Payback time

"What the hell?!" Mrs Parker yelled as she entered the sitting room, her eyes almost came out of their socket

Damien quickly stood up to his feet scratching the back of his head while Aimee had her eyes widened

"What is going on here?" Mrs Parker asked approaching Damien in a dangerous manner

"Mom, it is not what you think, I… I" Damien trailed off when he saw his mother turn her gaze to Aimee

"Are you not the untrained bitch that bumped uninvited to my home?" She asked. She got no reply from Aimee who was fidgeting.

"Mom, please just hear me out, please" Damien pleaded while Mrs Parker stomped out of their sight to her room.

Damien followed her and the duo entered Mrs Parker's room, she grudgingly took off her leather jacket and threw it to God knows where

"You are cheating on Debbi!" She roared, anger flushing her features

"No mom" Damien answered calmly

"What do you mean by no? I saw everything that happened between you and that bitch" she added

"First of all mom, that girl is not a bitch, her name is Aimee, I would prefer it if you use her name," Damien said

"What is going on between you and that girl?" She asked

"She is my girlfriend" he replied shortly, his response made his mom's jaw drop

"Then what about Debbi?" Mrs Parker found herself asking calmly

"Everything was a lie mom" Damien stated as he bowed his head, his gaze fixed on the ground because he could not look into her eyes knowing that he lied to her

"What do you mean?"

"Debbi and I are not in any sort of relationship, we… I… we lied" he told her, his gaze still fixed on the floor

"You must be kidding me right?" Mrs Parker asked

"No mom, we lied to you, I didn't mean to" Damien was quick to say

"You had the guts to lie to me, Damien! How could you?" Her calm voice was gone and now replaced with a harsh voice. Damien subconsciously took a few steps backwards, he knew that sooner or later his mom would have to find out about their pretend game but he never knew that it was going to be this quick.

"I could not hurt your feelings mom, you were over-excited about me and Debbi being together and I did not know how to tell you that we weren't, so I decided to play along, I wanted you to be happy" Damien stated

"Do I look happy now?" She retorted, Damien scratched his head

"Answer me!!!!!!!!!!!!" The whole room echoed loudly due to his mother's loud voice

"No mom" Damien replied hastily, as he did not want his mother to deal with him squarely

"Get out!" She ordered and Damien left quickly. He heaved deeply when he left his mother's room, he knew she was upset about everything but there was nothing he could do.

He went back to the large sitting room to see Aimee, "Is everything alright?" She asked with fake concern

"Yes, my mom found out everything" Damien told her as he collapsed on the sofa

"Are you serious?" Aimee asked, though she wanted to scream happily that Mrs Parker knew the truth, she had to play along

"I bet she is really mad at you for lying to her" she added while rubbing his face "just give her some time and space, she would eventually come around" she stated

"You have to leave now," Damien told her

"What?! I just came!" She roared

"I know but you and I know that you are not on good terms with my mom and I bet she would not want to see you here" Damien explained

"But…" she pouted

"I would make it up to you, pretty please" Damien pleaded as he gathered her things for her

Aimee finally left and Damien collapsed on the sofa, what was he going to do with his mom? Even his dad?

There was no way his father would not know about this, his mom was bound to tell him, those two are so close!

He knew his father detests people who tell lies, that was why his father had educated him about morals, now he did not know how to face him if his mom tells him everything.

He decided to go and take a short nap before his father returned because he knew he was in deep shit.


Aimee did not know how to feel right now, she was happy yet angry, how could one feel those emotions at the same time?

She was happy that phase one of her plan was done and that was eliminating Debbi from the picture but another problem had risen and that was Mrs Parker, that woman was too sensitive for her liking

"What is up?" Anita asked immediately as she stepped into their room in their house. Aimee did not reply she only changed into more free clothes

Anita studied her twin's mood, she knew all was not well with her twin

"Aimee! How did the plan go?" She asked to hope for a response

"Mrs Parker is another obstacle," Aimee said calmly, "any news about Debbi yet?" Aimee asked

"Yes, she has relocated to London and she is currently staying with her dad alongside Stephanie" Anita explained

"Keep your eyes on them for now while I work on Damien, I would make their lives miserable. Damien Parker, you made one hell of a mistake by choosing me over Debbi" Aimee said as she let out a sarcastic laugh

"No one is going to stop us" Anita added happily, it was time for payback

A/N: keep those comments rolling giftedreaders, those are my motivations for writing