The Protest

The crowd of hundreds stared at the old but powerful Karate Master. 

"Demon!" one of the protesting crowd shouted. The one that shouted was an old man who looked the same age as him.

The Karate Master looked back at him. 

"Why do you call me such things? I am human just like you."

The whole crowd listened at the exchange, in hopes that an actual discussion might progress.

"You are a selfish demon. You keep the magic power to yourselves. What the demon lord is doing is unfair. I am already 70. And you look almost the same age as me, yet why do you enjoy the benefits of magic while others must suffer? I have worked hard for my life savings and hoped to buy Magic Items to give me the comfort at least of not breaking my back as I walk down the stairs. Why am I not allowed yet others are!"

The people cheered in agreement. "Yeah! Demon!"

The Karate Master then replied.