The Nice

On the metal hallway attached to the upper part of the shipment building, Yuri sneaks inside and looks around to see if there are any enemies or cameras that might detect him.

"There is no one guarding this hallway, Master."

"Good. There doesn't seem to be any cameras too."

Yuri had E-class dexterity but if he moved even a little bit at that speed the Yakuza would inevitably hear him and prevent any chance of the element of surprise, so he walked stealthily.

Sneaking across the hallways and tiptoeing, reminded him of his memories in the orphanage with Gaia. Back then, they would sneak out at night to go to the arcade and play some games while the headmaster was sleeping.

"I miss her," he murmurs.

Using the heat vision, he could see Botan's familiar orange silhouette sitting on a chair alone.

"It's Botan! And there are no guards in the vicinity. That's good!"