Chapter 505. Pursuit

"Where is this person?"

Su Qing's eyes lit up. This Han man should be Qiu Yongkang. Because he had come up with an idea, the Celestial Master was blamed by the Emperor. That was why the Celestial Master was so angry that he wanted to refine him into a pill.

"I've already thrown him into the alchemy furnace."

The servant trembled as he replied. They thought that Su Qing and Xiao Zeyu had come to save the Han man and that they would be angry at them if they knew that the Heavenly Teacher had already refined that man into a pill.

"Were there only the two of them at that time?"

Su Qing raised her eyebrows. 'If the Taoist Master wanted to refine Qiu Yongkang into a pill, would he still need to use knockout powder?'

No matter how she thought about it, it was impossible!