Little Taotie was embarrassed to say that the flowers on Hua Jinyan's head used to be rich and colorful, seemingly encompassing every kind of flower.
His head was like a mountain, covered in blossoming flowers, each blooming fiercely.
Later, when he heard that he liked roses, thereafter, only roses would bloom on his head.
Little Taotie looked at the rose bracelet on her wrist and whispered softly, "It's almost like the flowers on the bracelet, lots of them, and very bright in color."
Hua Jinyan's lips curved up into a smile, "I'm glad."
Little Taotie looked at him with confusion, not understanding what he was happy about.
"I'm glad that the flowers blooming on my head are the ones you like."
"It wasn't like that before..."
"Are you saying that the flowers that used to bloom on my head weren't roses?"
Little Taotie nodded.
Hua Jinyan smiled with a sunny disposition, "That means they bloomed just for you. Do you like them?"