The Incredible Itsuki

How to defeat Itsuki, the villain who summoned Cthulhu and destroyed the world?

"I'm not a good man anymore!"

Naoki took a deep breath, carrying out the ultimate mission of saving the world, and immediately lowered his head and kissed Itsuki on the lips.

Very soft.

Her lips are so soft.

It's like a jelly top drink, cold, creamy, and you can even taste the sweetness of the fruit juice drink.

Damn, it was clearly just a dream, why is there a real lip touch! No need for something like this!

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Itsuki stared in bewilderment, his azure blue eyes filled with a daze, as if she had lost consciousness, and Naoki could still clearly see his own reflection in Itsuki's eyes.

"Did I manage to do it?"

Naoki looked out the window out of the corner of his eye, and the huge octopus tentacle in the night sky had stopped.

"Very good, Cthulhu seal worked."

Naoki was about to let Itsuki go, when he suddenly found that the world in front of him was starting to distort, followed by a strong feeling of falling, and he couldn't help but take a strong eye-opening act, so everything in front of him suddenly changed.

Looking at the familiar ceiling above, Naoki raised his hand and rubbed his face, and quickly woke up.

"Finally awake."

"In the end, I actually saved the world by playing hooligans, which was really satisfying… Damn it!"

"Trouble is coming soon!"


At the same time.

Nakano's apartment.

Itsuki suddenly opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, his face reddened, and she hastily raised his hand to cover his lips.

"I actually got kissed by Asakawa-san just now?"

"And in front of everyone?"

"Doing something so rude… Asakawa-san is going too far!"

Itsuki took a deep breath, put on his glasses, and looked around. The morning sun had gone down, the streets were full of traffic, and the whole city was coming to life.


Itsuki quickly relieved, "It turned out to be just a dream."

"I actually dreamed that there was a zombie crisis in the school, and then everyone and Asakawa-san ran away from the school. It must have been due to studying too much recently. After the exam, I relaxed and started thinking wildly."


Itsuki stretched out his finger and touched his lips calmly, a blush filled with guilt on his face, "The feeling in the dream was so real, even Asakawa-san clearly felt the heat on him lips…."

"Ahhh! Don't think about it! It's just a relationship between tutor and student!"

Itsuki raised his hand and rubbed his face hard, "It's already 7 in the morning, time to get up, go to the bathroom first, then eat meat buns to suppress the shock..."

Push the door out of the bedroom.

Itsuki stopped in his tracks and widened his eyes in surprise "Why are you all awake?"

Today is clearly Saturday, Nino and Yotsuba won't talk about it, Ichika and Miku should sleep until noon and wake up right?

"Itsuki, good morning." Yotsuba waved and shouted.

"Oh, good morning."

Itsuki walked downstairs, poured himself a glass of water, and asked curiously while drinking:

"Why are you all awake?"

"I had a really weird dream last night, and I didn't want to go back to sleep when I woke up." Ichika hugged the pillow and held the remote control in her hand, changing programs at will.

She saw TV , happened to be TV Tokyo, but this was not the time for anime, and there was only the usual morning news on TV.

"I had a dream too." Yotsuba held a green hair accessory and was about to tie it, "I dreamed that a zombie crisis broke out in school, and then we ran away from school with Asakawa-san."


Itsuki, who had just taken a sip of water, immediately vomited it out.


Miku complained. "My pajamas are wet."

"Cough, cough, I'll dry it later to get some sunshine… Don't talk about it." Itsuki wiped his mouth, opened his eyes to see Yotsuba, and said in surprise, "Yotsuba, you had a dream about the school zombie crisis last night?"

Yotsuba stretched out his finger and lightly patted his chin "I was chased by a strange zombie in the field, Asakawa-san came over, spread his right leg, and immediately tripped the zombie down, and then hit me on the head, asked if it hurt, and said more than a point. ."

"How could that be..."

Itsuki was confused for a while, why did Yotsuba have the same dream as her?

"Eh?" Ichika put down the remote control and looked at her in surprise, "I also dreamed of a zombie crisis at school."

Ichika hugged the pillow and put her legs together: "There is a terrible zombie at the school gate, we can't get past it, Asakawa-kun said he will take us through the wall, but met a zombie dog, Yotsuba was so scared that she cried and hugged his head."

"It was a dream!" Yotsuba hastily waved his hand, hesitantly said, "I'm not afraid of dogs now!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" Itsuki put down the glass of water and couldn't help but say "Miku, did you also dream of the zombie crisis at school?"

Miku nodded lightly: "I had a dream too… After leaving school, it was getting dark, a vampire chased us, we ran to the bookstore, and It didn't work at all, and finally Asakawa used "Origin of Species" to repel the vampires, and say that Darwin is the strongest exorcist."

"Exactly the same... How about Nino?"

The four sisters all looked at Nino.

Nino took a light breath, and narrated: "We ran to a shop later, and Itsuki said that TV Tokyo was still broadcasting anime, so don't worry, but the anime suddenly stopped broadcasting."

The five sisters looked at each other.

A moment of silence.

Ichika raised her right hand and gently twirled her hair beside her ear, "So, the five of us had the exact same dream?"

Miku tilted her head, "Maybe... the five of us were in the same dream?"

Itsuki's eyes were confused, "How can such a thing happen?"

"It must have something to do with the Bastard Asakawa!"

Nino remembered everything in the dream clearly.


Very shy!

How dare you say that you fell in love at first sight the first time you saw me. Turns out it was a lie from start to finish, not only that, but also bullied Miku in front of me and wrote straight characters on my thighs with a marker... You are full of sin, Too many to count!

"Asakawa bastard! I will never forgive you!"

"It's amazing, it turns out that everyone had the same dream last night." Yotsuba exclaimed and suddenly turned around to look at Itsuki.

"Why are you looking at me?"

A bad premonition flashed through his mind, and Itsuki took a half step back.

Yotsuba lightly tapped the sofa, and started interrogation mode: "Finally, at the convenience store, why is Itsuki kissing Asakawa-san?"

"It wasn't a kiss, it was clearly Asakawa-san kissing me forcefully…" Itsuki's face turned red, his right hand was hidden against his chest, his eyes wavered, "Let's talk about it, things in dreams can't be considered at all, right?"

Although the dream is very clear and the touch of his lips is unbelievably real, but the first kiss was taken in a dream, I will not accept it!

Miku said grimly: "Reckless Asakawa, guilty, Harakiri."

Nino: "Call the police directly."

"Don't call the police..." A drop of cold sweat fell on Itsuki's head, "What happened in that dream, the police won't believe it."

"By the way." Ichika supported her cheek with her right hand, "Do you think Asakawa-kun's behavior in the dream is strange?"

Miku said softly, "It feels a bit out of place."

"I feel this way too." Yotsuba nodded in agreement, "It seems… Asakawa-san knows that he is dreaming."

The five sisters looked at each other in silence.

"Let's go."

"Let's go together."

"Going to Asakawa-san's apartment to eat and drink… No, this is an interrogation crime!"