Job interview 2

"Next on the line is Stephanie White" the receptionist announced, the interview had long begun and about fifty people were already interviewed.

The interview was quick and snappy, yet the interviewer still had about seventy people to interview.

Steph held Debbi's hand as she stood up, she heaved deeply and muttered a silent prayer in her heart. Her first job interview! She was very nervous!

"This way" Bella p, the receptionist led her to the CEO's office to be interviewed. The door opened and it gave a view of an extremely large office. There was a woman who seemed to be in her late sixties sitting on the office chair. There were two standing air conditioners at each end of the office and that made the room very cold. A seventy-two-inch television was opposite the old lady and the sofas were arranged in a rectangular pattern.

"You must be Stephanie White" the elderly woman looked at Steph through her medicated glasses

"Good day, ma'am" Steph quickly greeted and composed herself before approaching the old woman.

"You look young" the elderly woman stated, this was the youngest she had interviewed so far

"Yes ma'am, I am just nineteen" Steph replied

"I see, and your accent is different from the British, are you from the United States of America?" The elderly woman asked in the British accent

"Yes ma'am, I am from the states" Steph replied nervously

"It is obvious, so Stephanie, why do you want this job so much?" The CEO asked

"I love reading and writing, it gives me joy and peace of mind, it like it is my destiny and it just makes me happy" Steph replied, she did not know what else to tell her

"So you are not applying for this job because of its pay?" The woman asked, kind of surprised at the girl's choice of words

"I am not really in dire need of money, I just love doing what makes me happy" Steph shrugged adding to the woman's surprise

"You have one good reason, reading and writing are not meant for money but for the joy, happiness and peace of mind one gets" the woman added

"Alright Stephanie White, you may take your leave," the woman said to Steph's surprise, she had expected a long questioning session but this was all she asked.

Steph stood up and left but not without appreciating her. Immediately after she left, Bella came in, though the woman did not notice Bella's presence.

Bella stared at her boss with concern all over her face, this woman was over-stressing herself, she had the whole money in the world yet she lacks peace of mind, she has a lot of pressures coming from all angles. The shareholders who were asking her to produce an heir or heiress, her assistant who duped her two months ago and the contract with Sunflower Books.

Her boss pressed her temples, and as evidence of headache, she stretched and laid her head on her office table. Today is stressful for her.

"Madam Yvonne" Bella's voice echoed in front of her, Yvonne looked up at her and one could see the pain in Yvonne's eyes, she was thinking too much

"Are you sure you can continue with the interview?" Bella asked

"Yes I can, I just need ten minutes to rest" came Yvonne's reply

"You are thinking right?" Bella was not asking, she was stating

"Bella… I do not know what to do, I have looked for my daughter all over London, yet no clue of her" Yvonne said sadly

"You would find her, it is just a matter of time" Bella encouraged, she felt her boss' pain

"Get me coffee, you know my taste" Yvonne ordered and Bella left to get her order

Soon Bella was back with her coffee and she watched her boss gulp it down, in just one drink. "Next person" Yvonne uttered and Bella understood what she meant

When Steph came out, she hurriedly went over to Debbi and rested her head on her shoulders to receive comfort, her mind was beating loudly. Debbi let her be, she knew she was very anxious so was she.

After a long silence between the girls, Debbi opened her mouth to talk but before she could say a word the receptionist announced she was not the next to be interviewed.

Debbi could not help but wonder while the receptionist kept on staring at her in such an awkward manner, 'had they met before?' Debbi asked herself but she did not remember meeting with the receptionist.

Just then she was led into the CEO's office,

"Deborah Alexander, right?" Yvonne asked without taking her gaze off her laptop

"Yes ma'am" Debbi replied instantaneously

Yvonne looked up and was shocked to the core, 'who was she? And why was she looking like the exact copy of her?' Yvonne asked herself. The black hair, the pointed nose! the emerald green eyes! The dimples! The sexy pink lips!

This was how Yvonne looked when she was young and even looks now, could it be her long-lost daughter? No! Her daughter is meant to be old and married and not as young as the young lady before her

"Ma'am" Debbi called out and her voice sounded like hers

"Sit dear" Yvonne anxiously said as she could not tear her gaze off Debbi

"Write something!" Yvonne ordered and Debbi was momentarily confused

"Write what ma'am?" Debbi asked looking at the woman keenly

"Just write anything, Take the pen!" She ordered and Debbi confusingly collected the pen from her and wrote 'I love you on the blank paper

"You are… y…ou are… left-handed!" Yvonne exclaimed causing more confusion for Debbi

"Who are you?" Yvonne asked

"I am Deborah Alexander, the daughter of Alexander's family, I lived in the states with my mom before moving here to stay with my dad, also I just graduated from college" Debbi replied

Yvonne let out a shaky breath before looking at the young girl before her, she must be overthinking things, her desperation to find her daughter was taking her toll on her

"Why do you want this job?" Yvonne managed to ask

"Because I have an obsession for books" Debbi replied freely and Yvonne liked that about her

"You must be a bookworm then" Yvonne added before taking a look at her cv and nodding her head in approval

"You may take your leave Miss Deborah," Yvonne said with a smile and Debbi did well to return the smile before she departed.

A/N: remember that Debbi is the only one with black hair in her family? What do you think about Yvonne and Debbi? Leave your comments and reviews