You can have four children in the future!

"I go."

After taking a shower and having breakfast, Nanako put on her scarf and was ready to go out.

Today was the last day of the year-end, but the winter manga fair was still being held, and she had to go out in the morning to help Mami sell doujinshi.

Naoki walked out, preparing to return to the apartment, and asked casually:

"When will you be back?"

"What would you do?"

Nanako suddenly showed a wary expression.

Naoki: "After you get back from work, text me, and I'll come look for you..."

"Don't come at me!"

Nanako hurriedly interrupted, her face flushed red, and she couldn't help but scream:

"Don't be full of that kind of thing in your head you idiot, can't you give your kidneys a holiday!"

"My kidneys are fine." Naoki said seriously "You know very well if I want to take a vacation."


Nanako spat lightly, and she still has some fear even now.

Out of curiosity last night, she tried the buff bonus to increase sensitivity, it was very scary, and it had already created a psychological image!

"Get down to business." Naoki quickly suppressed his smile and looked at Nanako "Come to my house for dinner."

"...What did you say?"

Nanako opened her eyes wide, thinking she was hallucinating.

"Come back early in the afternoon." Naoki said, "Come to my house to celebrate New Years together at night."

Nanako's eyelashes trembled slightly, she turned her head away, and said in an indifferent tone:

"I won't go... New Year's Day isn't an ordinary day, what will I do as an outsider?"

"That's too much for you to say."


"You obviously called me last night…"


Nanako was so angry that she kicked.

Last night, taking advantage of other people's danger, you forced yourself to call you father, and now that you dare mention it, you are seeking your own death!

Naoki took half a step back to avoid it, and continued:

"All in all, you are not an outsider after all, and you will come home with me as my girlfriend in the afternoon."

"Tsk, who wants to be your girlfriend?"

Nanako's face turned red, she pretended to be disgusted, but the corners of her lips lifted involuntarily, and she snorted softly, "It was just a momentary impulse."

Naoki sighed: "Girls are really like this. As soon as they get the boy's body, eat it and clean it, they start to think about shirking responsibility."

"No shame!"

Nanako wanted to bite someone after hearing this.

You bastard with a harem, how dare you say this!

"Come back in the afternoon." Naoki waved his hand, turned and walked towards the apartment, "Then I'll pick you up."

Watching Naoki's back leaving in the morning light, Nanako pressed her chest, and could clearly hear his rapid heartbeat.

The mother has rearranged the family, and the father seems to have found a new life, only one person left in place alone.

She thought herself could only celebrate New Year with kabuinujiro tonight... Sorry, kabuinujiro, I'll add chicken feet for you tonight!


Naoki immediately returned to the apartment, then took a shower and changed clothes.

The time to get up in the morning is quite early, so it's only natural to do morning exercises, and it is undeniable that there will be odor on the body.

After taking a shower, Naoki took out his cell phone and sent a message to Miharu.

"Miharu-san, are you home yet?"

"Of course not. We left not too long ago," Miharu complained, "The traffic jam has started."

Naoki: "Let sensei drive slowly."

"Don't worry, Onee-sama's driving skills are very good." Miharu said firmly, "With Onee-sama's talent, there's no problem at all as a racer."

Naoki: "Text me when you get home."


Miharu faltered "That…"


"That's enough."

Miharu quickly put down the phone, carefully pressed the bag on her lap, and the tips of her ears turned red.

Inside the backpack is a doujin that I couldn't return to last night.

Too bad Naoki didn't come back all night last night.

Doujin hadn't returned yet, and couldn't be left in the apartment, so she could only bring her home.

Just take it back for temporary storage, and return it to Naoki next time she comes to play.

It's the only way.

Even if she took it back, she would never see it again.

I, Kirisu Miharu, will do as I say!


Naoki put his phone away, changed clothes, and headed out to buy New Year's gifts.

After some hectic work, it was only during the day that he realized it.

Naoki was just about to find a place to eat when his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Asakawa-kun, something's wrong!"

Immediately after connecting, a bright and pleasant sound rang in my ears.


"Nino's gone!"

Ichika quickly said: "Today is New Year, Izu is having a celebration here, the five of us went out to play together, Nino suddenly disappeared."

"Half an hour has passed, and I can't find anyone, and I can't reach her cell phone."

"Is lost?"

Naoki raised his eyebrows.

"Possible." Ichika said.

Naoki said again: "Are you sure it was Nino who got lost, not Miku?"

"Reckless Asakawa, why must I get lost?"

Miku's voice came from the cell phone, and sounded displeased.

You can get lost at the school gate, it's only natural that you might get lost one day!

"I'll be there soon."



"Wait a moment." Ichika whispered "We are on the way, there are a lot of people, wait until we find a place where there are no people."


After a while.

Ichika texted: "Asakawa-kun, you can come now."


Naoki went into the bathroom and used teleportation.

The next moment.

"I come."

Naoki appears in a remote alley, with four girls in front of him.

Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki, indeed one Nino is missing.

"Eh?" Yotsuba heard the movement, turned around first, saw Naoki, and the smile on her face was very bright and happy, "Good day, Asakawa-san."

The other girls turned around one after another.

Ichika puffed her cheeks: "Asakawa-kun is too good, why does every teleport appear behind us?"

"As the messenger, it's normal to appear behind you."

Naoki answered with a smile.


Itsuki couldn't help but scream out of joy. Upon seeing Asakawa, the ahoge hair on top of his head swayed.

Naoki looked at Itsuki and laughed: "Itsuki, long time no see."

"Just a week..."

Just as Itsuki wanted to say how long it had been, she counted her fingers and suddenly realized that it was indeed a long time.

Since moving in, she and Naoki have been at the next table. They attend class together, eat together in the cafeteria during the day, and are teacher-student status. They could see each other on weekends, during what seemed like long summer vacations, they went to extra school together again, seeing each other every now and then.

Itsuki had come to Izu from Tokyo after Christmas, and until the last day of the year, a week had passed before she realized it, which was actually the longest parting time of the entire year.

"Reckless Asakawa, Nino is truly lost." Miku always wears her headphones around her neck and says, "It's been a long time since texting us."

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Naoki nodded lightly, "The phone can't be connected, maybe it's broken."

"You're all blind, it's normal for Nino to get lost alone."

Miku puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction: "…that pisses me off!"

Ichika smiled and nodded, imitating the example: "Asakawa-kun, seppuku!"

Miku turned and turned: "Ichika, those are my words."

Ichika lifted her chin: "It's mine now."

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much. Nino isn't a child," Yotsuba raised her hand and said, "Nino must have run into some trouble, so she didn't contact us, let's look again."

Naoki and the four girls walked out of the alley, facing the endless blue sea.

The sky was blue, as if it had just been washed with water, and there were only a few white, cotton candy-like clouds floating in the sky.

The warm sea breeze blows directly, bringing moist and warm sea air.

Ichika raised her hand and played with the hair beside her ear: "Asakawa-kun, does it snow in Tokyo?"

"It snowed the day before yesterday." Naoki nodded "Snow not so much."

"It doesn't snow in Izu, definitely not far from Tokyo." Yotsuba said regretfully, "The sun is so good, I don't even need a scarf."

"It's very simple." Ichika clasped her hands together "If you want to see snow on Izu, just ask Miku."

Miku puffed out her cheeks "What does that have to do with me?"

Ichika: "Miku can use the snow summoning technique to make heavy snow fall."

"I refuse." Miku couldn't help but moan, "You all can do that kind of thing. At Christmas in Tokyo, it doesn't matter to me if it snows."

"Cough cough."

Itsuki hears the words, looks away guiltily, and remembers the scene of Naoki and Yotsuba meeting at the mall that night, then being tricked into wearing a cheongsam.

"Eh?" Ichika tilted her head and turned her head "Why is Itsuki blushing all of a sudden?"

"Too hot." Itsuki turned her head away, and the ahoge hair on top of his head shook with guilt, "Everyone split up, and find Nino quickly."

"Right, finding Nino is the most important thing right now." The Yotsuba offered to help, "Remember to call any time."

"Why don't you stay here and don't move, and I will look for Nino alone?"

Naoki made a suggestion.

"Hey, why?" Itsuki was confused.

"Have you forgotten about the forest school?" Naoki said in a low tone "I'm afraid that after finally finding Nino, you guys get lost again."

Ichika: "Asakawa-kun is too good."

Miku: "Underestimates people."

Yotsuba: "Such a thing won't happen!"

Itsuki: "...Grilled corn is delicious, do you want some?"

Naoki stared at the roasted corn, and said quietly, "It's all full of your saliva."

"I just took a small bite, and I don't want to eat the rest." Itsuki complained. "What are you talking about, it's not like you've never eaten it..."

"Cough cough."

Itsuki blushed, and quickly swallowed back her next words.

"Sorry, I am wrong." Naoki sincerely apologized, "Give me some roasted corn."

"No, if you want to eat, buy it yourself."

"Don't act alone, at least two people." Naoki said, "Just in case anyone gets lost alone again."

Yotsuba quickly said: "I'm in the same group as Itsuki."

"Then let me be on a team with Miku." Ichika raised her hand in salute "Please rest assured, Commander, I will take care of Miku and not let her get lost."

Miku: "I won't get lost."

Discussion is over.

They quickly divided into three groups.

Before leaving, Itsuki also handed over roasted corn.

"Asakawa-san, sunglasses."

Yotsuba handed it a pair of sunglasses, which were a small prize she had just won in a street game.

Holding Itsuki's roasted corn, Naoki eats it while searching for the missing Nino.

The Izu Peninsula has always been a tourist attraction. Coupled with abundant sunshine and mild temperatures, it has become the choice of many people for New Year's holidays.

Along the way, Naoki discovers that there are actually a lot more people than Tokyo.

Past the bustling crowd, Naoki dumped the finished grilled corn bamboo sticks into the trash can at the supermarket entrance, then crossed the street and arrived at a rock near the sea.

Sea breeze blows.

A girl with long hair that reached her waist and a black hair ornament on her temples held her hands in front of her chest, her eyes wide open, and she stared blankly at the passers-by in front of her.

If not Nino, who else?

Naoki steps in front of Nino, suddenly, and finds something wrong.

He had already come to the front, how come there was still a blank expression?

Pushing his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, Naoki squeezed his throat and lowered his voice:

"Excuse me, would you like to have a drink together?"

Hearing this sentence, Nino showed a look of disdain on his face: "No need, I'm waiting for someone."

Of course Naoki wouldn't go, "It's okay, you can wait for your friends to come, and let's have a drink together."

Nino was even more disgusted, her brows furrowed, she half closed her eyes, her vision was blurry because she didn't wear contact lenses, she felt that the man in front of her was somehow familiar, but he was wearing very reckless sunglasses, and his voice was completely different.

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend." Nino's face was tense and his tone was disgusted, "He will come soon, please go."

It's already very unlucky today, and she still meets a flirtatious guy to strike up a conversation, it's really annoying.

"What's your boyfriend's name?" Naoki smiled "I might know him."

Nino's face was expressionless, and she didn't even want to say anything.

Saying that she has a boyfriend and you still don't want to go, this is no longer teasing, but harassment!

"I can see the marriage line in other people." Naoki pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and continued to use the voice modifier, "Miss, your boyfriend should be a high school student in the same class as you?"

"How do you know?" Nino exclaimed.

"I can see the future of two people who are married, let me see…" Naoki lowered his voice and continued, "You still have four sisters?"

"What?" Nino was surprised.

Indeed, is this person a super power like Naoki?

Thinking of this, Nino quickly raised the danger level of the man in the sunglasses in front of her, and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment." Naoki called out to Nino, "Don't you want to know what will happen to your wedding then?"

Nino stopped involuntarily, her face full of vigilance.

If this man dared to be overly demanding, she would turn around and leave immediately, if he dared to continue harassing her, she would directly call the police!

Naoki doesn't know that Nino thinks of him as a bad person, and continues:

"In the future I see along marriage lines, you will marry your current boyfriend after graduating from college, and have four children at once… Weird, the future is actually six people together."


Nino clasped her hands in front of his chest, and snorted in disdain, "With my grades, I can't get into college at all."

Naoki spoke confidently: "I said you can pass the test, and you will definitely pass."

Nino blinked her eyes, the black hair ornament on her temples suddenly trembled, and she stepped forward abruptly.

"What are you doing now?"

Naoki took half a step back, and continued to pull the distance. Even though Nino's eyesight is poor, he can still be recognized if she gets too close.


Nino shouted coquettishly, stepped forward steadily, grabbed Naoki's scarf, then removed the sunglasses on Naoki's face.

The four eyes face each other.

Surprise aside, Nino's blue eyes were clearly ablaze.

"Stupid Asakawa! It really is you!"

"Sorry I was wrong."

The fortune-teller's disguise had been broken, Naoki apologized emphatically, and his attitude was quite sincere.

Nino smiled dangerously: "Can you see the wedding, right?"

"That's right." Naoki said firmly, "The future of marriage is already ruined."

"Four kids, right?"

"As long as you want, I'm fine…"

"Shameless!" Nino's eyes brightened, and the butterfly hair ornament on his temples was about to fly away, "How dare you change your voice to lie to me, and I will settle accounts with you later… Why did you come to Izu?"

"Long story..."

Naoki led Nino, walked back to the bench and sat down, then explained the problem clearly.

"How do you recognize me?"

Naoki asked curiously.

"I thought the height and build were very familiar, but I couldn't see clearly." Nino lifted her chin victoriously, "Only after you said the last sentence, I was able to pass the test, this is not the first time you have said this."

"Although the sound is different, the tone is exactly the same."

"Fix it next time."

"You still want to lie to me next time?" Nino raised his voice.

"Not dare."

Nino tightly held Naoki's right hand, interlocking his fingers. She had just been standing alone by the roadside, and her eyes couldn't see clearly. Even she was a little scared, and then she started to complain.

"I was chatting with my friends last night. I accidentally spoke too late. After waking up in the morning, my eyes are sore and uncomfortable. I don't use contact lenses, I go out with regular glasses. Who knows if I accidentally dropped it on the ground and it was crushed by someone."

"So." Naoki nodded "Where's your phone?"

Nino's eyesight has always been poor, she is extremely nearsighted, and has trouble walking without glasses when she goes out.

Rather than wandering around alone, it was safer to stay put and wait for Miku and the others to find them.

"It phone was taken." Nino immediately gritted his teeth.

Naoki couldn't help but frown: "Someone snatched your phone?"

Nino shook his head: "The person who snatched my phone isn't human..."