Not so bad

Chapter six

I cry again. I just can't stop crying. I don't believe all this is happening to me?

There's no going back, obviously. Even if I can get over the other part of the contract, I won't be able to return the money.

Where do I see four hundred thousand dollars?

My life isn't really special and interesting. Perhaps, I can spice it up a little. At least, after the end of the whole thing, I will be left with a million dollars.

That will be enough for me to start a new life and forget everything.

I hope so.

The door creaks open. I look back swiftly and realize it's mom.

Mom walks in, "Are you alright?"

I smile and walk to her, "I'm very fine," I watch her for a while, she looks so happy and her color is really good, " You look ok."

She chuckles, "That's because I'm ok. When are you leaving finally?"

I know she's talking about the business deal I had with Paul. Little did she know that her daughter is going into a huge mess.

"Tomorrow," I sit her down, "Have you eaten?"

She nods slowly, "Yes. I've brought some foodstuff as well. I'm so grateful to you my daughter," she looks so happy.

I pull her into a hug and smile. I like seeing my mom this way.

I open my eyes suddenly and look around me. I'm still in my room.

I had a dream that I was already meeting people and pretending to be Hattie Everett. It wouldn't be so difficult if it wasn't for the husband issue.

Maybe, I can find a way to avoid the disaster.

I sit up quickly and a smile evade my face. Why didn't I think of it earlier?

I rush into the bathroom and quickly did my thing.

I choose a black skirt and a blue blouse. I look at myself in the mirror again. Satisfied by my look even though it's barely pretty enough to attract suitors.

I rush out of the house and head towards Beatrice's house.

I stop for a moment in front of the house and look back. It's today. Today begins a new chapter for me.

Starting from today henceforth, I will bear Hattie and not the Jayde that I bear.

But it will be enjoyable.

I made the intention to knock on the door, then I remember the bell button.

I press on it and wait. Few minutes later, the gate opens. I walk in and stare up at James, "Hi, good day."

He didn't answer but turn away and starts inside the house. I follow swiftly.

"I didn't know you would come," James says tiredly and goes to sit.

I watch him for a while, " Can we start already?"

He nods briefly, "Mercy will be here soon. She will tell you all you need to know about Hattie. Meanwhile, Betty will lead you to your room," he says and a lady walks in.

She moves closer to me and bow slightly, "I will show you to your room ma," she turns and starts walking in.

I smile too and follow her.

We walk for a while before she arrives at a big door. She opens the door and walk in.

My eyes went wide as I look around the spacious bedroom. There's a big picture of Hattie at the wall, and some of the musicians.

"What will you like to take," the lady says.

I look at her now, " Anything," I watch her leave before I run to sleep on the bed. It's soft and not like any I have slept on.

How can a room be so big? There's even an air conditioner.

And there's a huge TV set at a side.

There's a big door to my right. I get up from the bed and walk nearer. I open the door and discover to my surprise that it's a big closet.

I walk out again. How can someone live this kind of life? Life of luxury, life of great comfort and it will be mine for two weeks.

I move to the window frame and look out to the street. I love the city view through this side.

A car drive in and Mercy emerges.

I pull down the curtains and walk to the bed.

Mercy said I will be getting married to Henry. Now, I'm able to sit well and think about him. I've never seen Henry and I don't even know what he looks like because I don't have a phone or a TV.

But I do know he, Weston, and Declan are as thick as thieves.

And I heard he's the most handsome out of the three friends.

Imagine dining with Ayles billionaire.

If it's the only achievement I'm able to make in my life, then I will gladly accept it.

I am going to enjoy every bit of it! For two weeks, I am going to enjoy my life. I am going to enjoy the life of luxury that I have been denied off.

I can't wait, I seriously can't.