The Flight

When everyone had left to do their duties, Yuna was left behind along with one of the leaders of the Mazoku Dojos.

Yuna walked past Yuri and whispered, "Honey, you still have some explaining to do about that girl that looks like Ayesha."

Then she smiled and walked out elegantly.

Yuri was flustered. And thought that his tactic was working. That is to just ignore and forget about it because soon others will too.

Left alone with one of the leaders of the Mazoku Dojos that he requested. 

Yuri asked Ayesha, "Ayesha, can you switch back to the smaller and more tactical Mecha-form Exosuit."

"Yes, Master."

Yuri's samurai armor reverted into his first and most favorite of his Exosuits. Because it was mobile, yet strong, fast yet tough, and displayed a neat imprint of his 8-pack abs.