The Winter

Botan has been leading the Mazoku and the Yakuza in assisting in rescuing the victims of the bombings and helping the authorities put out the fires. Although, most of the Yakuza were still wanted by the Japanese Police because of the hostage-takings, and attempted escape plan they had three days ago. But back then no actual civilians or hostages were killed because of Yuri's intervention. 

Now, the whole city of Tokyo is burning and firemen couldn't run inside burning skyscrapers like the Mazoku, and the Police couldn't lift heavy debris trapping people like the Yakuza supplied with Magitek.

When everything had calmed down, and the fires were manageable by the authorities, Botan called all his men to the Domain Company Building. After they had assembled.

Botan stood on the topmost of the stairwell, in front of the Domain Building, with the three Yakuza clan leaders, and three of the Mazoku's chosen commanders.