
Xu Youyou held Mo Shenbai's arm and said softly, "He has never had a father since he was young, and he has always treated you like his father. Even if you're cold and stern with him, he still really likes you."

Something flashed in Mo Shenbai's eyes, and his Adam's apple bobbed. "Are you thinking about your childhood?"

Xu Youyou's eyes flashed in surprise. 'How does he know everything?'

"I've been with my grandmother ever since I can remember. My parents only see me once in a very, very long time. At that time, I really envied others for being able to stay with their parents all the time."

The desire for parental love was instinctive for every child. Xu Youyou had never been with her parents since she was young and had always been with her grandmother. Moreover, there were always rumors about her. The rumors ranged from her being a monster to her being her father's illegitimate daughter, which was why she was staying in the countryside.