Striking resemblance

For the first time in many years, Yvonne experienced a shocking event, why would such a young girl be the replica of her?

Bella entered her office as soon as Debbi left, her boss also noticed the striking resemblance between her and Deborah

"Do you think she is your daughter?" Bella asked causing Yvonne to shake her head in disapproval

"She is a young girl and my daughter is in her mid-forties since she gave birth to her in my late twenties, that girl can not be my daughter, you know that they may be planet twins and universe look alike," Yvonne said but deep down she knew she had to investigate on the young girl

"You are right ma'am, you looked stressed out, are you sure you would be able to continue the interview?" Bella asked

"The interview has ended, tell the rest to go home!" Yvonne ordered and Bella's eyes almost popped out of their socket

"What?! Do you know the amount of hard work those people out there have put in just to be employed here? And you just send them away? Do you even know that there are PHD holders and Master's degree holders who have not been interviewed yet?" Bella could not help but ask

"I am the CEO of this book firm and I do what I want and come to think of it, how come such a great number of people applied for the job when it was just three days to apply?" Yvonne asked

"Everyone wants to work with the great Lynch Novels, everyone wants to make good use of an opportunity" Bella replied earning a chuckle from Yvonne, her company was the second best in the entire country and was among the top ten in the world.

"Who are you planning on giving the job to?" Bella asked

"The last two girls, I love their genuineness and the last person is your choice to make" Yvonne replied and Bella's almost screamed if not she covered her mouth

"Madam Yvonne! Did you even take a look at their cv? They just graduated from college! They do not even have working experience!" Bella yelled

"I know and that is why I want to give them the best working experience ever!" Yvonne added with a smile

"Madam Yvonne! Are you aware that among those who applied for the job, there are PHD holders? Like masters in English and literature and even linguistics?" Bella asked shocked to the core

"I know yet I am not interested in them!" Yvonne replied causing Bella to shake her head in disbelief

"You are kidding right?" Bella asked and Yvonne nodded in disapproval

"You can't employ them!" Bella sounded firm

"The last time I checked, I am the CEO and the boss of this organization! And you are my employee, despite the fact you are my very loyal servant, I would not hesitate to fire you or demote you if you begin to cross your boundaries. I do not know why you humans always misuse the opportunity given to you. I allowed you one of your choices then those two girls yet you are not satisfied telling me who I should employ or not" Although Yvonne said it calmly, Bella knew the threat behind those words, she simply apologized before leaving her office.

As instructed, Bella asked all those who had not been interviewed that their services were not needed and some wanted to cause a scene there, Bella could not blame them, even herself would be riled up if they told her such arrant nonsense.

Bella also awarded the jobs to the girls and she picked a man to be the third person, of course, the girls were overwhelmed and extremely happy that they got the job.

They were asked to resume work the following week as their new posts would be announced to them that day.


"I am so happy yay!" Steph squeaked as she gave Debbi a bone-crushing hug, they were on their way back home

"Me too, I am over-excited about our next adventure!" Debbi added as the duo discussed still ome.

After eating and refreshing themselves, Steph began

"Debbi, do you notice that you look exactly like that CEO?"

"I noticed I had the same features as her but I do not think I have any connections with her, dad is an orphan and mom never talks about her parents, it is as good as I do not have any grandparents, maybe it is just the universe playing games" Debbi replied

"But… it is like they just photocopied everything about her and put it in you!" Steph could not help but say

"I know, the striking resemblance is much but I do not think I have any connections with her, and she just kept on asking me about heritage, she even asked me to write something and then she realized I was left left-handed replied

"It is a good thing we got the job, what post do you think you would get?" Steph asked

"I do not know, being her assistant is quite stressful and being the head of the editorial team is a lot of work, maybe a mere editor would work out for me," Debbi said, the posts available were that of the PA, head of the editorial team and an editor.

"I think I would also be comfortable being a normal editor" Steph added, little did they know that a lot awaits them.

"Let us go prepare dinner for dad, remember we have to announce the good news to him," Debbi said and the girls happily went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Let's say that Debbi did the whole talking and Steph did the whole cooking, Debbi hated cooking with a passion so she just kept Steph's company in the kitchen, talking about high school and college.

Steph on her own tried her best to avoid any discussion about Damien but Debbi shocked her when she talked about Damien like she did not care about him anymore. She was happy that her friend had finally gotten over him. This was the beginning of another adventure.

Charles arrived late in the night and the girls announced to him that they got the job, he was shocked that the girls got the job simultaneously, nevertheless, he was happy.

They jubilated and enjoyed themselves before retiring to bed. Tomorrow is another day

A lot awaits them!