Ever busy man

"Take good care of yourself Debbi, also, remember to call me when you arrive in London" Lilian hugged her daughter for the nth time since they arrived at the airport.

"Thank you mom, you are one in a million," Debbi told her as she hugged her.

"Take care of yourself Steph, your mother entrusted you into my hands, you guys should take care of each other and do not hesitate to call me when there is a problem, okay?" Lilian asked as she hugged Steph this time around.

Steph nodded her head in agreement and just then they announced that the travellers should board the plane

"Bye bro" Debbi hugged her brothers for the last time, "remember to call me" Trevor reminded her and she only nodded.

Debbi and Steph bidded their family goodbye before boarding the plane. It was going to be an all-night journey, so they made themselves comfortable.

"Are you excited?" Steph asked as she could not contain her excitement

"Yes, I am, who would not be excited about going to a new country?" Debbi asked, a smile on her face.

Their plane took off, "bye bye to the states! London here I come" Debbi stated earning a chuckle from Steph.

"Announcement! Announcement! The plane is about to land!" Those words echoing from the plane attendant woke the sleeping Debbi and Steph up, they yawned and stretched. The plane attendant announced that the plane was about to land again, making their eyes widen.

They were in London! They had arrived! Happiness like no other filled them.

Charles was in his Toyota Venza Jeep, waiting for his daughter's plane to land, he had been pre-informed by his wife that her plane would land in the early hours so he made time from his busy schedule to welcome his daughter to London.

His phone rang and it was his daughter calling, "Hello daddy! I am at the airport" Debbi happily announced

"I am there as well, I am still in the car at the parking lot, come out so that I can see you" Charles instructed her as he looked everywhere, but there were too many people at the airport

"Dad I can see you! We are coming towards your direction, do not move!" Debbi yelled over the phone

"We?" Charles was momentarily confused, she was the only one he was picking at the airport, why did she say we? Is someone coming along with her?

Before he could process what was going on, a pair of arms wrapped him firmly from behind, he turned to see who was that

It was his daughter, his Debbi! He engulfed her in a long warm hug, a bone-crushing hug. No one can blame them, it had been years since they last saw each other, and thanks to her father's tight schedule, he hardly visits them.

"Dadddyyyy!" Debbi called out in joy, neither of them broke away from the hug. Debbi looked like a kid who won a lottery, she was so excited to see her dad for the first time in ten years!

Finally, their never-ending hug came to an end, Charles took in his daughter's features, she had grown so big over the years, and his wife did a good job taking care of her.

"Dad, meet my close friend, Steph, she would be staying with me…us" Debbi introduced Steph to her father

"Nice to meet you Steph?" Charles knew the name did not sound well in his mouth and Steph understood what he meant

"It is Stephanie, Steph is just the short form" Steph explained and all Charles said was an 'oh'

He collected their luggage from them and put it inside the Jeep's booth. They settled in the car before they drove off.

The drive from the airport to Charles' home was one far distance, but no one noticed because they were all chatting and discussing life.

Steph was surprised at the way Debbi's father included her in the discussion, not even minding she was a stranger, he treated her like his own daughter, and she did not even feel the absence of her parents that much. All they did in the car was crack jokes, laugh and discuss.

Finally, Charles arrived home, his house was located on an estate that was owned by his boss. Everyone working for his boss got an apartment in the estate from their boss, it was one of the free allowances associated with working with The Clair Enterprise

Charles' home was not like all these big mansions that were owned by rich people, but it was sizable and moderate for a family.

It was a bungalow which had a sitting room, a kitchen and a total of five rooms.

"Welcome to my home" Charles ushered them in "you have a beautiful place" Steph complimented as she walked into the sitting room

The sitting room was a mixture of black and white. The couches were black with stripes of white, it was arranged in a rectangular order, the huge silver chandelier was hung in the centre of the ceiling, and the black and white wallpaper added to the beauty of the sitting room.

"You have a wonderful place dad" Debbi admired his house, Charles only smiled before saying

"You guys should freshen up, I am already late to work, there is food in the kitchen, make yourself comfortable" Charles stated before leaving.

Debbi shook her head, her father was an ever-busy man.