The Miser

When the invisible flying ship exploded, their communication jamming was also destroyed, and Yuri who had scoured the entire highway where there was debris from the cars of the Imperial Guard, was now able to contact Yuna.

"Yuna! I've been looking all over for you. Where are you? Are you alright? Is Akira there?"

She instantly burst into tears, "Yes! We're alright! But Oda is gone, he saved us, Yuri!"

"You mean that explosion just now? I know where it is. I'm heading there. Don't use your phone! Find a safe place to hide, and I'll get there. I promise."

Ayesha, the AI girl, that merged with Yuri to form the Exosuit had used Omnipresent Surveillance to track the direction that Yuna and Akira were coming from.

"I have found them, Master. They are 10 km west of the Kyoto Imperial Palace."

"Good! Let's go!" Yuri rushed toward the palace, flying in his Dragon-form with full speed.