Myth Buster

"Miharu-san, your phone is ringing."

Naoki reminded.

"I listen ..."

After hearing the reminder, Miharu covered her ears in panic.

What is she doing?

When she hears the phone ring, turn it off quickly. What's the point of covering your ears? There's no use covering your ears.

Naoki slightly twitched the corners of his mouth, he was completely speechless. Seeing that Miharu's eyes had changed to mosquito repellent eyes, she was so dizzy that she couldn't hear anything, so Naoki just bent down and grabbed Miharu.


Miharu immediately panicked, her eyes widened, and she looked at Naoki in panic.

What does Asakawa want to do?

Why did he suddenly raise herself up?


It's still... a princess-carrying hug?

Miharu suddenly remembered the shoujo manga she had read. Every shoujo manga has a princess hug. Back then, she had wondered what it felt like to be hugged by a boy, but now she finally experienced it for herself.


So nervous!

She had to press her lips tightly together and hold her breath.

Obviously, Onee-sama was right outside the door, but in the apartment directly across from the door, she was hugged by a boy that Onee-sama liked, let alone being in the intimate position of carrying a princess… Betrayal, clearly betrayed Onee-sama.

Of course, Naoki didn't think much of it, he picked up Miharu who was dizzy, quickly turned around, walked to the living room with a few steps, then put Miharu on the sofa.

The moment his body came into contact with the sofa, Miharu's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Hugs bring princess.


Man without clothes...

After a similar plot appears in a shoujo manga, the next step is definitely a kiss and a confession!


Naoki raised his eyebrows slightly.

You're not an elementary school kid anymore, why is your face as red as a boiled lobster?

"No, you can't..."

Seeing Naoki stretch out his hand, Miharu hastily closed her eyes, but unfortunately the sound entered her mouth, leaving only the barely audible buzzing of mosquitoes.

"What is wrong?" Naoki asked incoherently.

Trouble right!

Miharu's heart trembled, and a manga she had been reading quickly came to mind.

Similar scene, same line.

After the protagonist finished saying 'what's wrong', he would use his finger to lift the Heroine's chin, then immediately kiss her!

(Ahhh! I'm going to be kissed by force!)

(If my first kiss is taken, I can never marry someone else!)

(Wait a minute, when I accidentally got drunk at the sorority party and was rescued by Asakawa, I had already kissed Asakawa, and I still took the initiative... So, it's been impossible to marry someone else for a long time?)

After closing her eyes, her other senses became sharper. Miharu could clearly feel the temperature and heat from Naoki's fingertips, and her skin was even shaking.

It's just that the touch of the fingertip is a bit strange.

Not the chin, but the forehead.

"No fever." Naoki lightly touched Miharu's forehead, and quickly said wordlessly, "Miharu-san is having wild thoughts again?"

Miharu's eyelashes fluttered, and she opened one eye.

"I just brought you here because I was worried about being found out by sensei." Naoki explained, "Stay away from the door, and of course the sound of the cellphone won't be heard."

"Is that so?"

Miharu covered her chest with her hands, and she leaned nervously against the corner of the couch, like a little white rabbit under a tiger's claws.

"If not?" Naoki asked subtly "Miharu-san thinks what do I want to do to you?"

"I didn't think of anything!"

Miharu quickly turned her head away.

"I will get dressed." Naoki shrugged, turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Only then did Miharu remember that the man in front of her was still naked, so she hurriedly wanted to close her eyes, raised her hand halfway, and placed it back on her chest in hesitation.

She hadn't watched it in a long time, and it seemed pointless to cover her eyes now, besides they were actually similar to summer beach shorts, only tighter.

The bedroom door closed gently.

Miharu's ears twitched slightly, and after hearing the movement, she quickly turned her head, looked at the closed door, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I can't always think wildly!"

Miharu patted her cheeks lightly twice, then took out her cell phone from her bag.

"Sure enough, this is Onee-sama's calls..."

Seeing the missed calls on the phone, Miharu swiped at the screen with her finger, hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't muster up the courage to call back.

"Wait a moment and leave immediately, Onee-sama is back, so don't worry."

Miharu put down the phone guiltily, her eyes suddenly moved, and fell onto the paper shopping bag beside her.

The shopping bag toppled over as he stood up, and a manga slipped from it. On the cover were two girls with similar appearances, and there was a very conspicuous age warning on the side.

Do not read under the age of 18.

"Is this… That kind of manga?"

Miharu's curiosity quickly piqued.

Miharu naturally knew of the existence of adult manga.

In fact, when she came to play before, she saw a doujin in Naoki's bedroom, and the visual impact was never forgotten for a long time.

Thinking of the past memories, the temperature on Miharu's face rises again.

"You are clearly under 18 years old, but you actually bought this kind of manga… Illegal behavior, it should be banned!"

"But he is a boy after all, and having needs is normal..."

"These two look very similar, they should be sisters?"

Miharu's eyes subconsciously fell onto the cover, hesitated for a while, but still unable to contain her curiosity, she carefully stretched out her right hand and picked up the manga.

"Strange, why are there two people on the cover?"

Miharu was flustered and muttered to herself, because she didn't have the understanding knowledge of an adult.

"Such a manga should only have one boy and one girl?"

Miharu nervously opened the manga while listening to movement in the bedroom.

"We will see."

"I am already 18 years old, so there is no problem at all."

The content of the story is very simple.

In the beginning, the long-haired girl among the sisters asked the protagonist to buy a drink, and then led to the background of the story.

"They really are sisters. One girl is called Ako, and the other is called Riko. The three of them are childhood friends who grew up together…"

This doujin rarely pays attention to the plot, after briefly introducing the identity and relationship of the three people, it will quickly get into the topic.

Two girls came to play with the boys, but because of the rain, they could only stay the night.

The room was really small, the three of them slept on the tatami in the living room, and the boy actually slept in the middle, then...

"It kisses easily?"

"Obviously Riko is still around, will he be heard?"

"Too much, he's already with Riko, and he's still doing that kind of thing with Ako!"

"W-what? Since he likes her so much, it's fine if the three of you go on a date?"

"How did the three of you manage to do something like that together?"

Miharu only felt that her world view had been affected by the violence.

The rows of sisters serving rice and the three of them together forever churned up in her mind.

And the girl with super brain power, can't help but substitute herself into it.


Dark and rainy night.

Apartment living room.

The three of them sleep together.

A strange sound came from behind, sounding like crying out in unbearable pain, she could only turn her back, bite her lip and cover her mouth, and pretend to be asleep.

Suddenly, Onee-sama's sweet voice reached her ears.

"Miharu, are you really awake?"

"Eavesdropping is not a good boy."

"Would you like to join and join us?"


"No way, no way, no way!"

Miharu quickly shook her head, dispelled the image in her mind, and covered her cheeks that were about to burn with her hand: "Onee-sama wouldn't say such a thing!"

The sound of the door being opened was heard.

Miharu was so scared that she almost jumped off the couch. In a panic, she instinctively stuffed the manga into her tote bag.


Naoki came out of the bedroom, and he could see Miharu's oddity at a glance.

Sitting up straight, with a wandering guilty look in her eyes, she looked like an elementary school student who was caught stealing candy and caught red-handed.

"I didn't see anything!"

Miharu quickly denied it, but she felt guilty no matter how it sounded.

Naoki's eyes fell on the shopping bag, and after a quick glance, he already knew why Miharu was blushing.

You're still a student, you've only read doujin, so why panic!

Yuika, a junior high school student a few years younger than you, even played galgames with her, and she never saw her being shy.

"It's almost time, we can pass." Naoki reminded.

Naoki didn't take the opportunity to bully Miharu, after all, she was Mafuyu's little sister, so he had to keep her distance.

"Ah... Un."

Miharu nodded quickly, stood up abruptly, then walked out.

"Wait." Naoki suddenly shouted.

"What is it?"

Miharu suddenly panicked, covering her chest with her hands nervously, as if worried that Naoki would suddenly change his mind and turn into a werewolf.

"Miharu-san, your face is too red, better go to the bathroom and wash your face." Naoki complained "Don't let sensei doubt us."

"I see."

Miharu rushes into the bathroom, looks at herself in the mirror with her cheeks burning, quickly wets her towel, then rubs it on her face.

A subtle breath flowed to the tip of her nose, which was completely different from the cosmetics she usually used.

Miharu reacted after noticing it.

"Wait... I think this is Asakawa's towel?"

All in all, it took a few minutes for Miharu to get out of the bathroom.

The effect of the cold water was great, and it managed to bring Miharu's face back to normal, leaving only a slight blush remaining.

"Let's go."

Naoki put down his glass of water.

Miharu stuttered "You have to keep what just happened a secret, don't tell Onee-sama."


Naoki immediately agreed.

The two left the apartment together and knocked on the door.

"Are you here?"

The door opened quickly, and Mafuyu had already changed into his favorite pink tracksuit.

"Onee-sama..." Miharu whispered.

Hearing this, Mafuyu raised her eyebrows.

"It really is a pig teammate."

Naoki sighed inwardly.

Her acting skills are very bad. Miharu usually looks at Mafuyu, whenever she is happy, she can't wait to throw herself into Mafuyu's arms. Today, her voice is hesitant and her eyes are erratic. She almost wrote guilt all over her face. Her acting skills are not as good as Ichika's little finger!

"Come in, it's cold outside." Mafuyu didn't ask.

"I just went out to buy some New Year's gifts, and I haven't been back for a long time."


Miharu lowered her head and changed her shoes.

"What New Years present did sensei buy?" asked Naoki.


Mafuyu folded her right arm around her chest, half closed her eyes and looked up.

Naoki stretched out his hand and pointed at the kitchen: "Sensei, I'd like some tea."


The two of them walked into the kitchen one by one.

"Sensei, Miharu-san was in my apartment just now..."

Naoki only betrayed Miharu, his stupid pig teammate, he couldn't save her even if he wanted to.

Mafuyu listened to the narration silently, with a calm face, clearly guessing the truth, but still a little worried

"…You weren't bullying Miharu, were you?"

Naoki asked back: "If I bully Miharu-san, what will Sensei do?"

Mafuyu's face froze, and she used a death stare skill.

Since Naoki's showdown, she has known Naoki's ruffian nature, but if she finds out that he cares, she still bullies Miharu...


Immediately sentenced to death!

There is a system of capital punishment in Japan, but only by hanging, and nothing else.

"I know it." Naoki raised his hand "As long as sensei doesn't leave me, I won't bully Miharu-san."

After a pause, Naoki added:

"If Miharu-san takes the initiative to bully me, sensei can't bend the law for personal gain."

"No way, Miharu won't do that kind of thing."

Mafuyu was quite confident.

She can't say too much, Miharu is just an ordinary girl, because she's human, she has moments of impulsiveness, just now she peeked at the doujin!

After drinking a cup of tea and eating two pieces of baked rice cake, Miharu finally calmed down: "Onee-sama, when are you coming home tomorrow?"

"Let's leave at 8 in the morning." Mafuyu pondered, "There might be traffic jams on the way, so start early to avoid getting stuck on the road."

"Understood." Miharu took a sip of tea, happily, "Onee-sama hasn't been home for New Years for several years, and when you come back tomorrow, parents must be very happy."


Mafuyu's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she answered softly.

Due to her past stubbornness, she hasn't come home for New Years in several years, if she doesn't meet her mother with Naoki, she will have to stay alone this year.

Thinking of this, Mafuyu subconsciously looked at Mafuyu.

"Sensei, do I want to come back with you tomorrow?"

Naoki raised his hand and asked.

"What would you do?" Mafuyu was confused.

Naoki sipped the tea: "Didn't Auntie tell you to bring your boyfriend home for New Years? If not, who else will come?"

"Almost forget." Miharu tapped her forehead and hurriedly said, "Onee-sama, what should be done?"


Mafuyu's face blushed slightly, biting her lower lip with her white teeth: "Miharu and I have enough to go back."

"Mom asked what to do?" Miharu is worried.

"It's time to play around." Mafuyu rarely complained, "Let him go back with him, Dad might faint."

"Very likely." Miharu nodded.

Mafuyu is a high school teacher, she brings her student home and says that he is her boyfriend, with father's antique personality, she definitely can't accept it.

Naoki sighed, and said regretfully, "Then I can only leave after graduating from high school."

"I can't say." Miharu couldn't help but say, "At least you won't be able to go home with Onee-sama until you graduate from university."

Coming home after graduating high school, doesn't that mean Onee-sama and you had an affair in high school?

Naoki said earnestly: "The law stipulates that one can get married after graduating from high school."

Mafuyu uses the skill Death Gaze.

"That's right..." Miharu winked, and suggested in a low voice, "You can secretly marry Onee-sama, and wait until you graduate from university to have a wedding..."


Mafuyu couldn't take it anymore, and tapped Miharu's head with her finger:

"You two stop here."


Dinner together.

After Naoki finished his tea, he took the initiative to leave without being urged by Mafuyu.

"Hah? The manga is still in the bag."

Miharu was taking the phone charger, she suddenly found that the manga was still in the bag, she was too nervous earlier and forgot to take it out.

Peeking at Mafuyu taking a shower in the bathroom, Miharu carefully sneaks out of the apartment, preparing to return the manga to Naoki, only to find that the apartment is empty.

"Where's Asakawa?"


At the same time.

Naoki stood at the door of Nanako's house and rang the doorbell.

"...Why are you here?"

Opening the door and seeing Naoki standing outside the door, Nanako's face quickly turned red.

"Too cold." Naoki said firmly "I will come here to warm your bed."


Nanako spat softly and wanted to close the door: "You come back, I will turn on the air conditioner at night."

"Turning on the air conditioner consumes too much electricity, and it will also cause global warming and sea level rise." Naoki pushed open the door and walked to the entrance, "For the sake of all mankind, energy conservation and emission reduction starts with me."

"...No shame!"

Nanako glared at him with a red face.

According to what you said, if it doesn't let you bully, I apologize to all humans!

"You haven't changed your clothes yet?" Naoki's eyes fell on Nanako.

Or daytime jackets and skirts.

"I just came back." Nanako yawned, "I have to help sell doujinshi tomorrow morning, so tired."

"Thank you." Naoki nodded "I'll help you wash up."

"Who cares?"

Nanako's face turned red.

The bath is fake, but the oppressive is real, and everything is written on his face, and he doesn't even cover it!

"Don't get me wrong, I only took the job of spreading rumours." Naoki said seriously "I just want to verify the rumours."

"What rumours?"

Nanako is curious.

"I've seen a saying on Twitter." Naoki said with sparkling eyes, "Boys only need ten minutes to take a shower, and girls need half an hour to take a bath. If a boy and girl bathe together, they can bathe until dawn.. I wonder..."

Nanako raised her right leg, kicked it with her toe, and couldn't help complaining, "Bath until dawn, the water in the bath must be very cold!"

"Just as I thought." Naoki nodded in agreement "That's why I have to verify it and put an end to the rumours."

"Tsk, you can verify it yourself."


After a day of outdoor activities, it's bound to get sweaty, so Nanako has to take a shower before going to bed.

Facing Naoki who was about to rub his back, Nanako hummed twice and didn't care.

There's no reason to refuse someone to help with the back rub, and he would never agree to anything else.

The bathroom was very slippery, if one accidentally fell, it would hurt his knee.

Moreover, if she easily agreed to it, how about going to places like the kitchen balcony to verify the rumours?

We must stick to the bottom line and never back down!


Two hours later.

Naoki walked out of the bathroom holding Nanako who had no strength and wouldn't even move a finger.

Rumor verification complete.

Sure enough, it was impossible to bathe in the bathroom overnight, and after only two hours, Nanako couldn't hold on any longer.

"I'm thirsty, quickly get me a glass of water."

Nanako sat lazily at the head of the bed, for some reason her voice was hoarse.

"Milk or iced water?" Naoki said freshly.

Nanako thought for two seconds:

"I want to drink it all."


Naoki came down, and immediately appeared with a glass of water and a bottle of milk in his left hand.

"Do you want me to give you a drink?" Naoki sat beside the bed.


Nanako took the glass of water, and drank it all in one gulp.

The temperature in the bathroom is too high, and the water is lost a lot when taking a shower, and now it needs to be refilled urgently.

After drinking the water, Nanako drank the milk in one gulp, then let out a satisfied sigh, then grit her teeth and glared at Naoki, before kicking him:

"Are you using your ability to cheat?"

"I don't." Naoki denied seriously, grabbed Nanako's feet, and helped massage her feet, "Don't dirty people's innocence."


"That's not a lie." Naoki said "By the way, there are indeed abilities that could be useful, do you want to give them a try?"

"... What ability?"

"Temporarily increases the body's sensitivity."

Nanako opened her eyes wide: "Dirty!"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Nanako, who was also very curious, coughed softly:

"Then give it a try."



"Huh, why so early?"

Nanako opened her eyes in confusion, only to find that the sky outside the window had brightened.

Naoki's voice sounded faint: "You fainted last night.".