Ockham's Law of Scissors

Walking into Furuhashi's room, Naoki sniffed softly.

There was a fresh and pleasant scent in the air, which was very familiar, exactly the same as the breath on Furuhashi.

This kind of creature was really strange. It's just that there is a fragrance on his body, the room can be smeared.

If it were in the wild, the fragrance on its body would definitely be like a lamp in the dark night, attracting countless predators!

"The temperature drops at night, and there's a bit of wind, so it might be a little stuffy without opening the windows..."

Furuhashi closed the door and gently covered his lower abdomen with his right hand, "If Asakawa-san feels stuffy, you can open the window."

"Not stuffy at all." Naoki shook his head and said firmly, "It's better to say that it smells good."

"Don't say weird things." Furuhashi's face turned slightly red, and she reached out a hand pointing at the table, "Come to the chair and sit down."


Naoki agreed and walked over to the table by the wall.

Furuhashi should have just read a book, there was an exercise book on the table, and there was an open pencil case and eraser next to it.

Naoki glanced at random, and found that there was not a single mathematical formula on the manuscript paper, only countless notes on "messages" and "not to send".

"When my stomach hurts, I can't calm down and study..." Furuhashi walked quickly, slammed the exercise book together, and hid it behind her.

Naoki sat on the chair and looked at the literary girl, "If your stomach hurts next month, feel free to text me directly."

"I don't want to." Furuhashi turned his face away, "Today, I ate too much cold drink and I blew a lot of wind, so it would be very painful. Maybe next month will be fine."

Naoki said quietly, "What does Murphy's Law say?"

[Translator's note : Murphy's Law = Something, if something goes wrong, it happens]

Furuhashi: "😐"

Hearing what Naoki said, I was suddenly worried about what to do next month.


Concerns about next month's events are now somewhat unfounded. Stay alert, maybe she can get through it safely!

"Next month's business will be discussed next month." Furuhashi crossed his arms, "This topic ends here."

Naoki instructed, "Take off your clothes."


Furuhashi was taken aback.

"I can't hold your pajamas." Naoki looks innocent.

"I know." Furuhashi was annoyed, "Even so, just lift up the pajamas?"

"Then do it quickly."

Furuhashi grabbed the hem of the pajamas with both hands,s he slowly lifted the pajamas little by little.

Male and female.

Share room.

She also had to lift her pajamas to reveal her belly, even though she had prepared for it, she was still embarrassed.

"Move faster, it's too slow."

Naoki insisted.

"Don't be in such a hurry, it's very embarrassing, okay?"

"Not that I never kissed her..."

"Asa~ ka~wa~san?"

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

Chatting effectively diverted Furuhashi's shyness, but his hands were definitely faster.

After a while, she finally lifted her pajamas, showing them slightly above her navel, and turned to look out the window with a flushed face, "...I'll leave the rest to you."

"Leave it to me."

Naoki reached out and grabbed Furuhashi's waist.

The first feeling is that her waist is very thin, and it is not an exaggeration to describe her with a full grip.

Then so soft.

Touch feedback from the fingertips is warm and soft which makes people love it.

Naoki couldn't help pinching her lightly. Besides being soft, there is also a subtle taste.


Suddenly being attacked, a groaning sound rang out

Furuhashi blushed, "Don't pinch!"

"I'm doing an investigation." Naoki didn't show any guilty expression, "Have you eaten too many snacks recently?"

"Hah?" Furuhashi was taken aback, but she quickly reacted, "I don't eat more, and I don't get fat!"

"Now when I study at night, I only eat apples, cakes, strawberry daifuku and other high-calorie desserts when I am hungry, and I have given up everything!"

Naoki was suspicious, "Why does your waist feel softer?"

"Your feelings are wrong." Furuhashi said excitedly, "You pinch again."

"Yes." Naoki nodded "Then pinch again."

Furuhashi lowered his head, "How are you feeling now?"

"It's unclear for now, I need to verify and compare..."

Naoki spoke, while gently pinching Furuhashi's waist, his skin was smooth as if thick fat, which really made people fall in love.

The next moment.

A hand reached out and gently pinched Naoki's ear, the smile on Furusashi's face was quite dangerous, "What about now? Has the verification been completed?"

"It is over." Naoki tilted his head slightly, "The body fat level is very low, please maintain it."

After speaking for a while, Naoki stopped wasting time, and quickly lowered his head and kissed Furuhashi's belly, using his skill Pain Absorption.

The feeling... Nothing special.

It is a faint fragrant smell that lingers on the tip of the nose, and the skin is moist and soft, which makes people always have a subtle desire to lick and taste the taste.

Furuhashi held his pajamas in one hand and covered his lips with the other, and the temperature on his face rose rapidly.

Feeling that the dull pain that made people uneasy had clearly disappeared, Furuhashi was relieved, but also a little worried.

If it continues like this... It's bound to fall, right?

Women have different physiques.

Some girls felt no pain during their period, and they could jump, eat, and drink as usual, this was the category that Furuhashi was most envious of.

On the contrary, she was a very ordinary type. She will feel pain when menstruation visits her.

Fortunately it will not affect his studies and his life. But if she accidentally eats more cold drinks, or has a cold, the pain will be more serious.

Furuhashi didn't think there was anything beforehand. When the pain was unbearable, she usually took painkillers and kept quiet. Because she experienced Pain Absorption during summer vacation, she was never able to return to the past...

After a few minutes.

"How are you feeling now?"

Naoki raised his head and wiped the corners of his lips.

The corners of Furuhashi's lips lifted, a bright smile appearing on his face again. "It's really painless, I feel like I can run a marathon in one breath now without gasping for air."

Humans always know how to appreciate after they have lost something.

Furuhashi had never had a stomach ache, and it was hard to imagine how happy she was that she was usually relaxed.

Furuhashi felt that happiness was now very simple.

"Do not talk too much." Naoki complained, "With your physical fitness, let alone a marathon, you have to lie on the ground if you can't finish the 1,000 meter run."

"It's too much to lie on the ground." Furuhashi prepared to put down his pajamas.

"Do not move."

Naoki reached out his hand to stop her.

"Hah?" Furuhashi turned his head in confusion, "What is it?"

"There's saliva." Naoki took out a tissue and wiped Furusashi's body, "Don't stain the pajamas."

It's also very important after the event, you can't teach yourself to go to the bathroom to take a shower... Too bad a dog can't use it.

"I can do it myself." Furuhashi whispered with a flushed face, "I have to take a shower later."

When everything was done, Naoki glanced at the time, and before he knew it, it was already 8.30pm.

"It's almost time for me to go back..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Naoki suddenly heard the sound of a vehicle coming in from outside.

Went to the window and looked down, a black car slowly stopped in the parking lot.

"Father is back." Furuhashi whispered, "Asakawa-san will leave later…"

While speaking, a woman walked down from the passenger seat of the vehicle.

Naoki turned to look at Furuhashi, his expression a bit complicated.

"Feels a bit familiar..."

Naoki pondered.

"Of course it's familiar, it's still Yumi-san we followed that day."

Watching the two figures walk towards the entrance, Furuhashi said softly, "I have found the answer."

"I saw mom in a dream that day… Mom and I talked a lot."

"Mother told me that people can't always live in memories. Father should have a new life, instead of drowning in sorrow for the rest of his life."

"Mom's wish is that dad and I can be happy." Furuhashi looked at Naoki. "I don't know how many times I've seen dad in a daze… father must be unhappy right now?"

Naoki didn't speak.

In fact, he admired Furuhashi's father. In this era when divorce rates remain high and divorce and remarriage are commonplace, it can be said that men who don't want to remarry because of their dead wife are quite rare.

"I made the decision."

Furuhashi suddenly said.

Naoki looked at Furuhashi. "What did you decide?"

"I want to fulfill mom's wish and make dad happy again!"

Furuhashi's expression was serious, and firm, definitely not on a whim, "...Father really worked hard all these years alone."

The older she got, the more she understood his father's predicament.

Since that night's reconciliation, the clock between father and daughter began to turn again, and Furuhashi gradually discovered that his father was the one who suffered the most.

At least Furuhashi has a lot of friends at school and can find many happy things, looking forward to the future life... But his father seems to live on in his memories forever.

Naoki nodded lightly, listening to the sound of two footsteps passing through the door, "So you agree to this marriage?"

"I don't agree!" Furuhashi vetoed. "When we followed us that day, we saw her going to that kind of hotel with another man...the age difference is so big, how can teachers and students be together?"

Naoki closed the curtain: "As long as you like it, the teacher and students are fine."

"The problem is obviously big, okay?"

"It is not illegal for teachers and students to be together."

Furuhashi was confused. "…You seem to support teacher-student love?"

"Let's talk about your father." Naoki changed the subject, "What's the situation now?"

"Father is a graduate student tutor, and Yumi-senpai is his student. They both study the same math topics, so they sometimes come to do research at night." Furuhashi exhaled softly, "I already asked father, and he said that Yumi-senpai is just an ordinary student, other than that, he doesn't know."

Naoki pondered:

"Could it be that you misunderstood, that woman and your father are just an ordinary teacher-student relationship?"

"There is no misunderstanding." Furuhashi shook his head firmly, "Girls have intuition and can see what the other party is thinking…"

Because of that, Furuhashi suddenly glared at Naoki.


Naoki had very thick skin, and yet he no longer intended to be a real man.

Furuhashi snorted softly and continued: "So now there are two things. The first thing is to let Yumi senpai back off, and don't have any strange thoughts in the future."

"What about the second one?"

Furuhashi said loudly, "Arrange a blind date for father."

For the sake of his father's happiness, Furuhashi actually plans to help arrange a blind date.

"Blind dating is still a long way off, so I'm not thinking too much about it for now." Furuhashi pressed his finger lightly between his forehead and was slightly dizzy, "Does Asakawa-san have any good ideas? "

Naoki thought for a moment and said, "There are many ways."

"What do you think."

Furuhashi's eyes lit up, looking forward to meeting it.

"The first, sending anonymous threatening text messages…"

Before he finished speaking, Furuhashi said simply: "No, next."

"This is the easiest way."

Naoki wants to fight for it, he actually likes Ockham's scissors principle.

[Translator's note: Ockham's scissors principle = This principle states that we should make assumptions not to exceed the minimum requirement]

Do not add entities unless necessary.

Problems that can be solved in a simple way should not be solved in a complicated way.

In most cases, the simpler the solution, the more effective it is.

"It wasn't easy either." Furuhashi complained, "It is illegal to threaten others with anonymous text messages!"

"No wonder Auntie asked me to watch over you so you don't do bad things. You really have a vision… What else?"

Naoki said in a second way, "You can find a private detective and hire another party to investigate Yumi-senpai. After obtaining the evidence, she will naturally withdraw."

"Hah?" Furuhashi asked curiously, "Is there really a profession like a private detective in reality?"

"Of course there is, but we can't reach it." Naoki nodded lightly, "Actually we can also track it down ourselves, but usually we have to go to school, so time and freedom are a problem. "

"Hmm…" Furuhashi thought seriously and mumbled, "This method… write first, then think again… Is there another way?"

"Of course there is." Naoki nodded and said, "The so-called solution is to start with someone else, or start with ourselves… For example, we pretend to be ghosts, so that the other party doesn't dare to come to the door in the future."

The premise is that the other party cannot have a heart disease, the lessons of a certain Lesbian Girl lie ahead, and Naoki must be vigilant.

"This method sounds good, but I find it a bit unreliable…" Furuhashi sighed softly, "Asakawa-san, do you have any more?"

"And the last." Naoki stretched out three fingers.

Furuhashi said speechlessly: "This is definitely the fourth way, why do you only spread three fingers."

"Because there are usually five people in the Four Heavenly Kings team."

"Sorry, I don't understand at all." Furuhashi shook his head, "What is the final solution?"

"Put on your pajamas, go out and knock on the door." Naoki gave a suggestion. "Then the three of you were honest, and you said please leave, and don't come again in the future."

Furuhashi: "😐"