The Quest

Yuri stood for a moment gazing at the tortured ball of flesh and bones in front of him. It looked like a cat's furball had been rolling on a bed of needles and constantly reshaped and reformed by wetting it with acid and burning gasoline. After a few moments, he turned away from it, paying no more heed to it whatsoever.

"Master, you mentioned that you found the Pied Piper Den."

Sebastian wanted to redirect Yuri's attention to the present matter knowing from his reaction to Akira Abe that he was distracted.

"Uhhh Yes…" Yuri said, "How many HELLs have you prepared that is vacant and ready for use?"

Yuri referred to HELLs which meant 'Hidden Eternal Lambasting Laboratory'. It's the name for the cells similar to what Akira Abe is in.