This chapter will be focusing on different forms of self harm. When most people think of self harm they either think of cutting, scratching, or burning. But there are many forms of it, including emotional and mental self harm. For instance, over spicing food is a form of self harm too, so is taking a shower with water that's too hot. But there's also psychological self harm, such as starting arguments between yourself and others, forcing yourself to not sleep, or forcing yourself to relive traumatic moments are also forms of self harm. Substance abuse and purposeful starvation are forms of self harm as well. Self harm is described as the act of taking emotional pain and channeling it into another kind of pain. For anyone struggling with self harm, please go out and see a psychologist or therapist. No one deserves to hurt like that and everyone should have someone to talk to when they're having urges to self harm. Although it seems like the only good option, or like an option you don't want to get rid of, please try. I understand what it feels like and anyone who feels like this deserves everything that can help them. And I know it's hard to stop, especially when you don't want to, believe me I get it. But self harm can become an addiction, and once it reaches that point it's even harder to stop. I am addicted to self harm, and even if I wanted to stop, I couldn't. In most cases, self harm is not done out of a need for attention. It is done out of a need for help. Self harm can be caused by a number of things, such as environment or mental state, but self harm isn't always a result of those things. Just because someone has depression doesn't mean they're going to self harm, just as someone who has anxiety is always going to have panic attacks. Some people feel ashamed of their mental state, and hide the fact that they need help, which in turn worsens their state, leading to a vicious cycle of pain. Some alternatives to self harm are drawing on yourself in the area where you usually self harm (if done physically), and taking a break from reality and laying down for a little while and listening to soothing music (if done mentally or emotionally). Though not everyone can afford help or ask for it, just trying your best can lead to a better outcome. The next chapter will be talking about sleep, vitamin D, and eating/the importance of it all. Thank you for reading My Journey Through Mental Health, Going Through it Together.