Furuhashi Asking for Help

7.30 am.

Outside Nanako's house.

"I have arrived."

The moment Naoki sent the message, footsteps immediately sounded behind the door.

The door opened, and Nanako stood behind the door with her right hand clamped around her waist, with Kabuinujiro shaking his head and tail at his feet.

Naoki walked to the entrance, sat on the sofa, looked at Nanako who was mopping the floor, and asked:

"What do you want me to help with?"

"I really want to help, but you have to move." Nanako turned her head and looked at him "Don't just sit there and talk."

"Sitting and talking very tired."

"I kicked you!"


Entering the house, Nanako clapped her hands, poured a piece of dog food for Kabuinujiro, and said, "Let's go."



The two of them left the apartment and walked towards the bus stop.

While passing the convenience store, Naoki bought a bag of bread and handed it to Nanako, "Here."

Nanako turned her head "What do you want me to do with bread?"

Naoki said "You didn't have breakfast."

"Eh?" Nanako asked in surprise. "How do you know?"

Naoki said with certainty: "You only gave dog food to Kabuinujiro when I was out. Can you eat in front of Kabuinujiro?"

"You seem to know me very well." Nanako said stubbornly, "It doesn't matter if I don't have breakfast."

Naoki raised the bread in his hand "Then you won't eat it?"

"Do not eat."

Nanako turned her face away, a person with a backbone never eats the food that comes, let alone the movement of summoning stars, even if she dies!

"Just forget it." Naoki shrugged and put the bread away, "I'll give the Ritsu to Furusashi later."

Nanako immediately became angry, "Give me some bread."

The bread for herself that Ritsu gave to another girl in the blink of an eye, is this something a human can do!

Naoki said quietly, "Who said not to eat now?"

Nanako became angry "If you say one more word, I will eat it with you."

Angrily taking the bread from Naoki's hands, Nanako's eyes looked fierce, and Anego's aura spread out, and when her eyes saw an elementary school student nearby, the elementary school student's body trembled, and she hurriedly bent down and stretched out her hand in front of Nanako: " Sorry, all the pocket money my mother gave Ritsu is here, please don't eat me!"

Passersby around cast suspicious glances, and social death was imminent.

"I don't charge elementary school student protection fees..."

Nanako hurriedly explained, but sadly, what she said was pale and weak, clearly unconvincing.

"The bus is coming."

At the critical moment, the bus finally arrives, Naoki grabs Nanako and hides in the bus.

Finding an empty corner and sitting down, Nanako breathed a sigh of relief and took a bite of the bread, she was very depressed, "That elementary school student is too shy."

Naoki said beside him, "Perhaps it has nothing to do with elementary school students."

"Hah?" Nanako showed her teeth "You mean I'm fierce?"

"You're not fierce."


Nanako snorted softly, looked wisely, and continued to eat the bread.

Naoki said quietly, "There is only one word for fierce on the forehead."


After getting off the bus, Naoki and Nanako immediately arrived at their destination.

"Yamada-san, good morning."

Naoki bowed slightly.

"Good morning." Keiko opened the door and greeted Naoki and Nanako to enter the house, "Come in."

Well-dressed Ritsu was sitting on the sofa, holding a stuffed panda in his arms, watching TV when she saw Naoki come in, she called out, "Dad."

Naoki's expression was a little strange.

Boys seem to like being called daddy naturally, even if the other person is a little girl.

But compared to children, it's still...

Naoki looked at Nanako beside him.

Nanako understands Naoki's eyes, she is very angry:

"You really want me to call you dad, pervert Asakawa, go to hell!"

Keiko coughed, her expression slightly embarrassed. She married relatively early, and she is not yet 30 this year. Her daughter refers to a high school student as her father. If she was heard, it would be very bad.

"Sit down, I'll make you some tea."

Keiko quickly brought two cups of tea, then sat across from Naoki:

"Ritsu is better than before, but she still rarely talks…"

After speaking, she glanced at his daughter who was watching TV quietly, and talked about the situation last week.

"This kind of thing can't be rushed." Nanako comforted "Ritsu will get better one day."

"Thank you very much." Keiko sighed softly, "Are you staying at home today or are you taking Ritsu to play?"

Nanako glanced at Naoki and hummed, "Let's play."

"Then take care of Ritsu,"


After talking for a while, Naoki and Nanako left the apartment with Ritsu.


Arriving at the agreed train station and getting off the train, a girl with a white headband and blue hair tied into a high ponytail, it was Furuhashi.

"Chiba-san, good morning."

Furuhashi had a bright smile.

"...Good morning."

Nanako answered softly.

"Ritsu-chan, we meet again." Furuhashi and squatted down, and said softly, "Do you remember who I am?"

"No one can resist Furuhashi's healing smile."

This sentence suddenly appeared in Nanako's mind.

As expected of a sleeping princess in class, she looked really good when she smiled, as if her mood would improve with that.


Nanako turned to look at Naoki, and gritted her teeth.

Obviously two people were enough, but also calling Furuhashi together, it made her uncomfortable.

"You promised last night."

Naoki could naturally understand Nanako's expression.

Furuhashi is always helpful, gentle and kind. After learning about Ritsu's situation, she texted yesterday asking if she would like to go out and play together on the weekend.

Of course Naoki wouldn't mind, and then he asked Nanako's opinion, so they're here today at the train stop.

"Asakawa-san, where are you going to play today?"

Furuhashi got up and asked.

Looking at Ritsu who had been grasped by her little hands, Nanako felt a little sour in her heart.

Obviously she was the first... why was it taken so easily!

Naoki mused, "Go catch fish and prawns?"

"Girls don't like that kind of entertainment!"

Nanako could only complain.

Naoki turned his head, "What did Nanako like as a child?"

"Of course it's a doll..."

Halfway through, this Nanako suddenly coughed. As a school bully, she actually likes dolls. It's too embarrassing to say.

"Stop coughing." Naoki said quietly, "I've heard it."

"…You just wait!"

"Why don't we go to the zoo?" Furuhashi suggested, "Last time we went to the farm, I met a lot of fruit trees, and today we went to the zoo, and we got to know a lot of animals in the textbooks... Ritsu-chan wants to go?"

Ritsu raised his head, "...Go."

"Ritsu-chan is talking?"

Furuhashi was surprised, "It's my first time hearing Ritsu-chan speak, and her voice is really good."

Ritsu-chan blushed and lowered her head, obviously a little embarrassed.

Nanako looked at Furuhashi, and suddenly remembered the elementary school student who sacrificed the allowance earlier, and finally realized a fact.

People are completely different.

After confirming the destination, Naoki got on the train and headed to the zoo.

Compared to the crowd at the amusement park, even though there were a lot of people in the zoo, at least there was no need to queue.

The zoo in front happens to be the zoo where Naoki went to see the pandas with the Quintuplets during the summer vacation.

Naoki didn't feel any emotion when he revisited the old place. He just felt that there were more people with their families, and tourists playing alone were almost invisible.

Think too.

It's like a serious person writing a diary, and a dog coming to the zoo to play.

Girls naturally like cute animals, and young girls are no exception. After the calm Ritsu entered the zoo, she was clearly much more alive. Even though she still cherished words like gold, she could at least express his will.

Even Nanako takes out her phone to take photos from time to time.

Naoki asked curiously, "Have you never been to a zoo before?"

"Why are you asking so many questions." Nanako said coldly "If it weren't for you guys coming to play, I wouldn't be interested."

Naoki nodded lightly, "Then why don't you see the panda later?"

"What?" Nanako's eyes suddenly lit up, and she grabbed Naoki's wrist, "You said there are pandas in the zoo?"

Hearing that movement, Furuhashi saw Nanako's action, she bit his lip lightly, and was about to speak when Naoki said:

"There really are pandas, you don't know that?"

"Eh?" Upon hearing the panda's name, Furuhashi's eyes lit up, and quickly grabbed Naoki's other hand, "Asakawa-san, what did you just say? Are there pandas in the zoo?"

Naoki nodded and said, "There is indeed a panda."

"No, I've been to this zoo a few times before, and I've never seen a panda."

Furuhashi looked suspicious.

"When was the last time you came?" Naoki asked.

"Hmm…" Furuhashi mused, "If I remember correctly, it should have been during spring break, just when I had time, I came to play by myself."

"That's right." Naoki said calmly, "The panda was borrowed from another zoo this summer, of course you haven't seen it."

Furuhashi and Nanako looked at each other and said in unison, "Go see the pandas!"

Even Ritsu was looking forward to it, his little hand grabbed Naoki's sleeve, and said incoherently, "Look at the panda."

Pandas are very popular in Japan. When the Fukushima nuclear power plant leaked, the first news from a major TV station was related to the leak. The second is that the panda at Ueno Zoo gives birth to a baby!

Later, the panda cub unfortunately died. From the principal to the rancher, they were all crying and apologizing. When the nuclear power plant leaked, they never shed a tear!

"It's still early." Naoki glanced at the sky, "See slowly?"


"Going to see Panda now."

Furuhashi and Nanako agreed, and of course there was no objection from Naoki.

In desperation, he could only take them to the panda house. From a distance, they saw a lot of people queuing up, and the line was almost outside the house.

Furuhashi held Ritsu and exclaimed, "There are so many people."

"There really are pandas." Nanako's eyes were excited, "I've never seen it in real life."

"Neither do I."

Once the girls have the same topic, they can chat very quickly. Nanako who had an estrangement with Furuhashi before finally opening the chat box under the panda's temptation.

"A bit hot." Naoki glanced at the sun above his head. It didn't take long for autumn to fall, and he stood under the sun for a while, and his body immediately began to sweat, "I'm going to go buy a cold drink."

"Go and come back quickly, don't delay watching pandas."

Naoki quickly bought a cold drink, two bottles of drink, as for Ritsu, it was a box of milk.

"Thank you Asakawa-san~ It's cold~" Furuhashi tried to open the bottle cap, but she couldn't, so she handed it his drink, "Asakawa-san, help me turn the bottle cap,"

Nanako looked at the bottle cap in her hand, and suddenly felt that the drink was not good.

After drinking a bottle of cold drink, after waiting for a while, the team finally arrived in front of Naoki.

"Real pandas!"

"Very cute!"

"Look, it's a panda!"

A group of adults and children gathered around the glass window, watching the panda inside eating the bamboo, and the panda occasionally waving its paws, which made these people excited and cheered.

"I heard Panda's fighting power is very high." Nanako's eyes lit up, if it weren't for the face, she would have screamed in joy like other girls, "His bite power is amazing, his running speed is very fast and he can quickly climb up to ten meters tall trees, he looks cute, but is actually very strong. "

Naoki looked at him calmly: "Do you know why pandas eat bamboo?"

"Eh?" Nanako was surprised and replied, "Because he like to eat?"

Naoki asked again, "Are pandas carnivores or herbivores?"

"It seems..."

Nanako doesn't know.

This kind of common sense can't answer, are you really a high school student!

"Chiba-san." Furuhashi reminded kindly, "It's written on the introduction card."

Nanako looked at the introduction card not far away, and quickly said: "Of course they are carnivores. What do you ask?"

"As a carnivore, but eat grass every day to survive, is it because of liking it?"

Naoki sighed, "That's because pandas have to eat."

You can't just look at the data to talk about combat power. Pandas seem to be able to fight, but the truth is that the most unbearable shame for pandas is combat power!

After staying at the panda house until the end of the visiting time, Furuhashi and Nanako were reluctant to leave, of course they had to buy some panda related souvenirs before leaving.

After leaving, it was noon, Naoki and his group had a simple lunch and continued to visit the zoo in the afternoon.

"Pleasant?" Naoki walked to Furuhashi's side and asked concernedly, "Are you feeling unwell?"

After lunch, Furuhashi's expression looked a little abnormal.

"No…" Furuhashi raised his hand to cover his forehead and replied, "Maybe it's because the weather is hot, so I'm a little dizzy… I'm fine, Asakawa-san don't worry."


The afternoon passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, it was night.

After bidding farewell to Furuhashi, Naoki and Nanako sent Ritsu back, and then went home respectively.


8 p.m.

Naoki was reading a book when the phone on the corner of the table suddenly vibrated.

Picking up the cell phone, it was a message from Furuhashi.

"Asakawa-san… Do you have time now?"

After a few seconds, it seemed that he felt that he should not disturb people, and the message was withdrawn.

Naoki closed the exercise book and made a direct phone call.

"Hello Asakawa-san?"

Furuhashi's voice rang in his ears.

Naoki said straight to the point, "Did you just text me?"

"I accidentally sent the wrong one." Furuhashi said shyly, "Don't worry about it, I've pulled it."

Naoki said quietly: "This is useful for drawing, what else do you need to do with screenshots?"

Furuhashi raised the volume of his voice, "Ehhh?"

"There is time." Naoki asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Actually it's okay..."


On the other end of the phone, Furuhashi finally stopped holding back, there was a hint of weakness in his voice, "Maybe because I ate too many cold drinks today, and now my stomach hurts…"

Inevitably you send a message asking for help. It shouldn't hurt, but it really hurts!

Naoki thought for a while, and it was indeed Furuhashi's menstrual period. He suddenly remembered that Furuhashi was wrong in the afternoon, and said earnestly, "You started to get sick in the afternoon?"


Furuhashi replied, "But it was just a dull ache in the afternoon, and it's a little more serious now."

So when Naoki asked in the afternoon, Furuhashi said nothing.

There's no point in saying.

Can't let Naoki do that kind of thing at the zoo?

Besides, how could she tell a boy about a girl's secret?

But not anymore.

After Furuhashi came home and took a bath, she originally planned to read and study, but the pain in his stomach became more and more, this pain from the inside out of the body was far from being compared to kicking a toe.

The instantaneous explosion is not very high, the only thing is that the skill lasts for a long time, and it is estimated that it will be painful for the whole night. Under this kind of searing pain, she really couldn't read any books.

As for painless sleep… the premise is being able to sleep.

Furuhashi had personal experience and knew exactly what a sleepless night meant.

In the past, Furuhashi would only survive alone, but when she participated in a school-level competition in summer vacation, she experienced Naoki's Pain Absorption skill...

It turned out that once she tried something once, she couldn't stop.

"I will change my clothes." Naoki stood up, "Go away immediately."

Furuhashi said, "It's a bit late..."

Naoki put on his shirt, "Knock on the door at 12 pm, then it's too late."


15 minutes later.

Outside Furuhashi's house.

Naoki rang the doorbell and waited quietly. After a while, Furuhashi opened the door, "Asakawa-san, come in."

"Excuse me."

Naoki stepped into the entrance and looked at Furuhashi

Furuhashi had obviously taken a bath, and was wearing pink pajamas, his blue hair was slung over his shoulders casually, and the white headband on his head was never absent, his face was clearly pale from discomfort, "Come here very late, thank you very much."

"With a pale face like that, it's obvious you worked hard."

"I'm fine…" Furuhashi said weakly. "What do you want to drink, Asakawa-san?"

"I'm not thirsty." Naoki sat on the sofa and looked at Furuhashi, "Take off your clothes."

"Eh?" Furuhashi complained, "Asakawa-san is too anxious, what if I get seen by Father?"

"Uncle is back?"

"Not yet, so I'm more worried."

"Don't worry." Naoki thought seriously, "Uncle saw us before and didn't say a word."

"Then and now." Furuhashi said angrily, "...Go to my room and talk about it, the living room is not allowed after all."


Naoki stood up and followed Furuhashi upstairs.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Naoki asked.

"Normally it wouldn't be serious…" Furuhashi sighed softly, "If it weren't for the fact that I ate too many cold drinks today, there wouldn't be any problems at all."

Naoki raised his hand and said, "I have a problem."


Naoki curiously asked, "What kind of pain is that?"

"Don't ask girls weird questions." Furuhashi's face turned slightly red. "Have you ever had a stomach ache before?"

"Hmm…" Naoki pressed his stomach, pondered for a few seconds, then shook his head helplessly, "Not really."

There is no real empathy in the world, things don't happen to him, of course Naoki doesn't know how painful it is, he can only say that girls are very harsh.

"No, right?"

Furuhashi reached his hand around Naoki's waist with a gentle smile on his face, "Do you know now?"

Naoki gave up. "Forgive me."

"Hmph." Furuhashi turned his face away, and then said, "It hurts a lot more than before… The scariest thing is that it continues uninterrupted, and I can't sleep even if I want to."

Naoki held Furuhashi's right hand, but it felt very cold, so he clenched it slightly, "Can you fall asleep while doing maths?"

Furuhashi comes into contact with something related to mathematics, she will fall into a dream existence.

The pain was so bad that she couldn't sleep, and she felt sleepy when she saw the math. It was clear the connection between the spear and the shield that one was curious about.

"I've been trying for a long time, but it doesn't work." Furuhashi shook his head, "I still can't sleep."


Furuhashi bit his lower lip "When I have a stomach ache, I get really restless and can't read a single word…"

Naoki's expression became serious: "Tell me as soon as possible."