
She smiled foolishly, before ripping her clothes and messing it up, as if she was assaulted and pretended to be unconscious. She could soon hear the sound of footsteps. Sky's. Sky concernedly clasped her wrist with his hand, checking her pulse. Thank the goddess, she was still alive. But upon looking at her disheveled shape and ripped clothes, he could immediately draw a conclusion that he really hoped wasn't right.

"Shit! I was too late!" He said, anger at himself and the situation apparent in his voice, before he picked her up and took her to the infirmary once more. Meanwhile Skadi was channeling her powers, forcibly making her heart beat slower and reducing the rapidly rising heat in her cheeks. 'I'm unconscious. I'm unconscious. I'm unconscious.'

She chanted in her mind, almost as if it was a mantra. As she opened her eyes slightly, peeking at her husband, she quickly shut them again. After all, she felt that if she kept looking… if she kept looking… she might not be able to restrain herself anymore!

Sky gently laid her down on the infirmary bed, covering her in a blanket, before sitting down on the chair next to her.

"You know? It was only a while ago when I was here with you, in the same situation, taking you to the infirmary while you were unconscious. But whereas before, I took you here because of my obligation as a classmate, but now, I took you here because of my concern for you… as a… as a… friend." He chuckled a little, finding it amusing that he was talking to her while unconscious, and didn't have the courage to tell her when she was conscious that he now thought of her as a friend.

"Once I heard whispers of you disappearing to the back of the school with Tony and his gang, even an idiot could figure out what was going to happen. I rushed there, but… but… I…I was too late. I-I'm sorry. I would like to say that I had some reason… any at all to explain why I came late… but they would just be insincere excuses. I'm a failure as a friend, there's no other way to say it."

At this point, Skadi was starting to tremble slightly, she wanted to scream out: 'No! It's not your fault! Not at all! You're not a failure! In fact, I should be the one to apologize! I just wanted you to take care of me more and get closer to you through this incident!' Yet, she couldn't. She was selfish, unlike her husband, and would take any opportunity she could get to get closer to him.

Eventually, Skadi couldn't take it any more, so she noisily rustled in the sheets before slowly opening her eyes. "Sky?" She mumbled, "W-where am I?".

Sky faced her, his eyes showing guilt and sadness. "I took you to the infirmary. You were passed out behind the school… If it's not too much to ask, could I ask why? I heard rumors, but I wanted to know from you."

Skadi's eyes widened, before she lowered her head, chuckling. "So it wasn't a nightmare after all. Tony and his gang forced me to the back of the school, forcing themselves on me. How could they do that to me?! Why are all men such lustful, disgusting pigs?!! TELL ME!" She was screaming near the end, her body shaking, as she grabbed Sky's shoulders, shaking him violently.

"W-whenever I think of a man that's not you, I can feel my heart pound and my palms grow sweaty. I just feel such intense disgust and contempt for those… creatures! I don't think I-I can continue to go to school anymore." She continued, her grip slowly slackening. 'Mix in truth with lies and no one would be able to separate the two.' She thought to herself inwardly, delighted that her plan was moving smoothly.

Sky responded: "To be honest, what happened to you… is my fault. It's my fault I didn't come sooner, and I should've expected them to try to pull something like that on you. I completely understand where you're coming from, and if you don't feel comfortable going to school, I fully support you." He looked at her right in the eyes, before continuing. "Just know, no matter what happens, you have my full support. As a friend. It's the least I can do." He laughed, but his laughter was hollow.

"Sky… A-after this incident, I-I really don't know who I can trust but you. I thought I had f-friends who would stand up for me, but a-apparently I thought wrong. I-if it's not too much to ask, w-would you mind me s-staying at y-your house for a while?" She said, her eyes starting to water. 'Having perfect control over water sure has its advantages.' Skadi thought inwardly to herself, 'I can put on the whole waterworks. Sorry husband, but all's fair in love and war~.'

"Didn't I say already? It's the least I can do to let you stay in my house if that's what makes you feel safe." Sky responded unhesitatingly.

"Y-you're such a good person Skyyyyy!" Skadi suddenly hugged him, sobbing into his chest.

"Far from it." Sky responded, embracing her and patting her on the back soothingly. When her trembling finally calmed down, Sky walked towards the door, extending a hand to Skadi, sitting down on the bed. "Now, school is probably over already, let's go home, shall we? Skadi?" He said, grinning.

"Mnn!" Skadi responded, nodding her head vigorously, smiling through her tears. At that moment, Sky thought of something. Skadi's smile truly resembled that of a beautiful rainbow after a rainstorm.

"So, this is my house, please make yourself at home." Sky introduced upon reaching his, soon to be their, house, taking off his shoes at the front door. After showing Skadi the basic layout of the room, including Skadi's room which featured a newly-installed lock which he thoughtfully gave her, Skadi offered to make dinner, which ended in a complete disaster. With black fumes and questionable odors emitting from her "dish", they took one look at each other, before Sky burst out laughing.

"S-shut up! I-it's not funny! Not everyone can cook like your girlfriend! Hmph!" Skadi pouted slightly, crossing her arms.

"My bad, my bad. If only Her Majesty Skadi would forgive this lowly peasant." Sky jokingly replied.

"Ufufu~ This queen, being the just, benevolent ruler she is, forgives you." She replied in kind.

Afterwards, standing side by side, Sky and Skadi decided to prepare a simple dinner, where they just threw miscellaneous ingredients into a boiling pot of broth: hot pot. It was fool-proof!

Before eating, Sky quickly took a picture of their creation before, telling Skadi to "hang on a second". Texting Mia, he informed her of the situation, before sending her a picture of the hot pot dinner they made together to prove that he was still getting by just fine. And Mia, being the angel she was, was completely understanding and sympathetic of Skadi's situation and after typing a teasing: "Still not better than my cooking though :P", they texted back and forth for a bit before ending their conversation with an "I love you."

Seeing Sky texting someone, Skadi curiously asked: "What's taking you so long? Who are you texting?"

"Sorry, I was texting my girlfriend Mia. She's in Siberia right now. Isn't that cool?!" Sky responded, putting his phone away. "Let's eat!"

"Yeah…" Skadi mumbled, her eyes narrowing coldly. She felt as if ever since she got a taste of what it was like to be with Sky after so long, she was completely obsessed. Much like how if someone lived in the cold for a long time without fire and suddenly encountered fire, providing them with a warmth they've never known.