Fire for fire

The whole seemed to come to a halt after Debbi heard Damien's cruel words, she least expected it, the tears that she had been trying to keep at bay, rushed down her face like a flowing river.

"Damien? Is all you said true? Tell me you are lying" she asked, her voice cracked from too many emotions

"It is true Debbi. Do you know what I want? I want you to walk out of my life and never return, I need you to stop hovering around me, I need you to stay far away from me as possible, that is what I need Debbi! You are not my spec" he ended the statement with a hiss

Debbi's heart was shredded into pieces, how would she be able to gather those pieces and arrange them, even if she does, it would never be perfect. Damien had left a huge scar in her life permanently.

Hearing his words right now made her widen her eyes, this was not the Damien she knew, Damien was long gone. This was not him

"Is that what you want?" Debbi asked, wiping off her tears with her right hand, she had to stay strong.

"Yes" his answer came out as a rumbled sound "that is what you want" Debbi repeated shaking her head in total disbelief

"Fine! I would not just walk out of your life but I would leave the country, go very far away from you and not just that, I would erase everything that would cause you to remember me, after today, I would never step into your life again, I promise you. it is a goodbye for life Damien" Debbi stated, though she tried to stay strong, her inner mind was in chaos.

Damien nodded his head in agreement with what she just said, they stared into each other's eyes before Damien departed from his room in search of his girlfriend

Debbi broke down, she thought that Damien still cared for her, she thought that she still had a chance even if it is a little bit, but he crashed all those hopes she had in her.

His words reverberated in her ears, and a lone tear escaped her left eye, it was a tear that carried a lot of emotions, just a tear but it was filled with lots of broken feelings.

Where had she gone wrong? What did she do to deserve this? Was she the only one who had a one-sided love?

Debbi did not know what to say or think anymore, why hadn't she seen this coming? She was too busy crushing on him that she did not notice the warning signals he sent to her.

Even if she noticed it, she would not take it seriously, she was too in love with him that whatever he does what right.

The air around the room suddenly became suffocating, she was grateful for the balcony that she made her way to.

The moon shone to its fullest and the stars filled the sky, it was a beautiful sight to behold, nature is beautiful. The world at large is beautiful, but why is not beautiful to her? Why was it showing her the odds of life only? Can't the universe grant her just one wish?

Her mother usually says that every disappointment is a blessing in disguise but she could not see the meaning of those words, how would her broken relationship with Damien be a blessing to her? Only if she could foresee her life! She would be grateful that Damien rejected her

"Hello Steph" Debbi called immediately Steph picked up her call

"Debbi! You sound so sad" Steph was fast to reply, since the few months she had spent with Debbi, she had never sounded this broken

"I am broken Steph, all my walls are crumbling, I can not stand this anymore…" Debbi broke down in tears

"Debbi does not cry, are you crying because of Damien? If he is the reason you are crying then you should know he does not worth it. Deborah, never cry for a guy" Steph reprimanded

"This is not an ordinary guy Steph! This guy has been my childhood friend, if anything, I want my best friend back, that is not Damien!" Debbi added

"Debbi sometimes you need to let go, sometimes it is better to just let things be, do not fight for closure. You might not see it today or tomorrow but you would look back in a few years and be perplexed and awed about how every little thing added up and brought you somewhere wonderful, you would be grateful that things did not work out the way you wanted it to" Steph advised, her friend was hurt.

"Stop crying!" Steph ordered and Debbi just closed her eyes, breathing in the fresh air, she was going to need Stephanie's advice,

"You know what Steph? I would never be that flower picked up for my beauty and left to die, I would be wild, difficult and impossible to find nor forget" Debbi gave some advice, she would never cry again because of Damien. She was done with Damien.

"Thanks, Steph, talking to you eased me" Debbi was grateful she had a friend like Steph

"Anything for a friend, do not cry anymore, okay?" Steph asked "yes, I won't" Debbi stated before hanging up the call.

She walked back into Damien's room, he was not in so she just sat on his bed thinking about the events that just occurred. Damien would never get another opportunity in her life again, even if he came back as a priest, she would never forgive him.

Damien walked in and found Debbi sitting on his bed, she was not crying, she looked so sad and broken even though she tried to mask her emotion, it was clear to him that she was having a hard time wrapping her around what happened

"Use the couch" Damien ordered as he got into the bed "excuse me?" Debbi was in shock

"The last time I checked this was my room and house and not yours, so you be sleeping on the couch" Damien glared at her

"I would not be sleeping on the couch ever!" Debbi exclaimed as she climbed off the bed, to leave his room.

"Where are you going?! Damien was forced to ask her when he saw her advancing for the door

"To tell your mom everything" there was a mischievous glint in her eyes, get ready Damien, she would be working out of his life soon, so in the meantime, it is fire for fire!