Remain the same

Inside a penthouse, sat Yvonne on the swivel chair in her garden, she swirled the glass of red wine in her hand as she stared into the space, looking at nothing in particular.

In actual sense, she was thinking about her lost daughter, a daughter she did not know her name, neither did she know how she looked like, this was because, her boyfriend who impregnated her back then, took her daughter away immediately she was born and gave her a restriction order never to come near her daughter.

She exhaled deeply while marking the date on her calendar

"Day 10 out of six months" she muttered under her breath, time was ticking and she had no idea where her daughter was, and she could not possibly hand over her family's company to a stranger, someone that did not have the Lynch's blood running in their veins!

Only if she had listened to her father, she would not have been in this kind of situation, she regretted knowing Felix~ her boyfriend, she regretted falling for him, she was too blinded by love, no! Lust, that she did not think of the repercussions of what was about to happen then!

If she had a way then she would strangle the life out of Felix, he did not deserve to live, he was a lier, a cheater and a monster, why did God even create someone like him?!

"Madam Yvonne" a man clad in a black suit with a tie missing greeted her,

"Any news yet?" Yvonne asked

"No madam Yvonne," he said, he was the head of the team which she had mandated with the duty to find her daughter

"What now Sam" Yvonne asked

"I think that we should visit her father, maybe he knows about her whereabouts" Sam suggested and Yvonne face lit up a little bit, maybe if they visit Felix, he would be able to tell them where her daughter was

"Book the next flight to Peru for me!" She ordered while Sam only bowed and left

It was time to visit Felix after forty years of separation!

Sam had booked the first class section of the plane for Bella and Yvonne as per instructed by Yvonne, she also assigned the affairs of the company to Debbi, she was in charge until she was back.

It was already afternoon when their flight landed, so they took an airport taxi to a nearby hotel to stay for the time.

Bella sat on the sofa in the large room in the hotel where they had lodged "ma'am do you still remember where your daughter's father resides?" Bella asked

"Why won't I? I would remember anything, just to find my daughter" Yvonne replied as she stared at the view the window gave

"When do we pay him a visit?" Bella asked

"Soon" Yvonne replied

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours and hours into a brand new day.

Yvonne was up already with Bella as they both got ready to visit Felix, they were both dressed in expensive suits which gave them this kind of rich women vibe and it suit them perfectly

Bella had already ordered a cab via the app, and in no time the cab arrived and drove them to their destination.

"Things haven't changed," Yvonne said with a smile as she remembered her life here when she was still in her teens.

"Life is bittersweet," she added. The driver pulled up in front of a huge mansion, Yvonne alighted as well as Bella who paid him while Yvonne went for the gates

"Yvonne! Finally! You decided to visit me! What a pleasant surprise" Felix had a smile on his face as he approached her

Yvonne's face was straight and she had a mean aura, though that did not go unnoticed by Felix he still ushered her in

"Yvonne meet my beautiful wife, Clara, and Clara meet my ex-lover Yvonne" Felix introduced them shamelessly

"Nice to meet you, home wrecker," Clara said with deep sarcasm while Yvonne only smiled, Bella wanted to say something but Yvonne held her hand, indicating her not to talk

"So what brings you to Peru, I heard that you a doing just fine in London with your booming family business," Felix asked while they all sat down

"My daughter" Yvonne answered dryly

"Your bastard daughter?" Clara asked tauntingly, it took Yvonne's self-control not to say or do something stupid to Clara

"First of all my daughter is not a bastard" Yvonne replied threateningly and Clara knew better than to get her more annoyed

"Your daughter left," Felix said after a few moments of silence, his statement causing Yvonne to frown

"To where?" Bella was the one who asked

"No idea" Felix replied nonchalantly, as if he did not care for Yvonne's daughter at all

"Meaning?" Yvonne angrily asked, she tried her best to reign in her anger but it was obvious that she was getting pissed off

"Meaning that your daughter left without any clue of where to find her, and I did not bother to search for her either, of what use?" Felix shamelessly asked, and if Yvonne did not know better she would have doubted that Felix was her daughter's father

"Where exactly did she go? You are meant to know about her whereabouts!" Yvonne roared,

"And so do you! Are you not her mother?" Felix retorted

"I am her mother, but you denied me the joy of motherhood when you took my only child away!" Yvonne thundered

"Why did you not get more children? Besides, aren't you a whore? Going about sleeping with people's husbands?" Clara asked and it seemed to have skyrocketed Yvonne's anger

Yvonne was not angry, she was mad! How dare Clara talk to her in such a manner? Has she gone insane?

"Never in your entire life talk to my boss in such manner again, else it won't be a simple warning," Bella told Clara

"You know what, I think I made a mistake coming to Peru, let us leave Bella" Yvonne stated after glaring at Clara who found it amusing that Yvonne was upset

Yvonne was about to leave when Felix's voice echoed behind her

"You must know that your daughter does not only hate you, but she also detests you, and I am sure she would not want to see neither me nor you, mark my words, Yvonne, she would never see you as a mother"

Yvonne glared at Felix before dashing out of the mansion with great speed alongside Bella

Would everything remain the same when she finds her daughter?