
Damien scratched the back of his head, not knowing how to begin, he did not know how to make Aimee understand everything that just happened

"Aimee, please just go home, I would explain everything to you afterwards" Damien pleaded

"I should go home, Damien?" Aimee snorted "what is up between you and Debbi?" Aimee shot at him

"Nothing!" Damien was quick to reply, "I would never have anything to do with Debbi" he added

"What is she doing here?" Aimee fired "can't you see that her family is here as well, my mom invited them over for a family dinner to celebrate our graduation" Damien replied calmly

"Why would your mother invite her family? Is she not aware that both of you are not on good terms?" Aimee asked, fire burning in her eyes

"No!" Damien exclaimed, why can she not understand that he was telling her the truth

"My mom loves to see us; me and Debbi together, she just wants us to be together and I have never seen such excitement in her eyes this evening when Debbi pretended to be on good terms with me, I could not just break her, even if I want to tell her that we are no longer friends it would not be this evening, I can not afford to kill the vibe" Damien explained

Aimee let out a heavy breath, staring at Damien, "I see" were the only words she could form before she tried to leave

"Do you not think it is late for you to be outside?" Damien asked "what do you want me to do? I can not stay at your house, your mom has a bad impression of me already and with Debbi in that house, I do not think I can survive

"My mom would accept you if you apologize to her besides later in future, I would introduce you to her as my girlfriend so you have to create that good relationship with her and as for Debbi, she is not that stupid not to know her boundaries, she has a lot of egos, so come on let us go in" Damien reassured her

Aimee was left with no option rather than to follow Damien into the house. Everyone's gaze landed on them the moment they stepped in "Can she stay over? It is late for her to go home" Damien stated

"Why did she even come here at this time of the night in the first place? Did she not know that it would be late for her to leave her house to someone's house at this time of the night? Can't she wait for the next morning before she visits? Young lady the same way you came here, I need you to leave here" Mrs Parker ordered

Aimee knew that instant that she and Mrs Parker can never get along, she seemed to hate her from the start

"Came down Parker, they are teenagers and tend to do stupid things without thinking it through, Debbi is sometimes like that, one minute they act reasonably the next they act stupid" Lilian interfered

"Mother, Aimee is my friend and I think Damien made her angry that was why she came over, you know we girls always have a hard time controlling our emotions, when we become emotional we tend to act irresponsibly" Debbi added and God knew that it took everything inside Aimee to keep calm

"I am sincerely sorry for my attitude ma'am, I promise to make amends" Aimee apologized immediately

"I forgiving because of my beautiful daughter in law to be, she just saved your ass" Mrs Parker hissed at the end of her statement.

Aimee staggered backwards, did she hear well? Did Mrs Parker say, daughter-in-law, to be? Or maybe she was hearing double

She glanced at Damien who had an apologetic look on his face and then Debbi who seemed to not even care about what Mrs Parker just said

"Take a seat Aimee, feel at home" Debbi offered, 'one day this home would be hours permanently' she added internally and she felt pain clutching her heart.

"I am off to bed" Debbi uttered when the pain became unbearable to her, she need fresh air, she needed to ease herself, many things have been affecting her lately

"Damien why don't you show her your room, the both of you can sleep together tonight" Mrs Parker suggested

Aimee rolled her eyes to heaven, what was happening? Why does she have this feeling that Mrs Parker is somehow making Debbi and Damien get closer, for crying out loud, Damien is her boyfriend and not Debbi's. Her grip on Damien hardened and Damien became aware of the internal pain she was passing through

"Mom!" Damien yelled "mother, just show me to a visitor's room, I would be fine," Debbi said

"Sorry honey but you have to share a room with Damien, as you can see we have a lot of guests tonight" Mrs Parker lied and it was obvious to everyone, how could they be out of rooms? They had numerous rooms.

"Fine, I would sleep in Damien's room" Debbi agreed while Aimee glared at her. Damien did not say a word as the both of them went to his room.

"I hope you both are cool?" Debbi asked but got no reply from Damien, he opened the door to his room and the place came to view.

"I know you are happy now that you have my mom by your side" Damien stated "no I am not, this pretence is getting me tired" she yawned and pressed her temples

"I am sorry if I have caused problems between you and Aimee but you know it is not entirely my fault but that of your mom, make peace with her, please. And…" she trailed off

"And what?" Damien asked "please do not spread false rumours like you always do Damien, for the sake of old times" she pleaded, she had a hard time dealing with rumours

"I know you hate me, no! You despise me but I can not stop myself from loving you Damien, I just want to…" the effects of sleep were working on her as she was confessing

She was tired of keeping all her emotions to herself, even if he did not reciprocate the feelings, he was still going to let him know what she felt for him

"I loved you, love you and would always love you, even if you do not love me too, I had always thought you were mine but I was wrong, you know it is hard having one-sided love, you care for the person but the person does not even give a damn about you. I have been keeping this to myself for the past few months, I tried to hate you but I just could not, everyone wants us together but you don't and I can't force you to do what you do not want to, all in all, I am sorry for wasting your time with my feelings. In the end, you were not mine" Debbi confessed, releasing all the emotions in her like a dam that collapsed

"Debbi, I do not love you" those words echoed in her ear and it only brought pain to her "I know" she muttered under her breath

"Why did you, why were you acting as if you loved me? Or did you love for me die?" Debbi suddenly asked, he gave her green lights and here he was claiming that he does not love her, his response made her whole world come crashing

"No I never loved you, not even for a second, I only did what I did because I wanted to hurt you at the end, I knew you had feelings for me that is why I kept on giving the signs that I too have feelings for you. I only did that so that I can watch you break into pieces, I only liked you when I was little, then growing up I noticed that you were not in my league, then I decided to play you. In one word Debbi, I hated you since we entered college"