Rid of her


Damien left the room with too many emotions attacking him all at once, he hurt Debbi, and he made her cry.

To be honest, even if he acted as though he does not care for her, there was still a part of his heart that cares for her, and he still had a little bit of remorse in him.

He had asked her to live his life so that he would be able to forget everything about her and right the wrongs but why those he has this feeling that he had made the worst mistake of his life?

He was doing everything according to Aimee's plan, she did not like Debbi so she asked Damien to do away with her.

Did he make the right decision asking Debbi to leave his life and never return? it seemed like he was losing a part of himself.

He stopped at the entrance of the visitor's room where Aimee had chosen to spend her night.

He knocked but got no response, he then barged into the room. Aimee was standing by the window, backing him, she seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

"Aimee" he called out softly, she whipped around to view him "Damien! What exactly is going on?" Aimee asked

"The thing is that we were playing a pretence game and it led to our parents thinking we are together" Damien replied

"When are you getting rid of her?" Aimee asked, irritation all over her face

"Done that already, I asked her to leave my life and never return, She agreed, I know Debbi she would never back out of her promise?" Damien said sadly

"That is good then, but why do I get this feeling you are sad?" Aimee asked, scanning his face with her eyes

"I am fine, why would I be sad about asking Debbi to leave my life, she has caused more harm than good in my life" Damien knew he was lying, Debbi never caused him harm.

He masked his emotions returning his gaze to Aimee, who bent in and kissed him on his lip

"Thank you for doing what is right" she cupped his face, "I always knew you would never disappoint me, I love you" she added

"I love you too" Damien replied but he did not know if he sincerely meant those words "goodnight," he told her and left but not without pecking her forehead.

The moment Damien was out of sight, Aimee let out a sarcastic laugh, Damien is stupid! She has been with numerous guys and does he think he would be the last? She was using him like a puppet and when she gets what she wants, she would dump him but she knew she could not do it when Debbi is still in his life.

Debbi down! Mrs Parker next

She did not like that home right from the time she saw her, she was too sensitive for her liking, and with her around she might not be able to succeed, what did she do to her?

[A/N: maybe you can ask Damien to ask his mother to leave his life just like you did to Debbi]

Though it was dark, he still went to the garden, he felt like he has made the worst decision ever, still thinking, he concluded that anything that makes Aimee happy, makes him happy as well

Back to the present

Debbi could see the fear that was evident on his face. "Don't Debbi!" It was more of a plea than an order

"We can share the bed" he added lastly which made Debbi smile, she climbed on the bed and darkness consumed her

By the time she woke up the next day, it was already 9:30 am, she was shocked she slept this long, looking beside her she did not find Damien anywhere in the room

She swiftly got off the bed and washed her face in the bathroom before leaving Damien's room, this was a final goodbye

"Debbi you are awake" Mrs Parker engulfed her in a mini hug "good morning mother" she greeted, her eyes searching for Damien

"Is it Damien you are looking for? He is in the garden, you know that is his favourite place" Mrs Parker stated making Debbi nod her head in agreement.

"Damien" she called out breathlessly, his gaze rested on her and for some moment he knew they would either quarrel or she would cry but she shocked him

She engulfed him in a warm hug, at first Damien was lost for words but after some time he hugged her back

"You know, it is not everything on earth that happens the way we want them, the universe must have different plans for us, maybe that is the reason why we did not end up together, but whatever reason it is, I would never forget you, Damien, even if I walk out your life, you made my childhood very memorable, one that is impossible to forget. Thank you Damien for all those years" she whispered in his ears still in their embrace

"I always wanted to tell you these three words Damien, I love you" she let it out, she did know which was more painful, saying those words to him when she knew he would never say it back or she was telling him when she was about to walk out of his life.

"Goodbye" she muttered and broke their embrace but before she could even turn and leave, he dragged her back to him.

"I love you Debbi" he whispered into her ears causing Debbi's eyes to widen in shock

Did Damien just tell her he loved her? She must be dreaming! Damien told her he loves her!

But why is he telling her now? Where exactly has she gone wrong? Is Damien been manipulated?