?" Debbi asked "they are out of town" Damien replied "so what is the thing you wanted to badly tell me," Debbi asked, hoping he would start to tell her his feelings for her

"Come on Debbi, it is not yet time, do not worry, it is a surprise, for the meantime make yourself at home," Damien said "I would be inside" Damien added before going in.

Debbi felt happiness in her heart, she had never felt this happy in her entire life, she smiled at how long she and Damien had been friends and finally, he was going to reveal his feelings for her, joy and happiness took over her emotions. Damien was finally going to be a boyfriend.

Debbi was still lost in her world of fantasy when two young ladies emerged, she glanced at them and at once recognized them

There was no other than Aimee and Anita, the twins in their college, they were all in the same grade and friends

"Aimee and Anita, nice to see you girls here" Debbi welcomed them "nice to see you too" Aimee reciprocated her greetings while Anita was still amazed by the decoration

"What brings you here?" Debbi asked "Damien asked us to come over" they replied simultaneously "oh" was the short reply that Debbi could form

'Why would Damien ask them to come over?' Debbi got herself thinking while the twins were parading themselves around the living room

"Look who we got here" Lucas' voice filled the air, he was Damien's close friend, he was walking beside Damien.

"Hi Lucas" Anita waved at him and he smiled back at her "Debbi" Lucas hugged her and she hugged him back "nice! You came?" Lucas asked

"Of course, she has to come" Damien chipped in "okay, what is going on and why did you invite all of us?" Debbi asked, she could no longer hide her curiosity

"Okay, before Debbi kills me with her curiosity, let us all take a seat" Damien instructed and everyone sat

Damien stood in front of everyone as he began "I called you guys here because I wanted to tell you something very important" he paused and scanned their faces

"I am in love with the best person in the entire world and I want to let the person know about my feelings" he paused again, Debbi's face was already burning red

"I love this person for quite a long time now and I did not know how to tell her, she had been my backbone and my very good friend" he paused

Debbi was so excited, wait for it! She would soon be Damien's girlfriend

"That person is Aimee" the bombshell dropped, all the colour on Debbi's face drained as she looked at Damien, disbelief flushing all her features

Aimee stood up and walked up to Damien who was grinning like a kid at her "I want you to be my girlfriend Aimee" he asked and she nodded in approval before going in for a kiss

Debbi's world seemed to have come to a halt, what? Are you kidding her? No! This cannot be true, tears were forcing their way out of her eyes. Damien was hers and no one else, she had feelings for him since she was a kid and here he was asking a random girl out,

she closed her eyes to prevent the tears from falling, "I am so happy for the both of you" she complimented "I knew you would be" Damien said hugging her as well

"This calls for a celebration" Lucas said going for the wine, Debbi knew she could not stay here anymore, if not… she did not want to think of it. She had to think of a way to leave her without raising suspicion.