The Michael

Yuri, Sebastian, and Martha Akio, the reporter, headed toward the Domain Company Building. Riding in Yuri's black BMW, Sebastian is driving them there. Yuri had called Botan to go there as soon as possible. He wanted to confirm Botan's and Martha's stories. And if Martha was lying, he would kill her. If she wasn't then he wants to find out what she wants and her true purpose for helping them.

"If what she says is true, then the Yakuza might be betraying us again," Yuri thought to himself. He kept silent most of the ride there, refusing to give any information to Martha, who might be a spy.

Yuri and Sebastian wore casual yet fashionable clothes this night instead of their usual suits, as it was an emergency.

"Where are we going?" Martha asks.

"Shut the fuck up," he tells her.

After getting scolded, she put her palms on her legs and kept to herself as well.

They arrived at the building parking lot. Botan was already there, waiting for them.