Sky Becomes a Monk?!

A pair of pink eyes suddenly seemed to appear from the darkness. "How did thou find mine self? I was certain that ye wouldst not detect me." The shadows seemed to squirm before giving way to… Alana?!

Skadi quickly regained her composure, coldly stating. "Just a week or so ago you were stuttering and flushing, there's no way you can change your personality and even your way of speech that fast. What exactly are you?" Skadi narrowed her eyes, donning her crown and transforming.

"Even mineself does not remember when I changed so, yet one day mineself woke up as a demoness who feeds on lust/love and hath been like such ever since." She smirked, her eyes curling up into crescents, before changing the subject. "It also seems that thy feelings hast not been by that… noticed… by that boy. Am I wrong… o' Queen of Ice?"

Skadi's eyes turned dull as she bit her lip, because she couldn't deny what that demon was saying. "Husband hasn't noticed this queen's feelings… yet." She replied.

"Oh my, not even in a relationship and thou already proclaim him as 'husband'. Since the boy isn't in a relationship with thyself, perhaps I should taketh him for mine self?" Alana replied, licking her lips.

Skadi's mana surged uncontrollably, freezing everything around her. "This queen did not hear what you said clearly. Care to repeat that?" She muttered, her voice dangerously quiet.

"Nope~. It's nothing~." Alana replied in a sing-song voice.

Skadi's aura retracted and the temperature of the room returned to normal. "This queen must've misheard then. Ufufu~." She laughed slightly.

Alana's face turned serious. "The real reason as to why I am here is because I cannot feed off the love the boy has for his lover any longer, rendering mine self unable to siphon his mana."

"Thus, I find it in you and I's best interest for you to become his lover. I will help you to the best of mine ability and in return, thy will allow me to partake in the siphoning of his mana."

"Why do you only siphon HIS mana?" Skadi asked, skeptical as to the reason why Alana was so adamant on siphoning Sky's mana.

"Thy maketh a good point…" Alana furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, wondering why she subconsciously seemed to prefer Sky's mana. He was only an ordinary boy and he didn't even seem to have high-quality mana either!

"How about this: this queen will turn a blind eye on you siphoning the mana of others, but in exchange, you. will. not. come. close. to. Sky." Skadi replied, emphasizing her last few words.

Alana's eyes narrowed. 'Why do I feel as though mine heart is weeping? Why dost I feel such… malice… towards this yuki onna when I think of her having Sky for herself?'

"I see no reason to refuse." Alana finally spoke.

"Then it's agreed upon then. I will not interfere with your mana-siphoning and in exchange, you will not come close to Sky." Skadi said coolly.

Alana nodded slightly, seemingly in a daze.

With Alana already having left, Skadi deactivated her garment, before plopping down… right on Sky's bed.

'That's two down; With Mia and Alana now out of the picture, it's yet to be seen if Arahna will be a potential threat.' Skadi nodded inwardly, satisfied that she was able to remove another harlot out of the picture.

'Now, to wait for Sky to come home~. I can already imagine our date at the mall~!' She blushed heavily, a stark contrast to her cool and collected self that she was when she wore her crown.

"Skadi, I'm home!" Sky announced, walking through the door, to be met with a slightly red-faced Skadi. "Skadi, are you alright? Your face seems kind of red… Don't tell me you were doing something… indecent? He said in a slightly teasing voice. How right he was.

Feeling her face heat up further, Skadi immediately used her power over ice to cool her face down, preventing the blush from spreading further. How many people would clench their fists in anger if they knew that the power of an ancient artifact such as the Crown of Everwinter was being used for such purposes as cooling down ones' face to prevent a blush.

"Like reading your secret stash that I found hidden underneath your bed~?" She teased back with a smile that wasn't exactly a smile.

'Curse that guy on the Internet who told me no one checks under the bed! Skadi's only been here for a few days and she already found my stash! I hope he falls into a ditch!' Sky cried inwardly. "Ahahaha…" He smiled awkwardly, scratching his head.

They moved towards the kitchen, Sky pouring himself a large glass of chocolate milk, before sitting down.

"So what did you do in school today?" Skadi asked casually, taking a sip of her lemon tea.

"Nothing much, just the usual. Boring classes… Oh! But there were actually a few things that were quite interesting."

"Oh? Like what?" Skadi replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you know Arahna, the transfer student? She approached me today, returning my backpack that I forgot to take home, all graceful and elegant and stuff. We talked a little and you know what's crazy?"

"What?" Skadi said, having a bad feeling about Sky's encounter.

"Apparently she's actually my online friend, Weaver_of_Fate! I guess the world truly is a small place! It's so cool that my friend is now in my school and I get to talk to her all the time since we're even in the same class together!" Sky explained enthusiastically. 'Coincidence huh…' Skadi's eyes narrowed coldly.

"Oh yeah, also, don't tell anyone but Alana Valentine, you know, the class rep, is really moving up in the Boy's 'Beauty Rankings'. She moved from a measly 150th place to a now Top 5 spot, up there with you, Arahna, and… and … Mia…" He choked up a little, reminiscing about Mia, before continuing "Apparently it's because she had like a massive growth spurt of something and is now acting extremely cute, causing a lot of boys to jump ship and switch factions to the newly formed 'Valentine Fan Club'."

This was to be expected. After all, with essentially the green light to siphon others' mana, of course Alana would want to increase others' attraction towards her so that she could harvest their mana. The more the better. 'As long as she doesn't touch Sky.' Skadi thought. 'It seems that I'll have to watch out for Arahna, considering she is well-acquainted with Sky…'

"Anyway… You ready to go to the mall? After all, I'm still concerned about your condition acting up and especially after that incident with Tony…" Sky interrupted her thoughts.

"Yeah, as long as you're there with me, there should be no problem at all." Skadi smiled back. 'Every moment I'm with you, I feel as if I'm on Cloud 9. Of course the curse wouldn't affect me~. And as for Tony~? Well… Let's just say he's in a better place now…'

"Alright, off we go!" Sky said, pulling Skadi along as they hopped on a bus taking them to the mall. Along the way, with Skadi sitting next to Sky, it was obvious that they would attract attention, especially considering that Skadi's previously somewhat "flat" chest area was now growing, and along with her fairy-like face, she could be considered an extremely good looking woman. Feeling the gazes upon her body, Skadi couldn't help but frown slightly. 'These lascivious pieces of filth…'

Channeling her powers once more, she controlled the water in the air, condensing it near their groin, essentially "wetting" their pants. Upon noticing, their faces would turn red in shame, before inevitably covering it with their hands, and quickly getting off at the next stop. Humming slightly, amused by how the grown men were acting, Skadi smiled.

"Are you still doing okay? If your condition starts acting up or you feel uncomfortable, let me know and we can just get off and wait for the next bus." Sky told her, noticing the very obvious gazes of the men.

"No, I-I'm fine." Skadi stated, to which Sky just nodded before looking at the buildings flying past.

"I think we get off here." Sky told her, rousing Skadi from her thoughts.

With Skadi leading the way, they entered the mall, bustling with people. Sky was dragged from shop to shop, Skadi's feet moving at almost inhuman speed as she wandered around the mall.

Eventually, Sky was dragged into a swimwear shop, where much to his embarrassment, there seemed to only be females around. He could almost hear the "Oh my, youngsters these days~." That they were thinking in their minds.

Humming happily, Skadi picked a few to try on, stating that she wanted Sky's opinion on it as a guy, before telling him to wait outside the dressing room while she changed. After a few minutes, the curtain opened, revealing a heavily blushing Skadi.

Wearing a frilly blue bikini and a crimson red blush that contrasted with her white skin, as she looked down shyly, Skadi made for a beautiful sight. "W-what are you looking at, idiot!" She yelled, her eyes spinning as she quickly closed the curtain once more, only her head sticking out from behind.

'Weren't you the one who told me you wanted my opinion on them?!' Sky cried out, feeling wronged.

"S-so, how do I l-look Sky? Not t-that I care or anything…" She said from behind the curtain, timidly peeking out.

"Beautiful." Sky said, unconsciously voicing out his thoughts.

Skadi's blush seemed to be growing even more red, to the point that it was honestly quite concerning, as her eyes swirled. 'B-b-b-beautiful?! Sky said I'm b-beautiful?! Ehe. Ehehehe~.'

After she finally calmed down, which involved Sky calling her name multiple times, she immediately decided on getting the one she just tried, stating that it "suited her most", when in actuality, it was just because Sky said she was beautiful when she wore it, so she had to have it!

Seeing Skadi in such a good mood, Sky could only smile wryly. At least she's happy, right? After a quick stop at lunch, they decided to go to the movies, where "The Centipede: A History of Terror" was playing.

It was a horror movie based on the infamous group "The Centipede", a group that had influence everywhere, but most terrifying was their leader, rumored to be immortal and extremely cruel.

Squeezing their way through the clearly packed, dark cinema, Sky and Skadi eventually managed to find their seats and with popcorn and soda in hand, the movie began.

"It was I, the Leader of the Centipede! MUAHAHAHA!" The man's face split into two, revealing a nest of squirming centipedes infesting the man's flesh.

"KYAAA!" Skadi screamed, tightly hugging Sky's arm, her growing chest pressing into his arm, shivering in fear. 'Begone earthly desires. Begone earthly desires. Begone earthly desires.' Sky, with a boddhivatsa face had begun a mantra as if he were a monk deep in the mountains of Tibet. 'No reaction?!' Skadi exclaimed inwardly before frowning. 'Luckily, it seems that the Crown didn't just increase my magic power, it also started to increase other things…'

With Skadi clinging onto Sky's arm every time she was jumpscared by a scene in the movie, which was every few minutes, the movie finally ended, and so too did their little venture to the mall. On the way back, Skadi "fell asleep", her head eventually resting against Sky's shoulder. Sky poked her a few times, but it seemed that she was deep in slumber. Sky sighed, smiling wryly while looking up at the ceiling.

"You know, I had a lot of fun today. Even though after today, it seems to be clear that you have feelings for me, I… I don't think I'm ready to move on from Mia yet. I don't want to rush things and have you end up becoming a replacement for Mia… And I also definitely don't want you to get hurt by my carelessness. So give me time. Would you?" He said, thinking out loud.

Little did he know, Skadi was still very much awake, and very much overjoyed. Her efforts were finally starting to pay off. 'Don't make me wait too long… husband~.'