The Paolo

"I think it's time we talked about the other Magitek Mages, Sebastian."

"As you wish, Master. Though I would like to bring up that I no longer have my designer suit when we reverse the merge, thus I would ask that we order a new one."

Yuri smiled while he was flying through the night sky. The vicinity of the city seemed safe, and there was no obvious source of where the flying monster came from.

"And what exactly the fuck was that earlier? It's gotta be one of the Mages. BioMage… Maybe?"

He still had some of the toxic saliva burning through him but they were too insignificant to notice. He stopped and floated in the sky, suspended thousands of feet above the ground.

"It was likely the RiftMage, Master," Sebastian said.

"The system's analysis of the creature indicated that it was not from earth. The RiftMage, if they are truly that powerful, would be able to transport a creature of that size to earth."