New era

Debbi found herself in a taxi, heading home, her mom and siblings had left already.

She leaned on the car's window, her mind flashing back to what transpired between her and Damien.

A lone tear escaped her eyes as his sweetly deep voice reverberated in her ears

"I love you too Debbi" those words were the only thing she could hear

As much as she tried to forget about him, it seems too impossible, she can not let go of Damien, he was her everything.

Why does he have to say those words now? Why now when she was leaving his life for good? Was he giving her hope? She swore that she would not have high hopes only for them to be crashed.

She did not utter a word as the slow music of the car played, it was like as if the driver understood her predicament and played a slow heartbreaking song.

"We are here," the driver said jolting her out of her reverie, "sorry" she muttered then paid him before alighting the taxi.

She cleaned her face thoroughly, hoping her mom was not home, the last thing she wants was for her mom to question her about why she was crying

Fortunately for her, everyone had left for work leaving her in their apartment. She freshened up before making tea for herself. She brought out her phone and texted Steph

Debbi: Hi Steph, are you free?

Instantly Steph replied

Steph: yes I am, any problem?

Debbi: Damien told me he loves me this morning before I left his house

Steph: and what did you tell him?

Debbi: nothing, I might go crazy Steph, this is just too much for me to comprehend

Steph: listen to me very carefully, stop asking if he loves you because even if he does it is not enough. It is not enough to fix things, it is not enough to make amends, not enough to fight for you, not enough to matter. If he truly loves you, he would be here proving it. Sometimes all we want is answers but answers would never stop the pain. You need to stop overthinking

Debbi: Steph, I understand your perspective, but, Damien is my childhood friend, I spent thirteen years of my life with him, we hang around each other and act like no one can tear us apart. All she said above is true but it is easier said than done

Steph: I never said it was easy, you have to learn to let go, let go of people when they become irrelevant in your life, when they cause you nothing but pain, stop loving someone who does not love you. Learn to love yourself and you would see that love is sweet, even if you and Damien are meant to be together, someday you would meet each other

Debbi: thank you Steph for your time, I appreciate

Steph:anything for a friend, be yourself and the right person would like the real you, much love from me

Their chat ended and Debbi sighed, what a world? Now she had to start putting herself together for a better tomorrow

The earlier the better, she lackadaisically stood up and got an exercise book and pen where she would write down her next line of action. Her life has changed so has her plans

Step 1: leave the states and go stay with dad in London

Step 2: get a job at a book firm and work there

Step 3: start up her book firm, both online and offline

These first three would do, for now, she did not include falling in love because she was one hundred per cent sure that no guy can sway her.

[A/N: let us wait and see Debbi, are you sure you are not going to love?]

With her plans laid out, she would discuss them with her mother before leaving the states. She was going to start a new life there, this time around a much better life

She looked at her plans and nodded her head in approval, it was time for her to go explore, time for her to forget everything about Damien, only if she knew that Damien would come back for her, that Damien would be such a pain in her ass in future.

She was going to live her life to the fullest without thinking about what others would say, besides it had been a long that she had been caring for other people's opinions, no wonder philosophers say that 'you would never go far if you care what others think about you'

It was a new era for her and she would utilize the opportunity, smiling she jumped to her feet, a sudden feeling of happiness and urge to discover more clouded her.

London here she comes.

Later that evening

"Welcome home mom" Debbi greeted her mother who emerged from the front door "good evening bro" she greeted her brothers as well, ushering them in

"How was your day?" Lilian asked "fine mom and yours?" Debbi asked

"Stressful" her mother replied tiredly as she walked to her room. "Mom, I have something I want to discuss with you" Debbi followed her to her room

"Let me freshen up first! Debbi, do you have any idea that you disturb a lot?" Her mother asked causing Debbi to chuckle

After Lilian finished taking her bath, she headed for Debbi's room. Trevor and Franklin were already there eating the ordered pizza

"Debbi, you said you wanted to talk with me?" Lilian asked sitting on the bed beside her but not without taking a slice of pizza

"Yes mom, I wanted to discuss with you my ambition" Debbi started "And what about it?" Lilian asked

"I want to leave the states, to London precisely where I can achieve my goal" her statement seemed to have made Lilian freeze

"You want to go to London? Why exactly?" Lilian asked, Debbi was confused, she was not good at lying, what would she tell her mother?

"She needs space and time to get what she is aiming for, and I think I support the idea of her leaving the states even if it is going to hurt me, seeing my baby sister leave" Trevor came to her rescue