The Clamor

Oda Hatanaka, the head of the Imperial Guard been alerted of Yuri's arrival at the Mazoku Dojo of Kinki, and already set plans to silence the protesters who were making a disturbance out on the streets.

"My Lord Yuri," Oda pleaded, "Please allow us to clear the disturbance before your arrival. These people should be punished for being loud and disrespectful amidst your arrival."

"It is fine- Oda," he responds on the phone. "I can take care of myself. For now, focus on your preparations for the meeting later tonight. I know you have concerns that you wish to bring up. And I know you must make the most of the time that has been given to you. You wouldn't want to disappoint the Empress now, do you?"

"Yes, my Lord."

Because of this report, Yuri thought that he would get to the root of the problem himself, and see what his citizens were asking for. 

On the car to the Mazoku Dojo of Kyoto, Ayesha asked Yuri.