Ready and Active

Chapter five

I walk out with my mom. She looks so worried and sad.

We have always been sad after my father's death because nothing good had ever happened to us since then.

"Mom, you don't need to worry about paying Paul. I've made a deal with him," I reassure her.

Mom looks up at me the moment we walked into the house, "What kind of deal did you make with him?"

I couldn't talk. I didn't even want to talk. I mean, i made a promise to Beatrice and Paul not to tell anyone anything.

My mom turns away and sobs quietly. I walk to her front and realize she's crying so hard, "Mom, why are you crying?" My heart aches to see her in such way

"I don't know what I did to deserve all this! I couldn't take care of my daughter. Now, she had made a deal to be Paul's mistress to save me. I feel so miserable," she rattles off.

I squeeze my face at her, " Mom, no!" I scream in protest.

How can she even think to that extent? I may want money and may have decided to get it in any way that I can but that wouldn't involve becoming someone mistress. I have my pride.

I will never bring myself so low no matter what I'm passing through.

I sigh and look at mom again. She really is heartbroken and there's no way I can explain to her that I didn't do anything bad or that everything will be alright.

And that, I'm not only going to free mom but I will also be getting one million dollars compensation.

Come to think of it, what will my mom think of me if I walk home one day with a million dollar? Also, I won't be at home for three weeks, how would that make her feel?

I think I will just have to tell mom about everything.

"Here, mom," I walk her to a chair, "I need to tell you all that is there to know."

The man with Beatrice earlier was James and he's a worker at Beatrice's company. James told me I would need to stay at Hattie's house for that three week

So, Paul said he would compensate me in advance. He promised to give my mom a two hundred thousand dollar after I've consented to business.

And, I'm supposed to go and see Beatrice at her house tomorrow morning.

Everything is happening so fast and I'm so happy about it.

There's no big deal pretending to be someone for three weeks. I will be enjoying, I will be at home, sleeping and eating. There never will be any deal in it.

Aside from that, I've been worrying about how I will get a job. Imagine, getting a million dollars with free food for three weeks?

If I can do that for two months, I would be a Billionaire.

I can't believe luck is shining upon me. I feel so happy that I can fly.

It took more several hours before she could accept and give her permission on this matter.

She seems scared at first but I was able to tell her there was nothing special in it. Hattie only ran away because she was being pompous. That's how most rich kids acts like. They feel they could do anything since they have rich parents.

And I also told her about the compensation and she eventually gave me her consent. The money Paul promised me dropped this morning anyways, earlier than promised.

My mom was so happy this morning before she left for work. I feel so happy too, seeing my mom this way. I've always wanted to make her smile, to buy her things just like normal children would do to their parents.

It's the second day and I'm getting ready to go and see Beatrice.

I'm dressed in a faded blue jean and a red blouse. The clothes look so weird on me but I imagine myself wearing designers in a month time.

My life will drastically change for good.

I drop before the huge building of Everett. How can it be so big on the outside? It's so spacious I can get lost in it. I wonder how the inner part will be like.

I knock at the gate slightly and wait. I don't even know how someone in the house would know someone just knocked unless there's someone around here.

I wait for some minutes and raise my hand to knock again but the gate opens suddenly and I walk in. I look up at the frown on James's face, "You obviously didn't think I came out because of your knock? Didn't you see the bell button?"

Bell button?

I hurry out again and search for the bell button.

I see it just close to where I stood earlier. Wow, I've never seen a bell button before and I have never even touched it.

I place my hand on it slowly.

"OMG! Are you kidding me right now!" James screams and tugs out his head to look at me, " Just what do you think you are doing?"

I look at him and flash him an anxious smile. I can't help some things. I step back inside the house and look around me again. A gasp escaped me. This place is so big

It's the garden that seems to catch my fancy as James led me in. I like the way they fit in the compound with the flowers making it looks like it was a sort of museum with the artifacts gone but still cool looking.

James goes to sit before Beatrice tiredly, "She's one heck of a thing!"

I use the opportunity to gaze around. The chandelier which looks like an iced pieces stood hanging in the middle of the huge room. There are sofas and chairs but the arrangements impress me.

I promise to buy a house like this for I and mom to live in.

"Good morning," I say to Beatrice and bend my head slightly as a sign of respect.

Beatrice didn't look at me and I wonder if I have done something wrong.

The front door opens almost immediately and a young woman in her late twenty walks in. She walks closer and stays for a moment to admire me.

Her eyes went wide with shock and she proceeded to check all around me. She looks up at James now, "I'm almost confused she came back."

James laughs, "I thought as much. I wonder how they could look so much alike."

"I'm so happy. Now, the marriage will go on as scheduled," she jubilates softly but my head wipe towards her at the confession.

What does she mean? What marriage?

"What did you just say?" I raise my confused brows at her. She didn't answer, she sighs and walks to sit. I look at James, "What marriage did she just talk about?" My head did a thud as I anticipate an answer.

I'm sure the lady is merely jabbing.

The lady brings out a phone and press some buttons on it, "I don't believe you didn't tell her anything," she doesn't even look bothered about the current situation whereby beads of perspiration have started to appear on my forehead.

What the heck is she talking about?

"Hattie ran away because of the marriage. It's the same reason why we needed you," James finally speak out.

I turn my head towards him again slowly, my heart suddenly hurt so much. Yet, I'm still not getting it. What has that got to do with me?

I only look like Hattie, I'm not in the best position to act as a surrogate bride, right?

It doesn't even make sense.

James looks away unperturbed, "You will be Hattie and get married."

What! It seems like my heart actually stopped for a moment.

" What the fuck are you talking about?" They are obviously playing with me. There's no way they would expect that to happen.

"Ash!" The lady snort noisily, "You don't think we would dash you a million dollars if your job is so irrelevant. What kind of job will offer you that huge amount of money to eat and sleep here!" Her soft voice has suddenly martyrized into a scary one.

My heart suddenly starts to hammer wildly in my chest. My mom suspected this. She was so reluctant, and I had to convince her.

Why did I think life was going to change well for me? Apparently, fate is just toying with me.

How can I get married to someone, something I'm not ready for! Is this like a joke? And why didn't they tell me the full contract? This is so annoying

I turn to face James, "I'm sorry then but I don't think I can continue with this. I'm withdrawing!"

Beatrice finally looks up at me, " You signed the contract. And you signed you are never to withdraw in the beginning or in the middle of the contract, unless the contract is over. Also, you will have to return the two hundred thousand dollars I gave your mother and the one she's owning Paul Loan."

I release an exasperated sigh. Are they kidding me?

I can't withdraw? What kind of contract is that exactly!

I don't believe I've been hooked! Where do I get the money to give them? I've just lost my job!

God! I'm going to kill Declan if I ever lay my eyes on him. He caused all this!

But pretending to be Hattie and wearing wedding gown won't be a hassle, right?

My heart vibrates slowly. I feel the dread come down on me.

I've stepped in, there's no way I'm coming out, right? I'm so scared right now.

I swallow on the large lump that has suddenly form on my chest, "What about the night of the wedding day?"

James looks up at me amazingly, "What's it about?"

I suppress the shudder and try to get myself, " Will I pass that point?"

"Which point?" James raises confused brows and watches me for a while, then his mouth twist and display a nice smile, "Are you talking about the night?" He looks away slightly and laughs briefly.

I feel so ashamed of myself right now. The only thing I could do is look away while my heart continues to beat so fast and so loud that I fear they might hear it.

"Well yes! The night will happen according to what your husband wants."

My heart seems to stop for a moment. I'm going to lose my virtue for a million dollar!

This is like some kind of drama and I feel like my life have just revolve into a funny drama.

I close my eyes against the tears that have threatened to seep from under my lashes. Why would anyone do this thing to me?

Why do I have to be in this kind of position?

I opens my eyes now, "So, the main reason why you wanted me was so I can pretend to be the bride and get fucked by a man I don't even know?" My choose of words amaze even me.

I've never really made such outburst but I can't help it because I feel like I'm going to vanish or disappear into thin air.

The lady turns to look at me again, a wide smile on her face, "You should consider yourself lucky, lots of ladies will fight to be the one in your position. You should consider yourself lucky that you are the best candidate to be kissed and fucked by Ayles billionaire, Henry."

I suddenly feel the earth move underneath me. It seems like my subconsciousness left me.

Is she kidding me! I should consider myself lucky? That I'm going to lose the only thing fate had me to hold unto because I'm pretending to be Hattie?

I should be grateful to fate that I am going to have sex with someone i don't even love? Someone that's not my husband? And I should be happy I'm the one in the position to be fucked by Ayles billionaire?

Well, she's right. Lots of ladies would kill to get fucked by him. He's even the best of the three friends. But heck no! Not me!

I'm not excited! I'm not happy! I don't believe all this is happening to me!

What the fuck! I yell out.