
"Why don't we go back to OUR house and we can enjoy some time together~? Maybe I can cook you dinner so you can eat something delicious… or maybe eat… me~? Fufufu~." She blew hot air into Sky's ear, causing him to blush deeply at the lascivious implication that was heavily laced in her coquettish voice.

"How about it~?" Mia said, tracing little circles on Sky's chest, glancing up at Sky, her eyes narrowed mischievously. "Sorry, but… I can't." He said, looking away and standing up, preparing to leave. "I… I've moved on… Believe me when I say this, I truly mourned you when you died, I was heartbroken in fact.

Yet, eventually, I had to move on. And now I've found someone else to love; someone else that needs me and cherishes me at the same time. So even though I still admittedly do… love you, I can't just abandon her like that. I'll always be there to support you though, just not as your boyfriend… Sorry." Sky sat up, looking Mia straight into the eyes with a conviction he didn't know he had.

He watched as Mia's face contorted from one of mischievousness into one of extreme sadness, her eyes immediately starting to water as she started sobbing, each heave of her chest making Sky's heart wrench.

Sky averted his eyes, not wanting to look any longer as he felt that his willpower to back his decision was slowly disintegrating with each of Mia's sobs. After what felt like an hour, he turned around upon hearing Mia no longer sobbing.

He saw Mia's eyes glowing a crimson orange, her form half-melting into a puddle that pooled by her feet. "Darling… doesn't want me anymore? He… loves… someone else? Besides… me?" She glanced up at Sky, tilting her head slightly in a gesture that would've been cute given any other circumstance, yet at that moment, Sky felt that it was extremely eerie.

Mia's eyes were unnaturally wide as she kept on looking at the stunned Sky. What happened to her for her to act like this?! This wasn't the kind, cheerful girl he knew before! "It's not like that! I already told you! I of course still love you, but our relationship ended when you 'died'. And now I have Skadi to love and care about. It's not right for me to lead you on and play with your feelings Mia! Nor Skadi's!" Sky spoke, panicking at first before he gradually gained confidence, as he spoke directly from his heart.

Mia's eyes cleared, and she hit her first against her open palm, as if she just came up with a brilliant idea. "I see~! So Darling still loves me, it's just that… It's just that… there's that harlot… Skadi was it? In the way… She's the reason we're not together…"

Then she smiled at him. "Then I'll just have to get rid of her~!" Sky shivered. How could she say that so casually?! Seriously! What happened to the Mia that was so kind and energetic and cheerful!?

Suddenly, Mia and Sky were both forcefully snapped out of their thoughts as they could hear the crashing of glass, and in Sky's case, a slightly cold embrace behind him. "Skyy~! Don't worry! This queen is here now~!" It was then quickly followed up by a warmer embrace in front of him. "Ara~. Always getting into trouble… Aren't you~? Honey~?"

As the two concerned girls felt up… ahem… checked Sky's body for injuries, Mia emitted massive amounts of killing intent, glaring at the two kills touching HER Sky's body. Only she could do that! "Hands. Off." She muttered quietly, lunging at them with lightning speed, her hands transforming into something akin to a spearhead, glinting sinisterly in the light.

"Sky! Are you alright?" Skadi concernedly said, her eyes showing her genuine concern for Sky, as she continued to check every inch of his body for injuries. "I wouldn't know what to do if you got injured again…"

"Ara~, it's good that you aren't injured~. I'm the only one allowed to do that~." Ahrana nodded in agreement, licking her lips slightly.

Suddenly, Sky moved. "Watch out!"

As if in slow motion, Sky rushed in front of Skadi and Ahrana, seeing Mia's maddened charge at them that they failed to see due to them being so caught up in "examining" Sky and because their backs were turned. He had to protect them! (Failing to remember in the heat of the moment that one was a yuki onna and the other was an arachne.)

As Mia rushed at the two harlots that were touching her Sky, her eyes widened. How did Sky even get in front of them?! She had to stop somehow! But it was too late. Her momentum was already carrying her weight right into Sky. Her hands pierced Sky, blood quickly gushing out of the mortal wound in Sky's chest.

The two girls turned around, noticing Sky's sudden movement, yet they were too late. He was already sprawled on the floor, a pool of blood quickly forming below him. The three girls rushed to his side, kneeling by him as their hands shook from panic, frantically trying everything they could to save him.

Slime, freezing, silk… Nothing would work. And then. The girls felt it. A definitive final Ba-Dump. It was as if it resonated in their very soul, and it was at that moment that they knew. Sky Aslan, the boy they loved, cherished, and obsessed over, was dead. First came the shock. There was no way that he was dead, right?

After all, he couldn't be! They must be dreaming! Finally, came realization. He… was truly dead. They wailed in anguish, their cries reverberating throughout the abandoned warehouse, tears streaming down their faces as they kneeled besides their deceased loved one.