The Wild

"Master, is it always okay to kill?"

"I don't think it's okay to kill. But sometimes we have no choice. The universe forces us to."

"Did the universe force me to kill all these men?"

"No, AI. I did. It's not your fault," Yuri said to the AI in the form of his Magitek Exosuit.

It's dusk and the orange sun sinks itself into the sea as its yellow rays one by one start to disappear and its remaining light shadows the backs of the cumulus-nimbus clouds on the horizon. Yuri soars through the sky, the wind had swept most of the blood from his Exosuit but there was still some crushed flesh left in his armored joints.

"AI, are you able to find the heads of the Yakuza?"

"Yes Master, I have calculated that with the large number of prisoners that they have helped escape they will need a large port to board them and the closest one for maximum ETA."

Yuri thinks about it and says, "The Port of Tokyo! Go!"