A Bulletless Gun

After shooting two bullets in the hotel ceiling. Botan continued his speech.

"But I tell you, all your training… all your blood and sweat… all your years dedicated to your art and skill. It is all useless against modern warfare. Even now, the best of Japan are trembling against one little piece of metal."

Botan lowered the gun and removed all the bullets and dropped them one by one on the floor including the bullet in the chamber.

"You are all Japan's Katana. A symbol of power and strength. A remnant of its former glory, a useless sword left for decoration, and at the final moments, its only use is to take one's own life. Powerless against the pistol, the automatic rifle, the aerial missiles, and nuclear weapons. You all belong in the museum, meant for civilians to use for leisure and trivia. Criminals scoff at you, gangsters spit at you, private mercenaries laugh at you…"

"But I will tell you, the shift in the world's power is about to change. And you will all once again strike fear in your enemies."

From behind the stage, there was someone in black medieval armor walking slowly towards Botan.

His helmet that covered his face had two long dark horns pointing at the sky. He had a black cape almost touching the floor. His shield had a skull-shaped figure embedded in it and his sword was gigantic, sheaved at his back. And they could see his eyes glow blood red from the holes in his helmet.

All the guests stiffened and skin shivered with every step the dark man took.

A man from the crowd stepped forward. Stood straight and chin up he said, "I am a master of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I have trained my whole life to be the strongest and to carve every technique to my bone. But I also am a failure. Three years ago, in my home country in Honduras, I was driving with my daughter and wife to go to the mall. In the middle of the road, we were stopped by a gang of armed men. They wanted my car and all my money. I pleaded with them… I gave them everything, and begged them to leave my family alone…"

Botan saw that the man was sweating nervously. "Go on…"

"In the ring, I could have taken all of them down easily… But it wasn't the ring. They had guns and no matter how much I begged, they still killed my wife and daughter and raped their bodies in front of me. So tell me… You claim the shift in power will change! How!" The man fell to his knees and cried.

Yuri was the one wearing the Medieval Armor. He had ordered the custom-made armor and shield online. But his Lesser Magitek Sword with E-class Brawn Amplifier was enough for the occasion. He turned his head toward Botan and nodded to tell him to start their plan.

Botan took the Brass Knuckles from Yuri and spread his arms widely like a fierce eagle about to catch its prey. He moved with immense speed around the room.

One by one, knocking all the guests down on their knees. They could not see him at all.

They were astounded but they knew it was Botan as he appeared from one part of the room to the other.

In reaction, to defend themselves, all the fighters tried to fight back, but to no avail, they could not defeat him even with all their mastery and strength combined.

Botan's amplified Finesse allowed him to control his power so he would not injure any of them.

All of the fighters tried to overpower him with sheer numbers but Yuri raised his sword and smashed it against the concrete floor, it sent a wave of energy that pushed them all back away.

The Magitek sword had left a huge hole on the floor and they could see the floor below them.

All of the guests were knocked down to the ground, and the dark armored figure opened his arms to let them bask in his glory.

They all looked at him and fell to their knees. They looked up at the levitating man in armor and stopped fighting back.

Yuri said, "Bow and you shall rise! Obey and you shall lead! Be subdued and you shall conquer! Follow me, and I shall give you power."

The room became still and everyone stood up.

They collected themselves, looked at each other, and there was a mutual, unanimous atmosphere in the room. They all bowed like newborn students. Eager to learn from their new master. More resolved, to take back their former place in the world.