Heir or heiress

Debbi got scared after answering Yvonne's call, had she done something wrong?. She kept telling herself to calm down until she got to her boss' office.

"What took you so long?" Yvonne asked, her gaze still fixed on her laptop

"I am sorry ma'am, it is just that…"

"Save that explanation for yourself" Yvonne interjected, "we would be having a meeting with the shareholders and board of directors at Newsound Hotel sharply ten am" Yvonne finally looked at Debbi

"As my assistant, you should be the one informing me about this meeting and not the other way round" Yvonne's voice sounded deadly

"I am sorry ma'am" Debbi quickly apologized

"Meet Bella, she has my schedule for the week, every important meeting must be arranged in that schedule. You are making my schedule for me from next week, which means I am handing you over the responsibility of my schedule. Do not disappoint me" Yvonne said more calmly now

"I won't ma'am" Debbi replied

"Good to hear, you may take your leave and get ready before ten, I do not want anyone keeping me waiting" Yvonne added and with this Debbi left her office.

Debbi went to Bella as instructed by her boss, she told Bella what the boss said and Bella gave Debbi the boss' schedule.

"Geez!" Debbi muttered in her office, her boss' schedule was tight, and as her assistant, she would be there with her, twenty-four hours, seven!

By ten am, Debbi was ready to leave, this was her first meeting with her boss and she was super excited about it. She stood outside by the car waiting for her boss.

"You seem to be punctual, I love that in any employee" Yvonne complimented

"Thank you, ma'am" Debbi appreciated before they got into the vehicle that led them to the hotel.

The hotel was one big one, Debbi followed Yvonne who made her way to the hotel's hall. Upon her arrival, every single soul in the room stood up and greeted her.

All the people in the hall were men, all dressed in black suit and a white long sleeve shirt and red tie, it was as if it was their uniform.

Debbi felt intimidated seeing all those men of different ages in the hall, not even a single female apart from her and her boss, but the way her boss carried herself showed her that there was nothing to be afraid of, she was indeed their superior!

Yvonne's eyes scanned the entire hall, all of them were in attendance. Yvonne's mean face got the board of directors and shareholders thinking about what they had done wrong but the truth is told, Yvonne was scared on the inside, she knew the reason for today's meeting and that was an heir or heiress to the business.

Yvonne was a kind of woman who never showed her weak side to anyone, not even her parents, that was how her father raised her. Yvonne was eight when her mother died of leukaemia (blood cancer) and her father refused to remarry, he then took it as a responsibility to train her to become the perfect woman for the company, he taught her that no matter the situation, you should never show an ounce of fear because when people know that you are afraid, then they would make use of that opportunity.

Yvonne grew up with that mindset, and ever since then, she had been practising it. Her father died of a heart attack when the news was relayed to him that his only daughter was pregnant to a married man. At first, she thought he collapsed but when he was rushed to the hospital, the doctors confirmed him dead.

She was deeply sorry for letting her father down, it was not entirely her fault that she was pregnant with a married man, the man deceived her into thinking that he was single and willing to marry her. After her delivery, her so-called boyfriend took away her daughter and filed a restriction letter for her never to come to see her daughter.

Yvonne heaved deeply, she did not want to think about those painful memories, at least not now when she was in front of the board of directors and shareholders.

Yvonne walked to the end of the hall where a seat was reserved for her at the head of the extremely large table, she made herself comfortable in the office chair.

"Sit Deborah" Yvonne whispered to Debbi to sit. Debbi obeyed silently.

"You may all sit" Yvonne ordered as she opened her laptop

"Seems you got a new assistant and she looks a lot like you," one of the men said

"So what is the agenda of today's meeting?" Yvonne asked completely ignoring the man who spoke

"Madam Yvonne, you know why were are here, you have been a good boss and CEO of the company ever since your father passed away, you have led the company to greater heights and it is a thing of joy knowing that we are the second best in the entire country" another man stated

"So where is this all leading to?" Yvonne pretended to be oblivious to what they are saying

"What we are saying is that we need an heir or heiress to the company, we do not pray for bad things but if you die now, who would the company be given to?" A fair man asked

"I said, I am in search of my daughter, well the search proves to be futile, I know that I would find her," Yvonne said

"How long are we going to hope on this imaginary daughter of yours, you keep claiming to have? It is high time we dealt with the issue!" Another man roared earning a glare from Yvonne

"My daughter is not imaginary, and this should be the first and last time you insult my daughter before me" though Yvonne's voice was calm, one could note the hint of danger in it.

"What we are trying to say is to hand your company over to someone capable, then continue with your search, we would all pray you to find her, but in case you mistakenly die, we would be able to hand the company to whoever you gave it to" a man suggested

"I am not handing the company to anyone apart from my daughter, I also think it is time we drop this issue, any more complaints?" Yvonne asked

"Madam Yvonne, I promised your father something in his sick bed, and that is to protect his company, we can't let you continue to talk about this daughter of yours who we don't know if she exists!" The first man said and that seemed to have angered Yvonne

"I can see that you all are here to torment me, but I Yvonne Lynch would never let that happen, my daughter is not imaginary and she exists! I am done with this meeting. If any of you don't have anything reasonable to say then this meeting is over" Yvonne roared

"No, it isn't! This issue is reasonable! We need an heir or heiress!" Another man thundered

"An heir or heiress right? Just give me six months and I would produce my daughter but if I don't produce her I would give the company to whoever you suggest, what do you think about it?" Yvonne asked

"Six months is way too far!"

"I think we should give her the time, let her search for her daughter!"

"Six months it is then, with that being settled, I would take my leave!" Yvonne announced as she signalled Debbi to get up and that was how the meeting ended

"I have to find my daughter in the next six months, where would I begin?" Yvonne asked herself but it was loud enough for Debbi to hear

"You would find her ma'am" Debbi reassured her

"Thank you" Yvonne managed to mutter. Where would she begin?