The Speaker

Yuri is sleeping in his apartment. He had slept through the whole morning and noon because he had been forging Lesser Magitek armor and weapons to distribute to the Mazoku and Yakuza.

Sebastian had stayed in the Domain building as he was maintaining the production of now three Mana Fusion Reactors, constantly producing processed Mana cubes. Due to the amount of mana being produced and Magitek items that were still being distributed, the 3 floors of the Domain building had to be cleared out. Yuri had a huge problem.

He didn't have the infrastructure strong, secure, and big enough to manage the production of Mana and Weapons. This was one of the reasons why he had set up a meeting with the TerraMage, well, most importantly to complete the system quest.

*Ding Dong

The doorbell of Yuri's condominium door ringed.

*Ding Dong

He was fully asleep and began to wake up from the annoying doorbell.

"Who the fuck is it?"