Chapter 504. Waiting For Your Return

Xiao Zeyu's black eyes were filled with killing intent. He immediately ordered his soldiers. Speed was the most essential thing in war. Only by catching them off guard could they win. The Northern Barbarian soldiers would never have dreamed that they would discover a spy today and a large army would be at their border at night.

While Xiao Zeyu went to the battlefield to gather his troops, Yelu Chun got up and left the city to mobilize his troops. When he left, he saw Xiaoying cooking with a few women in the outer room. His gaze could no longer accommodate anyone else. He strode over to Xiaoying and said,

"Xiaoying, I'm going to war."

Xiaoying had already heard their conversation from the outer room. Her clear eyes were filled with worry. At this moment, thousands of words were condensed into one sentence.

"Be careful."

Seeing the worry in Xiaoying's eyes, Yelu Chun chuckled. His deep eyes did not hide his love, and his voice was confident.