The Building

Yuri and his team of Mazoku arrive at the location of the Pied Piper Den. Yuri had followed the location that was provided by the system because he still had the little miner girl from the game added as a party member in the Magitek System itself.

It was about 7:00 pm and it was already dark the location had led them to an abandoned factory in the middle of nowhere. But there was a rough road that 100 miles ahead or more, would eventually lead to the city.

There weren't any infrastructures within a few miles of the building, but there were many parked vehicles in the parking lot. They were able to avoid any close monitoring by the police, mostly due to internal corruption. But Yuri would not allow this in his kingdom any longer. The reason Yuri used a pole to transport the Mazoku, was so that Ayesha could alter their armor secretly. While they were holding on to the pole, Ayesha connected wires that would reforge their equipment with new modifications.