Cross a Queen, Face the Consequences

"Skadi! Do you want to come with us to the back of the school? I'm interested in getting to know you better over lunch!" Tony said with a sneer.

Skadi looked up, her eyes quickly losing their light. These… lowlifes think themselves worthy of this queen? Absolutely delusional. "No, I actually have other plans." She politely declined.

"That wasn't a question." Tony said, his voice heavy. Then, he leaned closer, so that only Skadi could hear him. "I know you are friends with that boy… Sky, was it? It would be a shame if something were to… happen to him. Don't you agree?" He whispered.

Inwardly, Skadi was furious. But her fury wasn't like a raging wildfire that lashed out randomly before eventually fizzling out. No. Her wrath was like a deep, calm ocean, impossible to be quelled, impossible to be stopped.

"Sure! Let's go!" Skadi smiled thinly, her voice dripping with "sweetness".

The classmates who witnessed the scene whispered furiously at the sight, while the boys sighed. Another girl had fallen victim to Tony's seemingly inescapable grasp.

Upon reaching outside, Skadi immediately dropped her smiling act. "You pigs disgust me." She stated coldly. "And yet here you are, following us to the back of the school. No one's going to save you now. Now strip! Hehehe!" One of Tony's goons laughed.

Amused, Skadi raised an eyebrow while muttering "Appear. Manifest garment." She was encased in an icy cocoon before it dissolved, disappearing into snowflakes that rained down softly. Tony and his goons didn't seem too shocked however, and instead, their laughter grew. "So, Skadi, you're an yuki onna? Even better! More mana for us! Come on, let's feast!" They howled, fur growing all over their bodies, their noses elongating, and their teeth sharpening. Werewolves.

Grinning, they snarled viciously, saliva dripping from their open maws, before they lunged at her, claws outstretched, jaws open. "Lowly mutts." Skadi snapped her fingers, causing a miniature snowstorm to formulate around them, whipping chunks of ice and snow all around them.

Suddenly, another werewolf seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, right behind Skadi. 'You're wide open!' He grinned viciously, thinking of all the mana they could gain from the kill. He slashed his two claws downwards, cleaving Skadi in two. "AHAHAHA!" He laughed. "I KILLED THE BITCH!"

"You think I would let such filth even touch me?" His eyes widened. That wasn't Skadi? Then what was that?! He looked at "Skadi" who was cleaved into two, but he couldn't find the body. His eyes widened, muttering "Shit, shit, shit, shit!" He tried to move, but he couldn't. His movement became more and more frantic. He had to get out of here!

"Don't even bother moving. I froze the nerves in your legs and arms, causing them to not be able to receive commands from the brain~."

"Now die for this queen!" She exclaimed, skewering him with hundreds of icicles, each glinting dangerously. "Born a dog, die a dog." She wrinkled her nose in disgust. The smell of these mutts disgusted her. The other werewolves, realizing that they were outmatched, started to turn tail and run.

There would always be another day for revenge, but there would be none if they didn't leave right away! That's what their instincts told them. "Thinking of running now are we?" Skadi said coldly, her voice to the poor dogs sounding like the reaper itself.

"DID THIS QUEEN SAY YOU COULD LEAVE?!" She thundered. A huge pressure suddenly forced the werewolves down into a kneeling position. Looking up, they saw Skadi, seated on a regal throne, one leg over the other, her eyes looking down at them in clear disgust. Crown of Everwinter atop her head, hand clutching a scepter made of ice, she made for a truly grandiose sight.

"Now… As Queen of Winter and Snow and Ice, I sentence you… to death!" She said, and with a wave of her scepter, ice rapidly condensed into sharp swords, beheading all the werewolves except one: Tony. Now…" Skadi said, smiling sadistically. "What should I do with the person who made my husband's life miserable~. So many options, so many options~." At this point, Tony was quivering and having already pissed his pants, he made for a pathetic sight. "P-please! Sk- I mean Your Majesty! Let me live! P-please! I'll do anything!"

"Sigh… Fine. I'll let you live, Tony, just because I'm such a benevolent and just queen." Skadi sighed.

"Y-yes! You're the most benevolent queen I know, Your Majesty!" Tony said, bootlicking. He would do anything to survive. But mark his words, he WOULD have revenge on Skadi.

Tony started to run, thinking that she might change her mind at any time. But before he could get far, he was suddenly imprisoned in a translucent barrier made of ice. He pounded against it, but it was seemingly as strong as metal: impossible to break with just someone's fists.

"W-what?! You promised to let me live, Skadi!!" He shouted, clearly desperate, confused, and angry.

"This queen indeed did, and I don't plan on rescinding my words." She replied calmly.

"T-then, w-what's the meaning of this?!" He flailed his arms erratically, gesturing at his prison.

"I never said anything about… perhaps… imprisoning you did I? You really thought I would let you walk free, after all you've done? Ufufufu~. How cute~. You will soon be buried in the ground alive. Every day, the confines of your prison will shrink, slowly filling up with frigid water, until you eventually die. Amazing don't you think~?" Skadi explained playfully, but her eyes suggested that she was anything but. As she watched Tony slowly sink into the ground that she softened with her water beforehand, eyes full of terror, hands desperately pounding on the ice, she smiled coldly. "This is what happens when you cross a queen."

De-activating the garment, her personality seemed to have done a 180, as she cutely thought to herself, one finger touching her chin in a thinking pose. 'It's a shame I couldn't eat lunch with my husband today. All because of those mutts! But with people witnessing them dragging me to the back of the school, it'll only be a matter of time before husband comes rushing in to save me. I can't wait~!'