Tension Builds

A million questions were running through Sky's mind at the moment. But most importantly, he was desperately struggling to escape, yet the cocoon he was in that seemed as soft as silk was almost like hardened metal; impossible to break out of. Sky's struggles did not go in vain however, as Skadi suddenly woke up. Call it… a woman's intuition.

"What. Are. You. Doing. To. My. Sky?" Skadi muttered, her eyes glowing a dangerous blue.

"Ara~. Your Sky? YOUR Sky? I knew him before you!" Ahrana snarled, her face contorting into an expression of anger that Sky had never seen on the always collected and elegant Ahrana.

"A pity he doesn't have an interest in you~." Skadi retorted, a smirk on her face. The room seemed to drop to sub-zero temperatures, with the Crown of Everwinter appearing atop Skadi's head.

Ahrana's eyes narrowed further, quickly spinning an intricate web all around the room. "I'LL KILL YOU HARLOT!" Ahrana roared, shooting silk at Skadi in hopes of immobilizing her.

"Concept: Freeze." Skadi did it as if it was second nature, not even caring that what she did shouldn't have been able to be pulled off by her based on her current status. Ahrana's body seemed to freeze in place, unable to move.

"Not so tough now are we~? Grovel for this queen!" Skadi smirked, her eyes flashing a cold light as she conjured a throne made of ice and sat on it, legs crossed, her arms regally resting on the throne's armrests as she looked down in contempt at Ahrana who was frozen at her feet.

Suddenly, Ahrana seemed to have snapped out of it, lunging at Skadi, her mouth open, dripping venom. Skadi's eyes widened in surprise. How was she able to break free from the concept of "Freeze"?!

Skadi hastily dashed backwards, narrowly avoiding a lethal bite. "How did you break free from the concept of Freeze?" She off-handedly asked, her body tense as she prepared to attack or defend at any moment.

"Secret~." Ahrana said, a smirk on her lips.

Suddenly, Skadi's eyes widened. "Where's Sky?" Ahrana skeptically looked at her, thinking that she was using Sky as a distraction to catch her off guard. But when she took a quick glance, it was true. Sky was nowhere to be found. There was only a note: "Thanks for keeping Sky safe for me~. Lots of love: Sky's TRUE Girlfriend."

Ahrana and Skadi's eyes both dulled. They looked at each other, coming to an agreement. That harlot would have to die.

Meanwhile, Sky was confused. Just a few moments ago, he was bound by steel-like silk produced by his online friend and classmate Ahrana that he had known for a long time that was apparently an arachnid… His brain seemed to overheat just by thinking about it…

Now? Sky seemed to be in some abandoned warehouse. Sky looked around, well, as much as he could, being confined by extremely sturdy rope, noticing the sooty floor, the broken yellowed windows and an extremely pungent stench. With nothing much to do, Sky was limited to just blankly looking around. After all, how could he break free from his confines with a disabled arm? After who knows how long, Sky thought he heard something.

A clacking sound echoed through the warehouse, gradually growing louder. Someone was here. Sky looked up, slightly irritated that his streak of counting to 10,127 sheep was disrupted. His eyes widened. It was the girl from his dream, yet now, with a better look at her appearance, she seemed even more beautiful than he imagined. With slightly messy fiery red hair that was cut at her neck, hypnotizing amber orange eyes, and full red lips, not to mention her massive rack and huge behind, only emphasized by her skintight tank top and baggy military pants, she looked "wild". And beautiful. Mostly beautiful.

Crossing her arms beneath her enormous chest, she observed him with her fiery orange eyes, making Sky slightly uncomfortable. Glaring slightly at him, her eyebrows furrowed as she suddenly… kissed him?! Sky's eyes widened in shock. What was going on? Why in the hell is this beauty kissing him? "Darling~. I missed you for so long~. But don't worry, I'm finally back~, and those insects won't bother us anymore." The red-haired girl said, her hot breath tickling Sky's face.

"Who… Who exactly… are you?" Sky said, his eyes full of suspicion, yet deep down inside, it was something more… it was… disbelief. Sky knew. There was only one person. One person in the entire world that would talk to him like that. And as he thought that, his suspicion was confirmed.

The girl in front of him bent over him, her massive rack pressing into his chest, deforming slightly. "Don't you recognize me? Darling~, it's me! Mia~! Your one and only girlfriend!" Sky felt as if he was going to faint in shock. The girl, who before, was speaking with a somewhat crude voice suddenly just turned her voice into that of his late girlfriend! He must've gotten sick from something he ate… right?

To his further astonishment, the girl pouted slightly, before suddenly melting into a puddle, quickly reforming into the shape of his late-girlfriend, striking a pose. "Ta-dah~! Now do you believe me, Darling~?" She said mischievously, grinning slightly. That's right. After so long in the pipes of Siberia, Mia had managed to further evolve, gaining the ability to now transform into anyone she killed at any time, no matter if she previously had "lost" the ability to take their form.

Sky couldn't believe it. How was this even possible? His girlfriend wasn't dead? In fact, she was alive, and apparently a monster? Who could take on others' forms? Sky's brain finally couldn't take it anymore. His eyes rolled up and he passed out, needing a slight respite from everything that was going on. Before he blacked out, all he could see was Mia running towards him, her eyes full of concern, shaking him slightly…

Upon waking up, he was apparently out of his ropes, being given a lap pillow and having his hair caressed by… Mia?! 'Oh yeah, Mia's apparently alive… and she's a monster that can shapeshift. Cool.' Sky thought to himself, resigning himself to the truth instead of trying to apply his common logic to the situation. "Darling~. You woke up? You sleep well?" Mia said, looking down at him, well, as much as she could, considering how her massive rack was kind of obstructing her view of his face.

"Mia, I just wanted to know… Is that really you? I mean for all I know, you could just be someone who took on the form of Mia? Right?" Sky said, immediately sitting up, his face turning serious, causing Mia to pout slightly.

"Of course it's me Darling~! How could you even doubt your cute girlfriend like that~! How about I tell you… about that time… when you screamed like a little girl at a spider in our house~?" Sky flinched. First Skadi now Mia… What's up with them always bringing up embarrassing moments of his to prove that they're really… them?! He has his pride and dignity too!

"Ok… I get it. You're Mia. And although this may be a little late, I just wanted to say I'm so glad you're back." Sky said, giving her a one-armed hug, pulling her into his embrace.

"Aww~. Thanks Darling~. You make me want to… do things to you…" Mia's eyes turned dull and a dopey smile appeared on her face, stretching from ear to ear, her facade melting slightly, dripping to the ground.