Real prideful men

Debbi and Steph settled on the chairs in the cold room alongside Yvonne who was oblivious to the glares her employees were sent to the two brothers seated.

The meeting began with Yvonne doing the whole taking while the girls did the whole writing, once in a while, the brothers chipped in, talking about the advantages and disadvantages of working with Lynch's novels.

"I think that is all for today," Yvonne said, faking a smile while looking at the brothers who had bluntly rejected the offer of working with her company.

After all her hard work, these brothers refuse to see reasons why they should cooperate with her company, they like the competition going on between the two book companies.

Sunflower Books is the best book firm in the entire country, it is known for the ability to produce the best authors and books, the ability to pay authors well and the huge fan base, while the Lynch Novels are focused on creating new authors with special skills, Sunflower books are focused on prominent authors with promising novels.

"Yes Mrs Yvonne Lynch, I am sorry but my company can not accept your offer," Kingston said with a fake smile as well

"It is alright, I hope they will not be future regrets" Yvonne sent them warning signals even though she used a smile to cover it up. The brothers received the message loud and clear and only smiled in their head

"Of course, they would never be future regrets" Clinton replied

"I would take my leave then," Yvonne said with no smile on her face, her mean face returned.

Yvonne stood up as well as Steph and Debbi, they were about to leave when Clinton's voice echoed

"Well I would put into consideration the offer if this miss here handles it perfectly" Clinton pointed to Steph.

Steph stood glued to the floor, did she hear him well? She should handle the offer!! She wanted to scream and say no!! She could not stand the sight of him talking less of having a conversation with him. She would ruin the offer for her company because she and this man can never learn to relate.

"Why do you want her to handle the offer?" Yvonne did understand these brothers

"Because I like her" Clinton replied shamelessly, Yvonne stared at him while Steph choked on her saliva, Debbi was not left out, her eyes were wide open.

Yvonne was short of words, she was in dire need of the offer, not that she was going to admit it, but no matter how much she needed the offer, she would never put her employee in a tight position, by the look on Clinton's face, one could note that he was up to no good. Why was he interested in her? Had the two met before?

"Fine, I would take up the responsibility of convincing Mr Clinton and Mr Kingston about the offer" Steph replied earning applause from Clinton while she left Yvonne and Debbi in shock.

"Madam Yvonne Lynch, I never knew you had such an ambitious woman in your company, come to think of it, she would be handy in my company and I know that if I just double her pay, she would agree to work with me" Clinton continued bragging

'Work with you my ass! I would never agree to work with you even if you pay me the entire money in the world' Steph wanted to say it out loud but restricted herself, if she was going to convince them about the offer, she would have to act nice.

Yvonne only smiled at them before she signalled the girls to leave with her. Once they got to the car, they settled in it before the driver drove off.

"Why did you ask that girl to convince us about the offer when you know that we would not accept it, no matter what," Kingston asked the moment Yvonne and her employees were out of sight

"As I said earlier, I like the girl" Clinton replied

"Clinton!!" Kingston angrily roared

"Fine! Something about the girl piques my interest, I do not know, but I want to know her the more" Clinton replied

"You want to have sex with her?" Kingston

"No!!!!!!! Is it every girl I talk to that I want to f*ck?" Clinton asked

"Well, I know my brother more than anyone, I would not be surprised if you f*ck her" Kingston replied, leaving the cold room to his office


"Stephanie, what… Why did you agree?" Yvonne asked

'To teach that asshole a lesson!' Steph wanted to say but she held herself

"I know how much you want this offer ma'am, and I am willing to help you" Steph lied, ~it was not entirely a lie

"But, you know that those brothers have some pride issues and you can not convince them to accept the offer," Yvonne said

"Leave everything to me, ma'am, just sit, relax and watch," Steph told her with a smirk

Debbi was the only one who knew what was going on, this was her friend! Steph!, she would never allow Clinton and his brother to mess around with her. Debbi could not wait to get home because she wanted to know what was in Steph's little brain right now! Steph always has something up her sleeves.

The day came to an end. Debbi and Steph went to their new residence, they lived together like sisters.

After they freshened up, they watched a tv show while eating popcorn. "Babe, what is going on in that brain of yours?" Debbi asked breaking the silence between them

"What do you mean?" Steph pretended to be oblivious to what Debbi was talking about

"Like seriously? You want to act right now! Drop the act and get talking!" Debbi stated

"Is it about Clinton?"

"Yes, what do you plan to do with him?" Debbi asked

"What do you want me to do with him? I would just play my role as an employee and the head of the editorial team" Steph replied nonchalantly

"You know that Clinton is never going to make it easy for you" Debbi stated

"If he tries anything stupid, then he is in for it, and come to think of it, those brothers are very prideful, especially Clinton, some need to teach them that the world does not revolve around them!" Said Steph

"I know, those brothers are so full of themselves, geez! I thought Damien was prideful but now I got to see the real prideful men" Debbi added

"Speaking of Damien, has he contacted you lately?" Steph asked

"Well, I posted a picture of myself in my luxurious office, he viewed it and commented, in his comment, he said I looked beautiful and hopes to see me soon when I have achieved my dreams" Debbi replied

"What about Aimee? Isn't he still together with her? And did he forget that he asked you to leave his life?" Steph asked

"I have no idea about how he is faring, not that I care anymore, my feelings for him are long gone and now I have a new life to live, so he can rot in hell for all I care," Debbi said opening a can of sport drink

"The only person I care about is Mrs Parker, how would she feel if she realizes I lied to her, I played her and made her feel like I am together with her son?" Debbi is also feeling a little sad about that

"Girl, remember that it was not only you that played her, both you and her son played her, if she was going to blame anyone then it should be her son before you"

"She had always treated me like a daughter she never had, I feel bad for lying"

"Just forget about the Parkers, okay?" Steph asked, earning a nod of the head as a reply from Debbi.