
The driver drove the boss and Debbi back to the company after the meeting. All while long the drive was quiet and boring.

Yvonne was not herself after the meeting, she needed a break from all this, how would she start searching for her daughter? Many questions filled her head as she pressed her temples due to the slight headache she was feeling.

The driver pulled up in front of the company and opened the door for Yvonne to alight while Debbi came down herself.

"Cancel all my appointments for today and reschedule them for another day" Yvonne ordered and Debbi nodded in agreement, she could see her boss was stressed out. Yvonne heaved deeply and went into her office, Debbi did the same as well.

The day finally came to an end and everyone parted ways. Debbi and Steph arrived home and discussed their first day at work. They were happy and grateful for a beautiful day.

A few weeks later

Steph and Debbi had gotten their apartment and cars thanks to their boss; Yvonne, who gave them free accommodation, which was to ease the stress of coming from a very far distance. Charles' home was far from their workplace.

The cars were for easy movement, since they had top positions in the company and they did very well in their position, Yvonne decided to award them cars. One could note the happiness in the girls when they were given their cars.

It was a bright Wednesday morning, the girls were getting ready for work. Dressed in their signature outfits, they left for work.

The loud thud of a vehicle hitting another vehicle echoed loudly, Steph quickly packed her Toyota Corolla by the road to come to check who hit her car.

Anger like no other filled her, who dared hit her new car?

Debbi also alighted from the passenger seat and tried to stop Steph from causing a commotion in the area

"Did you see what you did to my car? Did you?" Steph yelled loudly because her car was badly damaged.

"I am sorry, I think the mechanical engineer can fix this" the man apologized instantly

"Think?" Steph snorted "this car is brand new and you dare hit it!" Steph yelled

"It is an accident Steph, please calm down" Debbi pleaded

"Can you hear yourself speak Debbi? I should calm down huh?" Steph fired

"Listen to me Mr man, I do not know how you are going to fix this but just do it!" Steph continued, her anger was uncontrollable, the damage to her car was nothing to write home about!

Suddenly, the back door of the Jeep which hit her car opened, revealing two handsome Adonis

Steph and Debbi gasped at the sight of these two good-looking men, they were clad in a black tuxedo which outlined their broad shoulders and their toned abs. It took all the self-control in the girls for them not to drool or stare.

"What is happening here?" One of them asked, his shades perfectly covering his eyes, adding to his beauty

"Sir, I hit her car by mistake and she is ranting that I must fix it," the man who Steph had been exchanging words with earlier said

"Is that all?" The same man asked again

"Yes sir" he replied

"Fine, here is a sum of five thousand dollars, use it to fix the car" the man handed Steph the money immediately after he brought it out from his briefcase

Steph swallowed deep, she did not have the nerves to collect the money, and she suddenly felt guilty.

"No I can not collect it I am sorry" Steph apologized

"But you were ranting not quite long, you said he must fix your car, I am his boss and I am responsible for his actions, so take the money, you look hungry," the man said with heavy sarcasm

Steph and Debbi's eyes widened at the man's statement, did he just say that they look hungry?

"It is obvious, no wonder you were ranting so that you can get money to feed yourself, so take it" he added

"Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are? Just because your driver hit my friend's car and she became upset and started ranting, that is why you are saying she is hungry?" Debbi yelled, she lost it

Steph collected the money and threw the money right in his face. "Do not ever try this in your entire life!" Steph yelled at his face and then turned to leave.

The second man was amazed by what the girls did, well he could not blame them because he knew that his brother was arrogant.

"Clinton, I think it is high time we left" his elder brother who had been silent throughout his conversation with the girls, said

Clinton smirked before turning to view the driver who was already fidgeting because he knew that master Clinton would not spare him for this one.

"After today's drive, you are fired," Clinton told him blankly

"Sir please you can not fire me, I do not have any other job to do" the driver pleaded but the young man was not listening.

Steph arrived at work with a mean face, her colleagues kept wondering what made Steph like that, it was unlike her to have a mean face on, the Steph everyone knew was jovial and loved to play and smile a lot.

Debbi reported to Yvonne's office that morning, it was her duty to report to her office every morning to inform her about her schedule for the day

"Good morning ma'am" Debbi greeted the moment she stepped into Yvonne's office

"Good morning Debbi, how are you doing?" Yvonne asked her with a smile, the two had established a coexisting relationship.

"I am fine ma'am, and you?" Debbi asked

"What else do you expect from this old woman?" Yvonne asked earning a chuckle from Debbi

"Is there progress in the search for your daughter?" Debbi knew she was bringing up a sensitive topic but she decided to ask

Yvonne heaved deeply, she looked at Debbi before she smiled, a bitter one, "still proves futile" Yvonne replied

"We would find her" Debbi reassured her and Yvonne only smiled

"Ma'am, today you would be having a meeting with the Sunflower Books today at 9 am sharp, that is all for today" Debbi stated.

"Looks like I have a free schedule today. Alright, remember to tell the head of the editorial team that she would be tagging along, the meeting is not going to be easy, to get a contract with Sunflower Books is tough so we have to do our best" Yvonne added and Debbi nodded her head in agreement before she departed.

At 8:45, Yvonne, Debbi and Steph arrived at the Sunflower Books. The receptionist welcomed them and told them to sit and wait for the boss.

After some time, they were invited to the cold room where the meeting would be held. The moment they stepped in, Steph and Debbi almost yelled

Was the universe playing jokes with them? This was impossible!

It was no other than Clinton and his brother; Kingston.

A/N: We are about to meet our male lead!. If you like this chapter then drop your comments