Leaving for London

She needs space and time to get what she is aiming for, and I think I support the idea of her leaving the states even if it is going to hurt me, seeing my baby sister leave" Trevor came to her rescue

Debbi was grateful for her brother rescuing her from her mother questioning her. Silence reigned in the room for more than about ten minutes.

"Do you want to leave the states?" Lilian asked, a sad look on her pretty face

"Yes mom, I would be grateful if you allow me to leave for London" Debbi was pleading

"Fine, I agree, you can go to London, but do not hesitate to tell me when you have a change of mind" Lilian stated, she did not accept the fact her daughter was about to leave for London but Debbi was eighteen, a young adult who was matured enough to make decisions for herself, she (Lilian) did not want to be a barrier for her daughter.

"Thank you so much mom, I am grateful," Debbi said happily, hugging her mom, her brothers also hugged her and they were happy for her.

They all ate and discussed in Debbi's room until Lilian brought up a sensitive topic, and that was about Damien.

"Do you mean it when you said you would marry Damien?" Lilian asked, her eyes glittering with some happy emotions

Debbi froze. She least expected it, she was having a good time with her family and forgot totally about Damien but when her mother brought up the topic, she felt like the ground should open and swallow her. No! She does not want her mom questioning her about Damien

Her mother would make it if she was an interviewer, she really knew how to question someone to get certain information, and even without responding she already knew the answer to her question, she was the kind of woman who reads people's behaviour perfectly. So lying became very hard for Debbi because anytime she lies, her mother would always fish out the truth

"Mom, can we please not discuss that" Debbi pleaded, she rubbed her two palms, indicating the sign 'please'

A long silence reigned and Debbi hoped she dropped the conversation else she would be doomed except if her brother rescue her

"Why?" Her mother suddenly asked and Debbi sighed in defeat, her mom was her mom and there was no change about that.

Debbi looked to her brothers for help, but they looked reluctant about the issue, if anything they wanted to get to hear her response to their mother's questions. Damn her brothers! Who said they would always be on her side? Just because they are curious, they would allow their mother to question her.

"Mom, there is much to love than mere friendship, even being his best friend, I know the advantages and disadvantages, yet I kept on pushing. Love is a strong word to use and in most cases a fairy tale. Marriage is built on love and when there is no love, there is no trust and when there is no trust there is no peace" Debbi said

"But don't you love him?" Lilian's question made Debbi freeze

"I have always corrected that impression about my friendship with Damien, he is my best friend and not my lover, we are just friends!" Debbi yelled the lost part louder than usual

"Then why did you agree to marry him when you feel nothing for him?" Lilian asked

"Because I do not want to disappoint Mrs Parker" Debbi lied, no wait! It was not entirely a lie, she also said that because she did not want to hurt Mrs Parker

"Seriously?" Lilian asked, "Which one do you think hurts more, giving her no hope or giving her high hopes only for it to be crushed?" Lilian asked, irritated

Debbi did not reply, she knew that one day, their parents would know about their little… Did she say little? Their big feud, but she was not ready for any of their parents' drama.

"And come to think of Damien, why does he think? Or say about the marriages?" Lilian asked again making Debbi swallow hard

"Mom I am tired, I want to sleep, it is late," Franklin said, yawning! "Can we continue this discussion tomorrow, we need sleep" Trevor added, faking a yawn

"I am tired to mom, it has been a long day, tomorrow is another day, we can continue from where we stopped" Debbi added noticing what her brothers were trying to do, distracting their mom.

"Aren't you tired mom, ave stressed out yourself mom, and it looks like you are getting some wrinkles day by day, mom you seriously need some days off?" Trevor said sincerely, his mother looked so worn out and stressed out.

"You are right kids, it is late, sorry for being a bad mother" Lilian quickly apologized, before kissing Debbi on her forehead and using the blanket to cover her up, Lilian put off the lights before She left, alongside her two sons, who also retired to their rooms.

Debbi sat up after confirming that her mother had gone, she quickly texted her brothers a thank you message and then texted Steph as they were both online

Debbi: guess what?

Steph: what?

Debbi: I am leaving for London

Steph: Are you serious? Seems like we are destined for each other

Debbi: huh? What exactly are you talking about

Steph: I was about to tell you that I am leaving for London as well!